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  • This example demonstrates how to use the operator
  • find_text to segment text in an image before
  • performing OCR.
  • 关闭更新
    dev_update_off ()
    dev_close_window ()
    read_image (Image, ‘ocr/dongle_01’)
    dev_open_window_fit_image (Image, 0, 0, -1, -1, WindowHandle)
    set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, ‘mono’, ‘true’, ‘false’)
  • 读取训练好的OCR文件
  • Read the OCR classifier from file
    read_ocr_class_mlp (‘DotPrint_NoRej’, OCRHandle)
  • 创建一个文字读取器
  • Create the text model and specify the text properties
    create_text_model_reader (‘manual’, [], TextModel)
  • 设置一些参数,字符宽高,是否是点印,文字行数,是否识别返回标点,是否返回分隔符等
    set_text_model_param (TextModel, ‘manual_char_width’, 24)
    set_text_model_param (TextModel, ‘manual_char_height’, 33)
    set_text_model_param (TextModel, ‘manual_is_dotprint’, ‘true’)
    set_text_model_param (TextModel, ‘manual_max_line_num’, 2)
    set_text_model_param (TextModel, ‘manual_return_punctuation’, ‘false’)
    set_text_model_param (TextModel, ‘manual_return_separators’, ‘false’)
    set_text_model_param (TextModel, ‘manual_stroke_width’, 4)
    set_text_model_param (TextModel, ‘manual_eliminate_horizontal_lines’, ‘true’)
  • *定义一行文字的机构情况:第一行定义为"6 1 8"表示有两个分隔符吧这段文字分割成3部分
    *因为"/"有时候被定义为字符,有时候被定义为分隔符,所以第二段定义为两种方式。”8 10“有一个分隔符和“19“ 没有分隔符
    *Define different text line structures for each line.
  • Note that for the second line two structures are defined,
  • because sometimes the ‘/’ is classified as separator and
  • sometimes as character.

set_text_model_param (TextModel, ‘manual_text_line_structure_0’, ‘6 1 8’)
set_text_model_param (TextModel, ‘manual_text_line_structure_1’, ‘8 10’)
set_text_model_param (TextModel, ‘manual_text_line_structure_2’, ‘19’)

  • Define the regular expression, which is later used
  • in do_ocr_word_mlp to increase the robustness of the OCR.
    TextPattern1 := ‘(FLEXID[0-9][A-Z][0-9]{3}[A-F0-9]{4})’
    TextPattern2 := ‘([A-Z]{3}[0-9]{5}.?[A-Z][0-9]{4}[A-Z][0-9]{4})’
    Expression := TextPattern1 + ‘|’ + TextPattern2
  • Main loop
    NumImages := 8
    for I := 1 to NumImages by 1
    read_image (Image, ‘ocr/dongle_’ + I$‘02’)
    • 处理图像
    • Preprocessing:
    • The domain is reduced to the dark area where the
    • text is assumed to be found.
    • Then, the contrast is improved and the image
    • is aligned horizontally
      binary_threshold (Image, Region, ‘max_separability’, ‘dark’, UsedThreshold)
      opening_rectangle1 (Region, RegionOpening, 400, 50)
      erosion_rectangle1 (RegionOpening, RegionOpening, 11, 11)
      connection (RegionOpening, ConnectedRegions)
      select_shape_std (ConnectedRegions, SelectedRegion, ‘max_area’, 70)
      reduce_domain (Image, SelectedRegion, ImageReduced)
      scale_image_max (ImageReduced, ImageScaleMax)
      text_line_orientation (SelectedRegion, ImageScaleMax, 30, rad(-30), rad(30), OrientationAngle)
      rotate_image (ImageScaleMax, ImageRotate, deg(-OrientationAngle), ‘constant’)
    • 识别文字,显示每一个目标区域识别结果
    • Find text and display results for every segmented region
      find_text (ImageRotate, TextModel, TextResult)
      get_text_result (TextResult, ‘manual_num_lines’, NumLines)
      dev_display (ImageRotate)
      for J := 0 to NumLines - 1 by 1
      get_text_object (Line, TextResult, [‘manual_line’,J])
      • The OCR uses regular expressions to read the text
      • more robustly.
        *这个算子的意思是,识别有关联的一组文字,用do_ocr_multi_class_mlp 也是完全可以的
        *do_ocr_multi_class_mlp (Line, ImageRotate, OCRHandle, Class1, Confidence1)
        do_ocr_word_mlp (Line, ImageRotate, OCRHandle, Expression, 3, 5, Class, Confidence, Word, Score)
      • 显示结果
      • Display results
        smallest_rectangle1 (Line, Row1, Column1, Row2, Column2)
        count_obj (Line, NumberOfCharacters)
        dev_set_colored (6)
        dev_display (Line)
        dev_set_color (‘white’)
        for K := 1 to NumberOfCharacters by 1
        select_obj (Line, Character, K)
        set_tposition (WindowHandle, Row2[0] + 4, Column1[K - 1])
        write_string (WindowHandle, Word{K - 1})
        *如果图片没识别完,就在右下角继续显示’Press F5 to continue’
        if (I < NumImages)
        disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, ‘black’, ‘true’)
        stop ()
    • Clean up memory
      clear_text_result (TextResult)
  • Clean up memory
    clear_text_model (TextModel)
    clear_ocr_class_mlp (OCRHandle)