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comment on/commit oneself to等动词词组


本博文源于《词博士的私教课·英语动词词组速记420》本博文属于“Day5 Week 1”


comment on 评论,解释

  • If you comment on something,you give your opinion about it or you give an explantion for it.

commit oneself to 致力于

  • If you commit yourself to something,you say that you will definitely do it.if you commit yourself to someone,you decide that you want to have a long term relationship with them.

communicate to 传达

  • If you communicate information,a feeling,or an idea to someone,you let them know about it.

communicate with 交流;沟通

  • If you communicate with someone,you share or exchange information with them,for example by speaking,writing,or using equipment.
  • If one person communicates with another,they successfully make each other aware of their feeling and ideas.

compare to 认为…像

  • If you compare one person or thing to another,you say that they are like the other person or thing.

compare with 比得上

  • If you say that something does not compare with something else,you mean that it is much worse.

compete with 竞争

  • When one firm or country competes with another,it tries to get people to buy its own goods in preference to those of the other firm or country.

compete for 争夺

  • If you compete for something,you try to get it for yourself and stop the other person from getting it.

compete in 参加(竞赛)

  • If you compete in a contest or a game,you take part in it.

complain about 抱怨

  • If you complain about a situation,you say that you are not satisfied with it.

complain of 诉说(病痛)

  • If you complain of pain or illness,you say that you are feeling plain or feeling ill.

compose of 组成

  • The things that something is composed of are its parts or members.The separate things that compose something are the parts or members that form it.

congratulate on 祝贺

  • If you congratulate someone on something nice that has happened to them,you say something to show you and pleased.

connect to 连接,相连

  • If you something or someone connects one thing to another,or if one thing connects to another,the two things are joined together.

connect with 联系起来;显示关联

  • If you connect a person or thing with something,you realize that there is a link or relationship between them.
  • Something that connects a person or thing with something else shows or provides a link or relationship between them.

consist in 以…为主要部分

  • Something that consists in something else has that thing as its main or only part.

consist of 以…为组成部分

  • Something that consist of particular things or people is formed from them.

contrast with 比较(不同);形成对比

  • If you contrast one thing with another ,you point out or consider the differences between those things.
  • If one thing contrasts with another,it is very different from it.

contribute to 作出贡献;捐助;构成原因

  • If you contribute yo something,you say or do things to help to make it successfull.
  • To contribute money or resouces to something means to give money or resources to help pay for something or to help achieve a particular purpose.
  • If something contributes to an event or situation ,it is one of the causes of it.

cooperate with 合作

  • If you cooperate with someone,you work with them or help them for a particular purpose,you can also say that two people cooperate.



consist of以…为组成部分
contrast with比较(不同);形成对比
compete in参加(竞赛)
comment on评论,解释
compete for争夺
complain about抱怨
compete with竞争
cooperate with合作
complain of诉说(病痛)
communicate with交流;沟通
contribute to作出贡献;捐助;构成原因
communicate to传达
commit oneself to致力于
compare with比得上
congratulate on祝贺
consist in以…为主要部分
compare to认为…像
connect to连接,相连
connect with联系起来;显示关联
compose of组成



  1. The couple repeatedly ___ the high cost of visiting Europe.
  2. Applicants are eager to learn what a real interview should ____.
  3. You men like to ___ membership in these societies.
  4. Is it true that you ___ these symptoms more at night?
  5. Family therapy showed us how to ___ each other.
  6. Our undergraduates want to ___ international legal affairs after graduation.
  7. Please ___ team members in detail how they should conduct the tests.
  8. On behalf of the company,I would like to ___ the team ___ its huge success.
  9. The style of Alibaba and Tencent appears to ___ one another.
  10. I needed to prove to myself that I could ___ anyone.
  11. How do American students ___ students from other countries?
  12. First we need to ___ the database as we have done previously.
  13. You really can’t ____ something until you know its facts.
  14. I believe that each of us can ___ the future of the world.
  15. This system is problematic because it ___ low-quality hardware.
  16. Production costs even in the cheaper Eastern European countries can’t ___ China.
  17. These companies are drawn to China to ___ the local market.
  18. The road finished by this year will ___ the two villages.
  19. Love does not ___ gazing at each other,but looking forward together in the same direction.
  20. The US must ___ China and Japan on macroeconomic and trade policy.


  1. complain about
  2. consist of
  3. compete for
  4. complain of
  5. communicate with
  6. commit themselves to
  7. communicate to
  8. congraulate on
  9. contrast with
  10. compete with
  11. compare with
  12. connect to
  13. comment on
  14. contribute to
  15. is composed of
  16. compare to
  17. compete in
  18. connect with
  19. consist in
  20. cooperate with

博主上一篇博文(day4 week1):

climb up/cling to/clear up等动词词组
