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vue.js web_适用于Freedomotic的Vue.js Web应用程序


vue.js web

fd-vue-webapp (fd-vue-webapp)

A Vue.js client for Freedomotic.


前提条件 (Prerequirements)

In order to execute this fd-vue-webapp client, first you need to download and launch an instance of Freedomotic on your machine. Freedomotic is a framework built in Java, so the only pre-requirement to make it running locally is to have a JRE8 installation on your machine.

为了执行此fd-vue-webapp客户端,首先需要在计算机上下载并启动Freedomotic实例。 Freedomotic是用Java构建的框架,因此使其在本地运行的唯一先决条件是在计算机上安装JRE8。

下载并启动最新版本的框架 (Download and launch the latest build of the framework)

You can download the latest available daily build available here


The zipped version of this daily build contains a jar file, named freedomotic.jar that you can run by executing the following command:


java -jar freedomotic.jar

Freedomotic RESTful端点 (Freedomotic RESTful endpoints)

Once launched, a local setup of Freedomotic RESTful APIs will be available at localhost:9111.

启动后,可以在localhost:9111获得Freedomotic RESTful API的本地设置。

Freedomotic Polymer客户,灵感 (Freedomotic Polymer client, an inspiration)

Some time ago we developed a first client prototype using Polymer (here it is a brief video showing its features). With a running freedomotic instance, you can try also this Polymer client by your browser to http://localhost:8090. Polymer client source code is hosted here on GitHub: maybe you can look at it to have some inspiration.

不久前,我们使用Polymer开发了第一个客户原型(此处是显示其功能的简短视频 )。 对于正在运行的freedomotic实例,您还可以通过浏览器尝试将此Polymer客户端访问http://localhost:8090 。 高分子客户端源代码托管在这里在GitHub上:也许你可以看看它有一定的启发。

WARNING: At the moment that project is almost abandoned.

警告 :目前该项目几乎已被放弃。

fd-vue-webapp (fd-vue-webapp)

技术说明 (Technical notes)

The scaffolding of this front end application has been done using vue-cli. For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.

这个前端应用程序的脚手架已经使用vue-cli 。 有关工作原理的详细说明,请查看vue-loader指南文档

如何启动 (How to launch it)

Clone or fork this repository, then follows the following set of commands:


# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

精简生产 (Build for production with minification)

To build this project for production you can execute the following command:


npm run build

Also, if you need to build for production and view the bundle analyzer report, you can run:


npm run build --report

测试fd-vue-webapp (Testing fd-vue-webapp)

This application contains both unit and end to end tests. You can run them by executing, respectively, the following commands:

该应用程序包含单元测试和端到端测试。 您可以通过分别执行以下命令来运行它们:

# run unit tests
npm run unit
# run e2e tests
npm run e2e

Eventually, if you like, you can also run both unit and e2e tests with a single command:


npm test

翻译自: https://vuejsexamples.com/a-vue-js-web-application-for-freedomotic/

vue.js web
