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cpptest 用列




#include "cppTest.h"


class failTest1 : public Test::Suite { 

    void always_fail( )  // 要测试的函数


        TEST_FAIL("This always fails!/n"); 



    failTest1() { TEST_ADD(failTest1::always_fail); } 



int main ( ) {

    failTest1 test1;

    Test::TextOutput output(Test::TextOutput::Terse);

    return test1.run(output) ? 1 : 0;


// cpptest自带的测试文件 //
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    #pragma warning (disable: 4290)
#include "cpptest.h"
using namespace std;
// Tests unconditional fail asserts
class FailTestSuite : public Test::Suite
    void success() {}
    void always_fail()
        // This will always fail
        TEST_FAIL("unconditional fail");
// Tests compare asserts
class CompareTestSuite : public Test::Suite
    void success() {}
    void compare()
        // Will succeed since the expression evaluates to true
        TEST_ASSERT(1 + 1 == 2)
        // Will fail since the expression evaluates to false
        TEST_ASSERT(0 == 1);
    void delta_compare()
        // Will succeed since the expression evaluates to true
        TEST_ASSERT_DELTA(0.5, 0.7, 0.3);
        // Will fail since the expression evaluates to false
        TEST_ASSERT_DELTA(0.5, 0.7, 0.1);
// Tests throw asserts
class ThrowTestSuite : public Test::Suite
    void success() {}
    void test_throw()
        // Will fail since the none of the functions throws anything
        TEST_THROWS_MSG(func(), int, "func() does not throw, expected int exception")
        TEST_THROWS_MSG(func_no_throw(), int, "func_no_throw() does not throw, expected int exception")
        TEST_THROWS_ANYTHING_MSG(func(), "func() does not throw, expected any exception")
        TEST_THROWS_ANYTHING_MSG(func_no_throw(), "func_no_throw() does not throw, expected any exception")
        // Will succeed since none of the functions throws anything
        // Will succeed since func_throw_int() throws an int
        TEST_THROWS(func_throw_int(), int)
        // Will fail since func_throw_int() throws an int (not a float)
        TEST_THROWS_MSG(func_throw_int(), float, "func_throw_int() throws an int, expected a float exception")
        TEST_THROWS_NOTHING_MSG(func_throw_int(), "func_throw_int() throws an int, expected no exception at all")
    void func() {}
    void func_no_throw() throw() {}
    void func_throw_int() throw(int) { throw 13; }
enum OutputType
static void
    cout << "usage: mytest [MODE]/n"
         << "where MODE may be one of:/n"
         << "  --compiler/n"
         << "  --html/n"
         << "  --text-terse (default)/n"
         << "  --text-verbose/n";
static auto_ptr<Test::Output>
cmdline(int argc, char* argv[])
    if (argc > 2)
        usage(); // will not return
    Test::Output* output = 0;
    if (argc == 1)
        output = new Test::TextOutput(Test::TextOutput::Verbose);
        const char* arg = argv[1];
        if (strcmp(arg, "--compiler") == 0)
            output = new Test::CompilerOutput;
        else if (strcmp(arg, "--html") == 0)
            output =  new Test::HtmlOutput;
        else if (strcmp(arg, "--text-terse") == 0)
            output = new Test::TextOutput(Test::TextOutput::Terse);
        else if (strcmp(arg, "--text-verbose") == 0)
            output = new Test::TextOutput(Test::TextOutput::Verbose);
            cout << "invalid commandline argument: " << arg << endl;
            usage(); // will not return
    return auto_ptr<Test::Output>(output);
// Main test program
main(int argc, char* argv[])
        // Demonstrates the ability to use multiple test suites
        Test::Suite ts;
        ts.add(auto_ptr<Test::Suite>(new FailTestSuite));
        ts.add(auto_ptr<Test::Suite>(new CompareTestSuite));
        ts.add(auto_ptr<Test::Suite>(new ThrowTestSuite));
        // Run the tests
        auto_ptr<Test::Output> output(cmdline(argc, argv));
        ts.run(*output, true);
        Test::HtmlOutput* const html = dynamic_cast<Test::HtmlOutput*>(output.get());
        // 用html格式输出结果
        //if (html)
        //    html->generate(cout, true, "MyTest");
    catch (...)
        cout << "unexpected exception encountered/n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

