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The Betwixt library provides an XML introspection mechanism for mapping beans to XML in a flexible way. It is implemented using an XMLIntrospector and XMLBeanInfo classes which are similar to the standard Introspector and BeanInfo from the Java Beans specification. (提供 XML JAVABEAN 间的相互映射。)
1.       要产生的 目标xml:
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
    <from name="frof"></from>
    <heading name="tesdd"></heading>
    <body name="fdfddf"></body>
package betwixt;
public class NoteBean {
    private String toWho ;
    private String fromWho ;
    private String title ;
    private String note ;
    public NoteBean() {
    public String getFromWho() {
       return fromWho ;
    public void setFromWho(String fromWho) {
       this . fromWho = fromWho;
    public String getNote() {
       return note ;
    public void setNote(String note) {
       this . note = note;
    public String getTitle() {
       return title ;
    public void setTitle(String title) {
       this . title = title;
    public String getToWho() {
       return toWho ;
    public void setToWho(String toWho) {
       this . toWho = toWho;
2.       撰写 .betwixt ,文件名需和 bean 相同,故为 NoteBean. betwixt
<info primitiveTypes="element">
 <element name="note">
    <element name="to" property="toWho" />
      <element name="from">
        <attribute name="name" property="fromWho"/>
        <element name="heading">
        <attribute name="name" property="title"/>
        <element name="body">
        <attribute name="name" property="note"/>
 <!--   <addDefaults />-->
注意:  a. <element name="to" property="toWho" />
              表示 name 要显示的 xml 中的元素名 , property 表示对应 javaBean 中一个属性名,其值显示在 <></> 里面。
       b. <element name="from">
        <attribute name="name" property="fromWho"/>
中间加: <attribute name="name" property="fromWho"/>
    表示会在在结点上加一个属性为 name ,其值显示在里面。
       c. <addDefaults /> 加上默认的结点,是以 javaBean 中的属性来显示。
3. 写测试代码:
import java.io.StringWriter;
import org.apache.commons.betwixt.io.BeanWriter;
public class WriteExampleApp {
     * Create an example bean and then convert it to xml.
    public static final void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
        // Start by preparing the writer
        // We'll write to a string
        StringWriter outputWriter = new StringWriter();
        // Betwixt just writes out the bean as a fragment
        // So if we want well-formed xml, we need to add the prolog
        outputWriter.write( "<?xml version='1.0' ?>" );
        // Create a BeanWriter which writes to our prepared stream
        BeanWriter beanWriter = new BeanWriter(outputWriter);
        // Configure betwixt
        // For more details see java docs or later in the main documentation
        beanWriter.getXMLIntrospector().getConfiguration().setAttributesForPrimitives( false );
        beanWriter.getBindingConfiguration().setMapIDs( false );
        beanWriter.enablePrettyPrint();  // 启用缩进格式 .
        beanWriter.setEndTagForEmptyElement( true );
       // beanWriter.setIndent("/t");
        beanWriter.writeXmlDeclaration( "" );
        NoteBean test= new NoteBean();
        test.setToWho( "fdfdf" );
        test.setFromWho( "frof" );
        test.setTitle( "tesdd" );
        test.setNote( "fdfddf" );
        // If the base element is not passed in, Betwixt will guess
        // But let's write example bean as base element 'person'
        beanWriter.write( "note" , test);
        // Write to System.out
        // (We could have used the empty constructor for BeanWriter
        // but this way is more instructive)
        System. out .println(outputWriter.toString());
        // Betwixt writes fragments not documents so does not automatically close
        // writers or streams.
        // This example will do no more writing so close the writer now.
