- <%
- String uuid4analyze = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString();
- %>
- <script>
- var progress_key_analyze = '<%= uuid4analyze %>';
- // this sets up the progress bar
- jQuery(document).ready(function() {
- jQuery("#analyzeprogressbar").progressBar();
- // 一开始先隐藏进度条
- jQuery("#analyzeprogressbar").hide();
- });
- // fades in the progress bar and starts polling the upload progress after 1.5seconds
- function beginAnalyze() {
- // uses ajax to poll the uploadprogress.php page with the id
- // deserializes the json string, and computes the percentage (integer)
- // update the jQuery progress bar
- // sets a timer for the next poll in 750ms
- jQuery("#analyzeprogressbar").fadeIn();
- // 启动定时刷新进度任务
- var i = setInterval(function() {
- // 可恶啊,jQuery.ajax或者jQuery.getJSON在这里全部失灵了!!!
- new Ajax.Request("analyzeSrcStructure.action",
- {
- method:'POST', parameters: "uuid=" + progress_key_analyze + "&profileId=${fiBean.appProfile.id}",
- onComplete: function(httpRequest){
- var jsonText = httpRequest.responseText;
- var data = eval('(' + jsonText + ')');
- if (data == null) {
- clearInterval(i);
- // 触发其他任务,譬如刷新一棵树
- //jQuery('#src_structure_tree').jstree('refresh',-1);
- return;
- }
- var percentage = Math.floor(100 * parseInt(data.analyzed) / parseInt(data.total));
- if (parseInt(data.analyzed) == 100)
- {
- jQuery("#analyzeprogressbar").progressBar(100);
- // 显示任务完成的提示信息
- jQuery("#analyzeinfo").html(data.currCls);
- clearInterval(i);
- jQuery('#src_structure_tree').jstree('refresh',-1);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- jQuery("#analyzeprogressbar").progressBar(percentage);
- // 显示任务进度的提示信息
- jQuery("#analyzeinfo").html(data.currCls);
- }
- }
- });
- }, 1500);
- }
<span class="progressbar" id="analyzeprogressbar">