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python gevent教程_Gevent tutorial (Gevent中文教程,Gevent中文翻译)(转载)


gevent For the Working Python Developer

Written by the Gevent Community

gevent is a concurrency library based around libev. It provides a clean API for a variety of concurrency and network related tasks.

gevent是一个并发性库基于libev,它提供了一个纯净的API 用来处理各类问题和网络相关任务.

Introduction 介绍

The structure of this tutorial assumes an intermediate level knowledge of Python but not much else. No knowledge of concurrency is expected. The goal is to give you the tools you need to get going with gevent, help you tame your existing concurrency problems and start writing asynchronous applications today.


Contributors 贡献者

This is a collaborative document published under MIT license. Have something to add? See a typo? Fork and issue a pull request Github. Any and all contributions are welcome.

Core 核心


The primary pattern used in gevent is the Greenlet, a lightweight coroutine provided to Python as a C extension module. Greenlets all run inside of the OS process for the main program but are scheduled cooperatively. This differs from any of the real parallelism constructs provided by multiprocessing or multithreadinglibraries which do spin processes and POSIX threads which are truly parallel.

在gevent中主要使用Greenlet,给Python提供一个轻量级的协同程序,作为一个C的扩展模块.Greenlets主程序运行的所有系统进程是合理安排的. 这不同于任何multiprocessing或者multithreading提供的库和POSIX线程,这是真正的并行多处理器或多线程库提供真正的并行结构。(真难翻译)

Synchronous & Asynchronous Execution 同步&异步执行

The core idea of concurrency is that a larger task can be broken down into a collection of subtasks whose operation does not depend on the other tasks and thus can be run asynchronously instead of one at a time synchronously. A switch between the two executions is known as a context switch.

A context switch in gevent done through yielding. In this case example we have two contexts which yield to each other through invoking gevent.sleep(0).

并发的核心思想是一个更大的任务可以分解成多个子任务,其运行不依赖于其他任务的集合,因此可以异步运行 ,而不是一个在时间 同步。两个执行程序间的转换是一个关联转换。

在gevent中一个关联转换可以通过 yielding来实现.在这个例子,两个程序的转换是通过调用 gevent.sleep(0).

import gevent

def foo():

print('Running in foo')


print('Explicit context switch to foo again')

def bar():

print('Explicit context to bar')


print('Implicit context switch back to bar')





Running in foo

Explicit context to bar

Explicit context switch to foo again

Implicit context switch back to bar

It is illuminating to visualize the control flow of the program or walk through it with a debugger to see the context switches as they occur.


The real power of gevent comes when we use it for network and IO bound functions which can be cooperatively scheduled. Gevent has taken care of all the details to ensure that your network libraries will implicitly yield their greenlet contexts whenever possible. I cannot stress enough what a powerful idiom this is. But maybe an example will illustrate.


import time

import gevent

from gevent import select

start = time.time()

tic = lambda: 'at %1.1f seconds' % (time.time() - start)

def gr1():

# Busy waits for a second, but we don't want to stick around...

print('Started Polling: ', tic())

select.select([], [], [], 2)

print('Ended Polling: ', tic())

def gr2():

# Busy waits for a second, but we don't want to stick around...

print('Started Polling: ', tic())

select.select([], [], [], 2)

print('Ended Polling: ', tic())

def gr3():

print("Hey lets do some stuff while the greenlets poll, at", tic())







Started Polling: at 0.0 seconds

Started Polling: at 0.0 seconds

Hey lets do some stuff while the greenlets poll, at at 0.0 seconds

Ended Polling: at 2.0 seconds

Ended Polling: at 2.0 seconds

A somewhat synthetic example defines a task function which is non-deterministic (i.e. its output is not guaranteed to give the same result for the same inputs). In this case the side effect of running the function is that the task pauses its execution for a random number of seconds.


import gevent

import random

def task(pid):


Some non-deterministic task



print('Task', pid, 'done')

def synchronous():

for i in range(1,10):


def asynchronous():

threads = [gevent.spawn(task, i) for i in xrange(10)]







Task 1 done

Task 2 done

Task 3 done

Task 4 done

Task 5 done

Task 6 done

Task 7 done

Task 8 done

Task 9 done


Task 1 done

Task 6 done

Task 5 done

Task 0 done

Task 9 done

Task 8 done

Task 7 done

Task 4 done

Task 3 done

Task 2 done

In the synchronous case all the tasks are run sequentially, which results in the main programming blocking ( i.e. pausing the execution of the main program ) while each task executes.

