Hrm. There's a *lot* of code and complexity in the LogstreamerInput. And not because it's overengineered, IMHO, but because it's providing a lot of functionality and solving a complicated set of problems. While I'd be thrilled to have a SandboxInput replicating this functionality (mainly so it could be used with Hindsight), I suspect that this is a much larger and more difficult task than you might imagine. If you do end up going down that road, I suggest you start with a tight, well-defined subset of LogstreamerInput's features, and then work your way up from there.
I can't speak to the issues that you're having with trying to use `os.execute` or `io.popen` to run an external sleep command. It's very possible that you're bumping up against Heka bugs with the behaviour you're seeing. But that approach smells a bit off to me, I'm not surprised you're having issues. You might consider one of the other suggested mechanisms (see http://lua-users.org/wiki/SleepFunction), especially using `socket.select`, or writing a trivial C extension that exposes a sleep function. You also might try using Hindsight instead of Heka to test your code, since that's a much lighter code base and is likely to have fewer (or at least different) bugs.
You might already have this on your radar, but if I were working on this I'd almost certainly be using coroutines (http://lua-users.org/wiki/CoroutinesTutorial).
Finally, you say that the reason you're not using LogstreamerInput is because you need to use Lua's `io` module in your decoding code. If you're okay with building your own custom Heka binary, and you don't plan on using a SandboxManagerFilter to support dynamic sandbox injection (i.e. you trust all of the Lua code you'll be deploying) then you might consider rebuilding Heka with support for the io module allowed in all sandboxes. The code that causes the `io` module to not be available is here:
但是我们可以重新编译heka,让其支持io模块,https://github.com/mozilla-services/heka/blob/v0.10.0b1/sandbox/lua/lua_sandbox.go.in#L63有说明,就是heka/sandbox/lua/lua_sandbox.go.in的d963行,disable_modules = {io = 1} 改成=0或者干脆去掉,即可编译实现heka支持lua的io模块。
os = {'exit', 'setlocale'}}}`
const SandboxTemplate = `{
memory_limit = %d,
instruction_limit = %d,
output_limit = %d,
path = [[%s]],
cpath = [[%s]],
remove_entries = {
[''] = {'collectgarbage','coroutine','dofile','load','loadfile','loadstring','newproxy','print'},
os = {'getenv','execute','exit','remove','rename','setlocale','tmpname'}