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Hyperkin Retron 5和8bitdo的nes30pro真棒,合法,无线的复古游戏


My kids and I are big fans of retrogaming. We have a whole collection of real consoles including N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Genesis, and more. However, playing these older consoles on new systems often involves a bunch of weird AV solutions to get HDMI out to your TV. Additionally, most retro controllers don't have a wire that's long enough for today's 55" and larger flatscreens.

我和我的孩子都是复古游戏的忠实粉丝。 我们提供了完整的真实控制台集合,包括N64,Dreamcast,PS2,Genesis等。 但是,在新系统上播放这些较旧的控制台通常会涉及一系列怪异的AV解决方案,以将HDMI输出到电视上。 此外,大多数复古控制器的线材都不足以满足当今55英寸及更大尺寸的平板显示器的要求。

We wanted a nice solution that would let us play a bunch of our games AND include a wireless controller option. Here's the combination of products that we ended up with for retrogaming this Christmas season.

我们想要一个不错的解决方案,使我们可以玩很多游戏,并提供无线控制器选项。 这是我们在此圣诞节季最终用于复古游戏的产品组合。

Hyperkin复古控制台 (Hyperkin Retro Console)

There's a company called Hyperkin that makes a series of retro-consoles. They've got the Hyperkin Retron 2, Hyperkin Retron  3, and my favorite (and the one YOU should get) the Hyperkin Retron 5. You'd think the Hyperkin 5 would let you play five consoles, but it actually lets you play NES, SNES, Super Famicom, Genesis, Mega Drive, Famicom, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and GBA (Gameboy advance) cartridges on one system. It has five slots. ;)

有一家名为Hyperkin的公司生产一系列复古式控制台。 他们有Hyperkin Retron 2Hyperkin Retron 3和我最喜欢的(以及应该得到的) Hyperkin Retron 5 。 您可能会认为Hyperkin 5可以让您玩五个游戏机,但实际上它可以让您在一个游戏机上播放NES,SNES,Super Famicom,Genesis,Mega Drive,Famicom,Game Boy,Game Boy Color和GBA(Gameboy Advance)盒式磁带。系统。 它有五个插槽。 ;)

Everyone's talking about how they can't find the NES Classic Edition. I'd spend that money on a Hyperkin and then go out and buy a few actual game carts from your local retro gaming shop.

每个人都在谈论他们如何找不到NES Classic Edition。 我会花那笔钱买一只Hyperkin,然后出去从当地的复古游戏商店买一些实际的游戏推车。

I like the Hyperkin Retron 5 over the lesser models for a few reasons.

由于某些原因,我喜欢Hyperkin Retron 5而不是较小的型号。

  • It outputs HDMI natively for all it's emulated consoles.

  • It's got great firmware that is updated fairly often.

  • Its firmware has video features like adding fake CRT scanlines for authenticity (we like playing that way)

  • It supports cheats ;)


  • It's got multiple, real ports that support your existing console gamepads

  • You can use one system's controller for another. For example, a SNES gamepad on an NES game.

    您可以将一个系统的控制器用于另一个系统。 例如,NES游戏上的SNES游戏手柄。

The only bad things about the Hyperkin Retron 5 is that the included controller kind of sucks and with all console games, you need to be fairly careful inserting and removing the cartridges.

Hyperkin Retron 5唯一的缺点是,附带的控制器有点糟透了,并且在所有主机游戏中,您在插入和取出墨盒时都必须格外小心。

8bitdo NES30 Pro游戏控制器 (8bitdo NES30 Pro Game Controller)

You might assume the 8bitdo NES30 Pro Game Controller would be a cheap overseas knockoff controller but it's REALLY well made and it's REALLY more useful than I realized when I got it!

您可能会认为8bitdo NES30 Pro游戏控制器将是一款便宜的海外仿制控制器,但它的确制作精良,而且比我刚买时真正有用的多!

There are a number of these controllers from this company. The NES30 is nice but the NES30 Pro includes two analog sticks while still keeping the classic style. Think of it as almost a portable Xbox 360 controller! In fact, when you plug it into your PC with a USB cable it shows up as an Xbox 360 controller! That means it works great for Steam games. I've been carrying it in my bag on trips and gaming on my laptop.