在同步的情况所有任务都会顺序的运行,当每个任务执行的时候导致主程序 blocking.

The important parts of the program are the gevent.spawn which wraps up the given function inside of a Greenlet thread. The list of initialized greenlets are stored in the array threads which is passed to the gevent.joinall function which blocks the current program to run all the given greenlets. The execution will step forward only when all the greenlets terminate.

程序重要的部分是包装起来的函数gevent.spawn , 它是Greenlet的线程. 初始化的greenlets储存在一个数组threads ,然后提交给 gevent.joinall函数,然后阻塞当前的程序去运行所有greenlets.只有当所有greenlets停止的时候程序才会继续运行.

The important fact to notice is that the order of execution in the async case is essentially random and that the total execution time in the async case is much less than the sync case. In fact the maximum time for the synchronous case to complete is when each tasks pauses for 2 seconds resulting in a 20 seconds for the whole queue. In the async case the maximum runtime is roughly 2 seconds since none of the tasks block the execution of the others.


A more common use case, fetching data from a server asynchronously, the runtime of fetch() will differ between requests given the load on the remote server.

一个更常见的情况,是从服务器上异步获取数据,请求之间 fetch() 的运行时间会给服务器带来不同的负载.

import gevent.monkey


import gevent

import urllib2

import simplejson as json

def fetch(pid):

response = urllib2.urlopen('http://json-time.appspot.com/time.json')

result = response.read()

json_result = json.loads(result)

datetime = json_result['datetime']

print 'Process ', pid, datetime

return json_result['datetime']

def synchronous():

for i in range(1,10):


def asynchronous():

threads = []

for i in range(1,10):

threads.append(gevent.spawn(fetch, i))


print 'Synchronous:'


print 'Asynchronous:'


Determinism 确定性

As mentioned previously, greenlets are deterministic. Given the same inputs and they always produce the same output. For example lets spread a task across a multiprocessing pool compared to a gevent pool.

正如之前提到的,greenlets是确定性的.给相同的输入就总会提供相同的输出.例如展开一个任务来比较一个multiprocessing pool和一个gevent pool.

import time

def echo(i):


return i

# Non Deterministic Process Pool

from multiprocessing.pool import Pool

p = Pool(10)

run1 = [a for a in p.imap_unordered(echo, xrange(10))]

run2 = [a for a in p.imap_unordered(echo, xrange(10))]

run3 = [a for a in p.imap_unordered(echo, xrange(10))]

run4 = [a for a in p.imap_unordered(echo, xrange(10))]

print( run1 == run2 == run3 == run4 )

# Deterministic Gevent Pool

from gevent.pool import Pool

p = Pool(10)

run1 = [a for a in p.imap_unordered(echo, xrange(10))]

run2 = [a for a in p.imap_unordered(echo, xrange(10))]

run3 = [a for a in p.imap_unordered(echo, xrange(10))]

run4 = [a for a in p.imap_unordered(echo, xrange(10))]

print( run1 == run2 == run3 == run4 )



Even though gevent is normally deterministic, sources of non-determinism can creep into your program when you begin to interact with outside services such as sockets and files. Thus even though green threads are a form of "deterministic concurrency", they still can experience some of the same problems that POSIX threads and processes experience.

The perennial problem involved with concurrency is known as a race condition. Simply put is when two concurrent threads / processes depend on some shared resource but also attempt to modify this value. This results in resources whose values become time-dependent on the execution order. This is a problem, and in general one should very much try to avoid race conditions since they result program behavior which is globally non-deterministic.*

The best approach to this is to simply avoid all global state all times. Global state and import-time side effects will always come back to bite you!


Spawning Threads

gevent provides a few wrappers around Greenlet initialization. Some of the most common patterns are:


import gevent

from gevent import Greenlet

def foo(message, n):


Each thread will be passed the message, and n arguments

in its initialization.




