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DotProject 安装




DotProject:the Open Source Project Management tool.

1 Install

useradd dotproject -s /sbin/nologin
cd /usr/src/
wget "http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/dotproject/dotproject/dotProject%20Version%202.1.3/dotproject_2.1.3.tar.gz "
tar zxf dotproject_2.1.3.tar.gz
cp BigBlueHat-dotproject-527fa57/dotproject/ /var/www/
cd /var/www/
chown dotproject:dotproject -R ./dotproject

# Install Your Apache Or Other Web Server.
# Config your Apache, make the url below can be accessed:
#    http://your.domain.name/dotproject/install/index.php
# Open the url in your browser.

# Check the requirements list on the page.

# Click the Install Button.
# Input your db server info.
# Install && Save.

cd /var/www/dotproject
## Remove your install Dir.
rm -Rf install

# open http://your.domain.name/dotproject/index.php
# login as admin/passwd
# Config your system now.


2 Problems

a. Change DB User.

vi /var/www/dotproject/lib/include/config.php
## $dPconfig['dbtype'] = 'mysql';
## $dPconfig['dbhost'] = 'localhost';
## $dPconfig['dbname'] = 'dotproject';
## $dPconfig['dbuser'] = 'dot';
## $dPconfig['dbpass'] = 'dotpass';
## $dPconfig['dbpersist'] = false;
## ...
# change your db connect info here.

b. Image icon cannot display.

# If you find the image cannot be displayed in your site.
# eg.
# We use domain [ www.domain.com ], 
# which was rewrite to [ ] with Pound.
# But, on the website, all images were shown
# It should be [ www.domain.com/xxxxx ]
# So Do as follow:
cd /var/www/dotproject
vi base.php
## $baseUrl = 'http://www.domain.com';
## define('DP_BASE_URL', $baseUrl);
# save it.
# Refresh your web page. Should be ok now.

c. use Chinese locale

cd /usr/src/
wget "http://www.dotproject.net/index.php?name=CmodsDownload&file=index&req=getit&lid=98"
tar zxf dotproject-zh-pack-2.1.1-by-hutuworm2.tar.gz
mv zh /var/www/dotproject/locale/
chown dotproject:dotproject zh -R

## login your dotproject website as admin
## change your default language to Chinese can be OK.

d. calander cannot show Chinese, when we use chinese locale.

vi /var/www/dotproject/locales/zh/locale.php
## ADD
# $Date_Calc_weekdays = array('日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六');
# $Date_Calc_months = array(null, '一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月');
## SAVE.

# Refresh your webpage, it should be OK.

e. gantt graph cannot show chinese

cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
mkdir truetype
cd truetype
## copy your windows simsun.ttc to this dir.
## copy your windows simhei.ttf to this dir
cd /var/www/dotproject
cd lib/fonts
cp simsun.ttc .
cp simhei.ttf .

vi modules/project/gantt.php
## replace FF_CUSTOM to FF_SIMSUN
vi modules/project/gantt2.php
## replace FF_CUSTOM to FF_SIMSUN
vi modules/task/gant.php
## replace FF_CUSTOM to FF_SIMSUN

#Refresh your webpage, should display Chinese.
