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gitter 卸载_最佳的Gitter渠道:数据科学和机器学习


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最佳的Gitter渠道:数据科学和机器学习 (Best Gitter Channels for: Data Science & Machine Learning)

Calling all data science, machine learning & deep learning enthusiasts out there! We have lots of cutting-edge projects for you being discussed in the Gitter channels, ranging from mapping brain activity at scale, computer vision, neural networks, data visualization to natural language processing. Check out the list below and don’t hesitate to join the conversation.

召集所有数据科学,机器学习和深度学习爱好者! 我们在Gitter渠道中为您讨论了许多前沿项目,从大规模地绘制大脑活动,计算机视觉,神经网络,数据可视化到自然语言处理。 查看下面的列表,不要犹豫,加入对话。

  • Pandas — Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more.

    Pandas —灵活,功能强大的Python数据分析/操作库,提供与R data.frame对象,统计函数等类似的标记数据结构。

  • OpenAI Gym — OpenAI Gym is a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms. It supports teaching agents everything from walking to playing games like Pong or Go.

    OpenAI Gym — OpenAI Gym是用于开发和比较强化学习算法的工具包。 它支持教学人员从步行到玩PongGo之类的游戏。

  • OpenWorm — Unified, simple data access library for data & facts about C. elegans anatomy.

    OpenWorm —统一,简单的数据访问库,用于存储有关秀丽隐杆线虫解剖的数据和事实。

  • Deeplearning4j — Open-source, distributed deep learning project in Java and Scala.

    Deeplearning4j — Java和Scala中的开源分布式深度学习项目。

  • Numenta/public — Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing.

    Numenta / public —智能计算的Numenta平台。

  • Thunder — Large-scale neural data analysis with Spark.


  • scikit-learn — Machine learning in Python.

    scikit学习 — Python中的机器学习。

  • Redash — Rethinking how data is queried, shared and visualized. A web application that allows to easily query an existing database, share the dataset and visualize it in different ways.

    Redash —重新考虑如何查询,共享和可视化数据。 一个Web应用程序,允许轻松查询现有数据库,共享数据集并以不同方式对其进行可视化。

  • H2O — H2O scales statistics, machine learning, and math over Big Data.

    — H2O扩展了大数据的统计,机器学习和数学功能。

  • dp — Deep learning library designed for streamlining research and development using the Torch7.

    dp —深度学习库,旨在使用Torch7简化研发。

  • Awesome deep vision — A curated list of deep learning resources for computer vision.

    很棒的深度视觉 -精选的计算机视觉深度学习资源列表。

  • Caffe — A fast framework for deep learning.

    咖啡 —深度学习的快速框架。

  • Distributed Machine Learning in C++ — A common code-base for Distributed Machine Learning in C++.

    C ++中的分布式机器学习C ++中的分布式机器学习的通用代码库。

  • arrayfire-ml — ArrayFire’s Machine Learning Library.

    arrayfire-ml — ArrayFire的机器学习库。

  • datascience — A Python library for introductory data science.

    数据科学 -一个Python库介绍数据科学。

  • dev-ua/ai-ml-ds — Dev Ukraine’s Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning channel.

    dev-ua / ai-ml-ds-开发乌克兰的人工智能和机器学习频道。

  • pylearn2 — A Machine Learning library based on Theano.

    pylearn2 —基于Theano的机器学习库。

  • Numerical MOOC — A collaborative educational initiative in computational science and engineering.

    数值MOOC —计算科学与工程学方面的协作性教育计划。

  • LxOpenDataMeetup — Discussion and ideas exchange on machine learning, open data and data science.

    LxOpenDataMeetup —关于机器学习,开放数据和数据科学的讨论和思想交流。

Did we miss a particular community in this category, or do you want us to feature your channel? Drop us a line in the Gitter HQ and we will add it to the list.

我们是否错过了该类别中的特定社区,或者您想让我们成为您的频道的主角? 在Gitter HQ中给我们添加一行,然后将其添加到列表中。

You can also easily start your own channel here.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/best-gitter-channels-for-data-science-machine-learning-6e8eeb5063c0/

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