# Initialize a new Greenlet instance running the named function

# foo

thread1 = Greenlet.spawn(foo, "Hello", 1)

# Wrapper for creating and runing a new Greenlet from the named

# function foo, with the passed arguments

thread2 = gevent.spawn(foo, "I live!", 2)

# Lambda expressions

thread3 = gevent.spawn(lambda x: (x+1), 2)

threads = [thread1, thread2, thread3]

# Block until all threads complete.



I live!

In addition to using the base Greenlet class, you may also subclass Greenlet class and overload the _run method.

除了用Greenlet的基类,你也可以用Greenlet的子类,重载_run 方法.

from gevent import Greenlet

class MyGreenlet(Greenlet):

def __init__(self, message, n):


self.message = message

self.n = n

def _run(self):



g = MyGreenlet("Hi there!", 3)



Hi there!

Greenlet State 状态

Like any other segment of code, Greenlets can fail in various ways. A greenlet may fail to throw an exception, fail to halt or consume too many system resources.

像其他编程,Greenlets会以不同的方式失败.一个greenlet可能会抛出一个异常, 失败会使程序停止或者消耗系统很多资源.

The internal state of a greenlet is generally a time-dependent parameter. There are a number of flags on greenlets which let you monitor the state of the thread


started -- Boolean, indicates whether the Greenlet has been started. 表明是否Greenlet已经开始

ready() -- Boolean, indicates whether the Greenlet has halted. 表明是否Greenlet已经停止

successful() -- Boolean, indicates whether the Greenlet has halted and not thrown an exception. 表明是否Greenlet已经停止并且没有抛出异常

value -- arbitrary, the value returned by the Greenlet. 任意,Greenlet返回的值

exception -- exception, uncaught exception instance thrown inside the greenlet  异常,greenlet内部实例没有被捕抓的异常

import gevent

def win():

return 'You win!'

def fail():

raise Exception('You fail at failing.')

winner = gevent.spawn(win)

loser = gevent.spawn(fail)

print(winner.started) # True

print(loser.started) # True

# Exceptions raised in the Greenlet, stay inside the Greenlet.


gevent.joinall([winner, loser])

except Exception as e:

print('This will never be reached')

print(winner.value) # 'You win!'

print(loser.value) # None

print(winner.ready()) # True

print(loser.ready()) # True

print(winner.successful()) # True

print(loser.successful()) # False

# The exception raised in fail, will not propogate outside the

# greenlet. A stack trace will be printed to stdout but it

# will not unwind the stack of the parent.


# It is possible though to raise the exception again outside

# raise loser.exception

# or with

# loser.get()



You win!






You fail at failing.

Program Shutdown 程序关闭

Greenlets that fail to yield when the main program receives a SIGQUIT may hold the program's execution longer than expected. This results in so called "zombie processes" which need to be killed from outside of the Python interpreter.

当主程序接受到一个SIGQUIT的时候,Greenlets的失败可能会让程序的执行比预想中长时间.这样的结果称为"zombie processes" ,需要让Python解析器以外的程序杀掉.

A common pattern is to listen SIGQUIT events on the main program and to invoke gevent.shutdown before exit.

一个常用的模块是在主程序中监听SIGQUIT事件和退出前调用 gevent.shutdown .

import gevent

import signal

def run_forever():


if __name__ == '__main__':

gevent.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, gevent.shutdown)

thread = gevent.spawn(run_forever)


Timeouts 超时设定

Timeouts are a constraint on the runtime of a block of code or a Greenlet.


import gevent

from gevent import Timeout

seconds = 10

timeout = Timeout(seconds)


def wait():




except Timeout:

print 'Could not complete'

Or with a context manager in a with a statement.


import gevent

from gevent import Timeout

time_to_wait = 5 # seconds

class TooLong(Exception):


with Timeout(time_to_wait, TooLong):


In addition, gevent also provides timeout arguments for a variety of Greenlet and data stucture related calls. For example:


import gevent

from gevent import Timeout

def wait():


timer = Timeout(1).start()

thread1 = gevent.spawn(wait)



except Timeout:

print('Thread 1 timed out')