这家公司许多这样的控制器。 NES30很不错,但NES30 Pro包括两个模拟摇杆,同时仍保持经典风格。 认为它几乎是便携式Xbox 360控制器! 实际上,当您使用USB电缆将其插入PC时,它会显示为Xbox 360控制器! 这意味着它非常适合Steam游戏。 在旅行和笔记本电脑上玩游戏时,我一直将其放在包里。

The build quality of the pad is great, but it's the extendable firmware that really makes the 8bitdo NES30 Pro shine. It has support to act as a Wiimote and even custom firmware for a...wait for it...Retron 5 mode! This means you can use this controller as a replacement for the Retron and play all the consoles it supports.

垫的构建质量很棒,但是真正使8bitdo NES30 Pro发光的是可扩展的固件。 它支持充当Wiimote甚至是自定义固件,以用于...等待... Retron 5模式! 这意味着您可以使用此控制器替代Retron,并播放其支持的所有控制台。

Even better, the 8bitdo NES30 Pro Game Controller also supports iOS, Android, etc. It's really just about perfect. My only complaint is that you have to turn it on while holding certain buttons in order to start in the various modes. So there's Bluetooth mode, iOS mode, Xbox mode, etc. Not a huge deal, but I've printed out the manual to keep it all straight.

甚至更好的是, 8bitdo NES30 Pro游戏控制器还支持iOS,Android等。它确实非常完美。 我唯一的抱怨是您必须在按住某些按钮的同时将其打开才能在各种模式下启动。 因此,有蓝牙模式,iOS模式,Xbox模式等。这没什么大不了的,但是我已经打印出了手册,以确保一切正常

8bitdo控制器无线接收器 (8bitdo Controller Wireless Receiver)

Here's where the magic happened. Because the 8bitdo NES30 Pro is a Bluetooth device, there's wireless receivers available for it for most consoles! If you have an NES or you managed to find an NES Classic, there's an 8bitdo Retro Receiver for NES.

这就是魔术发生的地方。 因为8bitdo NES30 Pro是蓝牙设备,所以大多数控制台都可以使用它无线接收器! 如果您有NES或设法找到NES Classic,那么可以使用NES的8bitdo Retro Receiver

However, I recommend you get the 8bitdo Bluetooth SNES Retro Receiver and plug it into the Hyperkin Retron 5. This, for us, has been the sweet spot. It works great with all games and we've got HDMI output from the Retron while still being able to sit back on the couch and game. You can also get two if you like and play multiplayer. As for power, the receiver needs just 100mA and leeches that power from the SNES port.

但是,我建议您购买8bitdo蓝牙SNES复古接收器,并将其插入Hyperkin Retron5。对于我们来说,这是最佳选择。 它适用于所有游戏,并且从Retron获得HDMI输出,同时仍然可以坐在沙发和游戏上。 如果愿意,您还可以得到两个,然后玩多人游戏。 至于电源,接收器仅需要100mA的电流即可从SNES端口获得电能。

Even better, this Retro Receiver lets you use existing controllers as wireless controllers to whatever! So you can use your Wii U or PS3 controllers (since they are Bluetooth!) and retrogame with those.

更好的是,这款Retro Receiver可以让您将现有的控制器用作无线控制器! 因此,您可以使用Wii U或PS3控制器(因为它们是蓝牙!)并进行复古游戏。

If that wasn't awesome enough, the Retro Receiver can act as a generic "X-Input" controller for your PC or Mac. You plug an included Micro-USB cable into it and then pair your PS3, PS4, or Wii Remote into your computer and use it!

如果还不够出色,那么Retro Receiver可以充当PC或Mac的通用“ X输入”控制器。 您将随附的Micro-USB电缆插入其中,然后将PS3,PS4或Wii Remote配对到计算机并使用它

To be clear, I have no relationship with the 8bitdo company but everything they make is gold.


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/awesome-legal-wireless-retrogaming-with-a-hyperkin-retron-5-and-8bitdos-nes30pro
