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  1. datacleaner-console.exewindows版,这是一个可执行文件。

  2. datacleaner.cmd,这是一个脚本开始DataCleaner窗口。

  3. datacleaner.sh,这是一个脚本开始DataCleaner在类unix系统中,如Linux和Mac OS。

  4. 如果你在Java Webstart DataCleaner模式运行,然后没有命令行界面!



  1. 执行分析工作

  2. 注册列表数据存储

  3. 数据存储列表模式

  4. 名单表模式

  5. 名单列在一个表中

  6. 列出可用的分析、变压器或过滤器

这些场景是如何获得了通过调用你的可执行的吗 使用论点:

> datacleaner-console.exe -usage -conf (-configuration, --configuration-file) FILE : XML file describing the configuration of DataCleaner -ds (-datastore, --datastore-name) VAL : Name of datastore when printing a list of schemas, tables or columns -job (--job-file) FILE : An analysis job XML file to execute -list [ANALYZERS | TRANSFORMERS | FILTERS | DATASTORES | SCHEMAS | TABLES | COLUMNS] : Used to print a list of various elements available in the configuration -s (-schema, --schema-name) VAL : Name of schema when printing a list of tables or columns -t (-table, --table-name) VAL : Name of table when printing a list of columns


下面是如何执行一个分析工作- - -我们将使用捆绑的例子“employees.analysis.xml”:

> datacleaner-console.exe -job examples/employees.analysis.xml SUCCESS! ... RESULT: Value distribution for column: REPORTSTO Top values: - 1102: 6 - 1143: 6 - 1088: 5 Null count: 0 Unique values: 0 RESULT: Match count Sample Aaaaaaa 22 William Aaaa Aaa 1 Foon Yue RESULT: Match count Sample aaaaaaaaaa 23 jfirrelli RESULT: Match count Sample Aaaaa Aaa 17 Sales Rep AA Aaaaaaaaa 2 VP Marketing Aaaa Aaaaaaa (AAAA) 1 Sale Manager (EMEA) Aaaaa Aaaaaaa (AA) 1 Sales Manager (NA) Aaaaa Aaaaaaa (AAAAA, AAAA) 1 Sales Manager (JAPAN, APAC) Aaaaaaaaa 1 President ...



命令行界面允许清单数据存储内容和可用的组件。是援助的目的使用手工编辑分析文件,如果这是想要的。通过使用 附些参数你可以得到你的数据存储和DataCleaner组件的元数据,将允许您手动组成一个分析文件。

清单数据存储的内容是不言自明的,如果你看的输出 使用命令。这里有几个例子,使用示例数据库“orderdb”:

> datacleaner-console.exe -list datastores Datastores: ----------- Country codes orderdb > datacleaner-console.exe -list tables -ds orderdb Tables: ------- CUSTOMERS CUSTOMER_W_TER DEPARTMENT_MANAGERS DIM_TIME EMPLOYEES OFFICES ORDERDETAILS ORDERFACT ORDERS PAYMENTS PRODUCTS QUADRANT_ACTUALS TRIAL_BALANCE > datacleaner-console.exe -list columns -ds orderdb -table employees Columns: -------- EMPLOYEENUMBER LASTNAME FIRSTNAME EXTENSION EMAIL OFFICECODE REPORTSTO JOBTITLE

清单DataCleaner的组件是通过设置完成的 附些参数的三个组件类型:分析仪、变压器或过滤器:

> datacleaner-console.exe -list analyzers ... name: Matching analyzer - Consumes multiple input columns (type: UNDEFINED) - Property: name=Dictionaries, type=Dictionary, required=false - Property: name=String patterns, type=StringPattern, required=false name: Pattern finder - Consumes 2 named inputs Input column: Column (type: STRING) Input column: Group column (type: STRING) - Property: name=Discriminate text case, type=Boolean, required=false - Property: name=Discriminate negative numbers, type=Boolean, required=false - Property: name=Discriminate decimals, type=Boolean, required=false - Property: name=Enable mixed tokens, type=Boolean, required=false - Property: name=Ignore repeated spaces, type=Boolean, required=false - Property: name=Upper case patterns expand in size, type=boolean, required=false - Property: name=Lower case patterns expand in size, type=boolean, required=false - Property: name=Predefined token name, type=String, required=false - Property: name=Predefined token regexes, type=String, required=false - Property: name=Decimal separator, type=Character, required=false - Property: name=Thousands separator, type=Character, required=false - Property: name=Minus sign, type=Character, required=false ... > datacleaner-console.exe -list transformers ... name: Tokenizer - Consumes a single input column (type: STRING) - Property: name=Delimiters, type=char, required=true - Property: name=Number of tokens, type=Integer, required=true - Output type is: STRING name: Whitespace trimmer - Consumes multiple input columns (type: STRING) - Property: name=Trim left, type=boolean, required=true - Property: name=Trim right, type=boolean, required=true - Property: name=Trim multiple to single space, type=boolean, required=true - Output type is: STRING ...




... <source> <data-context ref="my_datastore" /> <columns> <column path="column1" id="col_1" /> <column path="column2" id="col_2" /> </columns> <variables> <variable id="filename" value="/output/dc_output.csv" /> <variable id="separator" value="," /> </variables> </source> ...

在这个例子中,我们定义了两个变量: 文件名 分隔符这些我们可以指特定的属性值,进一步降低我们的工作:

... <analyzer> <descriptor ref="Write to CSV file"/> <properties> <property name="File" ref="filename" /> <property name="Quote char" value="&quot;" /> <property name="Separator char" ref="separator" /> </properties> <input ref="col_1" /> <input ref="col_2" /> </analyzer> ...

现在的属性值 文件 分隔符字符属性 CSV文件写入已经可参数化的。执行工作新变量值,使用 var从命令行参数,就像这样:

DataCleaner-console.exe -job my_job.analysis.xml -var filename=/output/my_file.csv -var separator=;




</datastore-catalog> <csv-datastore name="My csv file"> <filename>/path/to/file.csv</filename> </csv-datastore> </datastore-catalog>

动态覆盖文件名,您必须指定属性的路径(数据存储目录,然后是数据存储名称,属性名称)与“- d”在命令行参数。此外任何空格或破折号成功删除,角色是大写。最后它会看起来像“camelCase”字符串,如下:

DataCleaner-console.exe ... -DdatastoreCatalog.myCsvFile.filename=anotherfile.csv