# --

timer = Timeout.start_new(1)

thread2 = gevent.spawn(wait)



except Timeout:

print('Thread 2 timed out')

# --


gevent.with_timeout(1, wait)

except Timeout:

print('Thread 3 timed out')

Thread 1 timed out

Thread 2 timed out

Thread 3 timed out

Data Structures 数据结构

Events 事件

Events are a form of asynchronous communication between Greenlets.


import gevent

from gevent.event import AsyncResult

a = AsyncResult()

def setter():


After 3 seconds set wake all threads waiting on the value of





def waiter():


After 3 seconds the get call will unblock.


a.get() # blocking

print 'I live!'





A extension of the Event object is the AsyncResult which allows you to send a value along with the wakeup call. This is sometimes called a future or a deferred, since it holds a reference to a future value that can be set on an arbitrary time schedule.


import gevent

from gevent.event import AsyncResult

a = AsyncResult()

def setter():


After 3 seconds set the result of a.




def waiter():


After 3 seconds the get call will unblock after the setter

puts a value into the AsyncResult.


print a.get()





Queues 队列

Queues are ordered sets of data that have the usual put / get operations but are written in a way such that they can be safely manipulated across Greenlets.

Queues是一组数据的排序,有常用的 put / get操作,但也可以以另一种方式写入,就是当他们在Greenlets之间可以安全地操作.

For example if one Greenlet grabs an item off of the queue, the same item will not grabbed by another Greenlet executing simultaneously.


import gevent

from gevent.queue import Queue

tasks = Queue()

def worker(n):

while not tasks.empty():

task = tasks.get()

print('Worker %s got task %s' % (n, task))


print('Quitting time!')

def boss():

for i in xrange(1,25):




gevent.spawn(worker, 'steve'),

gevent.spawn(worker, 'john'),

gevent.spawn(worker, 'nancy'),


Worker steve got task 1

Worker john got task 2

Worker nancy got task 3

Worker steve got task 4

Worker nancy got task 5

Worker john got task 6

Worker steve got task 7

Worker john got task 8

Worker nancy got task 9

Worker steve got task 10

Worker nancy got task 11

Worker john got task 12

Worker steve got task 13

Worker john got task 14

Worker nancy got task 15

Worker steve got task 16

Worker nancy got task 17

Worker john got task 18

Worker steve got task 19

Worker john got task 20

Worker nancy got task 21

Worker steve got task 22

Worker nancy got task 23

Worker john got task 24

Quitting time!

Quitting time!

Quitting time!

Queues can also block on either put or get as the need arises.

Queues也可以在 put或者get的时候阻塞,如果有必要的话.

Each of the put and get operations has a non-blocking counterpart, put_nowait and get_nowait which will not block, but instead raise either gevent.queue.Emptyor gevent.queue.Full in the operation is not possible.


In this example we have the boss running simultaneously to the workers and have a restriction on the Queue that it can contain no more than three elements. This restriction means that the put operation will block until there is space on the queue. Conversely the get operation will block if there are no elements on the queue to fetch, it also takes a timeout argument to allow for the queue to exit with the exception gevent.queue.Empty if no work can found within the time frame of the Timeout.


import gevent

from gevent.queue import Queue, Empty

tasks = Queue(maxsize=3)

def worker(n):


while True:

task = tasks.get(timeout=1) # decrements queue size by 1

print('Worker %s got task %s' % (n, task))


except Empty:

print('Quitting time!')

def boss():


Boss will wait to hand out work until a individual worker is

free since the maxsize of the task queue is 3.


for i in xrange(1,10):


print('Assigned all work in iteration 1')

for i in xrange(10,20):


print('Assigned all work in iteration 2')



gevent.spawn(worker, 'steve'),

gevent.spawn(worker, 'john'),

gevent.spawn(worker, 'bob'),


Worker steve got task 1

Worker john got task 2

Worker bob got task 3

Worker steve got task 4

Worker bob got task 5

Worker john got task 6

Assigned all work in iteration 1

Worker steve got task 7

Worker john got task 8

Worker bob got task 9

Worker steve got task 10

Worker bob got task 11

Worker john got task 12

Worker steve got task 13

Worker john got task 14

Worker bob got task 15

Worker steve got task 16

Worker bob got task 17

Worker john got task 18

Assigned all work in iteration 2

Worker steve got task 19

Quitting time!

