Daily Report 到底该写点什么?


         作为一个tester,每天下班前最后做的一件事情或许就是将自己这一天的工作内容发送给自己的老板,以让老板清楚的看到这一天你到底做了些什么内容的工作。转入软件测试行业快一年了,一直觉得自己的daily report很烂,秉着细节决定成败的原则,决心好好想想自己的daily report到底该怎么写。先看看自己之前发送的daily report格式与内容:

l   What did you do today?

²  Ad-hoc testing

²  Test cases: case001~case020

²  Report bugs: bug001, bug002, bug003

l   What will you do tomorrow?

²  Go on testing follow test cases matrix

l   Blocked

²  Function A is blocked due to reason B

       换位思考,如果我是一个老板,如果看到这样的daily report,肯定是一头雾水,提供信息实在是太简要了。虽然现在的BOSS也对部门内部的daily report多次提出complain,但时间一长,大家提交的daily report自然又回到了原先的混沌状态。



l   What is daily report


l   Why need daily report

²  概括自身的工作成果

²  思考与整理自己的工作思路、查漏补缺

²  让上级知道自己的工作状态

²  能让上级有效的给自己安排后期的工作任务或给出适当建议


       再分析一下,自己为什么将daily report写成了这副德行:

l   时间点不恰当


l   没有引起足够的重视:

       以前一直认为daily report是个等级比较低的工作任务。直到最近带了一个项目才慢慢体会到daily report如果写的好,不但对自己有益处,而且对团队有非常大的贡献

l   没有养成良好的习惯:



       是时候改改这种恶习了!那么daily report应该写成什么样,才能做到不但对自己有总结,也对团队有贡献呢?

l   What did you do today?

²  List the title of each test case that you tested.

²  Attach the time span that testing each function block for evaluating self efficiency, and give the reference data for work arrangement in next regression

²  List the bug detail information, it can be exported form bug track system.

²  List the focusing function blocks that ad-hoc/exploration tested and the time using

²  If you didn’t test any cases but do something else, like study, just blank this section, and fill in summary & thought section

l   Summary & thought

²  The new method used during testing

²  What you learned based on the testing in today

²  Creative ideas about product testing

l   Sharing

²  Share the result of dev team communication, avoid other tester to question dev team about the same function again

²  Share the concerns in testing

²  Test leader should collect the sharing of each tester and summary in team report

l   What will you do tomorrow?

²  List the cases will be tested

²  List other tasks arranged by dev team/PM/others

l   Blocked

²  List the block point and give detail comment


       内容很多,显然在最后的十几分钟内容是完成不了这么多任务的,其中有些内容总结其实可以在白天的工作中穿插进行的。在下班前留下半个小时来充分总结还是很有必要的。幸运的是,现在所在的公司平时的测试任务并不是很重,所以有机会来好好训练自己写好daily report的习惯!心动不如行动,从明天开始,做个表格模板出来,放在OneNote中,认真填写!最后用那句话再勉励一下自己:行动久了成为习惯,习惯久了成为性格。