Quitting time!

Quitting time!

Groups and Pools

Locks and Semaphores

Thread Locals



The actor model is a higher level concurrency model popularized by the language Erlang. In short the main idea is that you have a collection of independent Actors which have an inbox from which they receive messages from other Actors. The main loop inside the Actor iterates through its messages and takes action according to its desired behavior.

Gevent does not have a primitive Actor type, but we can define one very simply using a Queue inside of a subclassed Greenlet.

import gevent

class Actor(gevent.Greenlet):

def __init__(self):

self.inbox = queue.Queue()


def receive(self, message):


Define in your subclass.


raise NotImplemented()

def _run(self):

self.running = True

while self.running:

message = self.inbox.get()


In a use case:

import gevent

from gevent.queue import Queue

from gevent import Greenlet

class Pinger(Actor):

def receive(self, message):

print message



class Ponger(Actor):

def receive(self, message):

print message



ping = Pinger()

pong = Ponger()




gevent.joinall([ping, pong])

Real World Applications

Gevent ZeroMQ

ZeroMQ is described by its authors as "a socket library that acts as a concurrency framework". It is a very powerful messaging layer for building concurrent and distributed applications.


ZeroMQ provides a variety of socket primitives, the simplest of which being a Request-Response socket pair. A socket has two methods of interest send and recv, both of which are normally blocking operations. But this is remedied by a briliant library by Travis Cline which uses gevent.socket to poll ZeroMQ sockets in a non-blocking manner. You can install gevent-zeromq from PyPi via: pip install gevent-zeromq

ZeroMQ提供了各种socket基元,最简单的就是一对Request-Response socket. 一个socket有2个有用方法 send和recv,两者一般都会有阻塞操作.但这已经被一个作者叫Travis Cline,基于gevent 写的briliant库补救了.socket 属于 ZeroMQ sockets 是一种不会阻塞的方式.你可以安装 gevent-zeromq 从 PyPi 取到: pip install gevent-zeromq

# Note: Remember to ``pip install pyzmq gevent_zeromq``

import gevent

from gevent_zeromq import zmq

# Global Context

context = zmq.Context()

def server():

server_socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)


for request in range(1,10):


print('Switched to Server for ', request)

# Implicit context switch occurs here


def client():

client_socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)


for request in range(1,10):


print('Switched to Client for ', request)

# Implicit context switch occurs here


publisher = gevent.spawn(server)

client = gevent.spawn(client)

gevent.joinall([publisher, client])

Switched to Server for 1

Switched to Client for 1

Switched to Server for 2

Switched to Client for 2

Switched to Server for 3

Switched to Client for 3

Switched to Server for 4

Switched to Client for 4

Switched to Server for 5

Switched to Client for 5

Switched to Server for 6

Switched to Client for 6

Switched to Server for 7

Switched to Client for 7

Switched to Server for 8

Switched to Client for 8

Switched to Server for 9

Switched to Client for 9

Simple Telnet Servers

# On Unix: Access with ``$ nc 5000``

# On Window: Access with ``$ telnet 5000``

from gevent.server import StreamServer

def handle(socket, address):

socket.send("Hello from a telnet!\n")

for i in range(5):

socket.send(str(i) + '\n')


server = StreamServer(('', 5000), handle)


WSGI Servers

Gevent provides two WSGI servers for serving content over HTTP. Henceforth called wsgi and pywsgi:




In earlier versions of gevent before 1.0.x, gevent used libevent instead of libev. Libevent included a fast HTTP server which was used by gevent's wsgi server.


In gevent 1.0.x there is no http server included. Instead gevent.wsgi it is now an alias for the pure Python server in gevent.pywsgi.


Streaming Servers 流式服务器

If you are using gevent 1.0.x, this section does not apply


For those familiar with streaming HTTP services, the core idea is that in the headers we do not specify a length of the content. We instead hold the connection open and flush chunks down the pipe, prefixing each with a hex digit indicating the length of the chunk. The stream is closed when a size zero chunk is sent.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/plain

Transfer-Encoding: chunked






The above HTTP connection could not be created in wsgi because streaming is not supported. It would instead have to buffered.


from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer

def application(environ, start_response):

status = '200 OK'

body = '

Hello World


headers = [

('Content-Type', 'text/html')


start_response(status, headers)

return [body]

WSGIServer(('', 8000), application).serve_forever()

Using pywsgi we can however write our handler as a generator and yield the result chunk by chunk.


from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer

def application(environ, start_response):

status = '200 OK'

headers = [

('Content-Type', 'text/html')


start_response(status, headers)

yield "


yield "World


WSGIServer(('', 8000), application).serve_forever()

But regardless, performance on Gevent servers is phenomenal compared to other Python servers. libev is a very vetted technology and its derivative servers are known to perform well at scale.

To benchmark, try Apache Benchmark ab or see this Benchmark of Python WSGI Servers for comparison with other servers.


用基准问题测试,尝试 Apache Benchmark ab 看这个 Benchmark of Python WSGI Servers 和其他服务的比较.

$ab -n 10000 -c 100

Long Polling

import gevent

from gevent.queue import Queue, Empty

from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer

import simplejson as json

data_source = Queue()

def producer():

while True:

data_source.put_nowait('Hello World')


def ajax_endpoint(environ, start_response):

status = '200 OK'

headers = [

('Content-Type', 'application/json')



datum = data_source.get(timeout=5)

except Empty:

datum = []

start_response(status, headers)

return json.dumps(datum)


WSGIServer(('', 8000), ajax_endpoint).serve_forever()


Websocket example which requires gevent-websocket.

# Simple gevent-websocket server

import json

import random

from gevent import pywsgi, sleep

from geventwebsocket.handler import WebSocketHandler

class WebSocketApp(object):

'''Send random data to the websocket'''

def __call__(self, environ, start_response):

ws = environ['wsgi.websocket']

x = 0

while True:

data = json.dumps({'x': x, 'y': random.randint(1, 5)})


x += 1


server = pywsgi.WSGIServer(("", 10000), WebSocketApp(),



HTML Page:

Minimal websocket application

// Open up a connection to our server

var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:10000/");

// What do we do when we get a message?

ws.onmessage = function(evt) {


' + evt.data + '



// Just update our conn_status field with the connection status

ws.onopen = function(evt) {



ws.onerror = function(evt) {



ws.onclose = function(evt) {




WebSocket Example

Not Connected

Chat Server

The final motivating example, a realtime chat room. This example requires Flask ( but not neccesarily so, you could use Django, Pyramid, etc ). The corresponding Javascript and HTML files can be found here.

最后一个激励的例子,一个实时的聊天室.这个例子需要Flask(但不是必须的,你可以用Django, Pyramid等等).相应的Javascript 和 HTML 文件可以在这里找到.

# Micro gevent chatroom.

# ----------------------

from flask import Flask, render_template, request

from gevent import queue

from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer

import simplejson as json

app = Flask(__name__)

app.debug = True

rooms = {

'topic1': Room(),

'topic2': Room(),


users = {}

class Room(object):

def __init__(self):

self.users = set()

self.messages = []

def backlog(self, size=25):

return self.messages[-size:]

def subscribe(self, user):


def add(self, message):

for user in self.users:

print user



class User(object):

def __init__(self):

self.queue = queue.Queue()


def choose_name():

return render_template('choose.html')


def main(uid):

return render_template('main.html',





def join(room, uid):

user = users.get(uid, None)

if not user:

users[uid] = user = User()

active_room = rooms[room]


print 'subscribe', active_room, user

messages = active_room.backlog()

return render_template('room.html',

room=room, uid=uid, messages=messages)

@app.route("/put//", methods=["POST"])

def put(room, uid):

user = users[uid]

room = rooms[room]

message = request.form['message']

room.add(':'.join([uid, message]))

return ''

@app.route("/poll/", methods=["POST"])

def poll(uid):


msg = users[uid].queue.get(timeout=10)

except queue.Empty:

msg = []

return json.dumps(msg)

if __name__ == "__main__":

http = WSGIServer(('', 5000), app)


