Linux Shell 圣经


A collection of pure `bash` alternatives to external processes and programs. The `bash` scripting language is more powerful than people realise and most tasks can be accomplished without depending on external programs.

Calling an external process in `bash` is expensive and excessive use will cause a noticeable slowdown. Scripts and programs written using built-in methods (*where applicable*) will be faster, require fewer dependencies and afford a better understanding of the language itself.

The contents of this book provide a reference for solving problems encountered when writing programs and scripts in `bash`. Examples are in function formats showcasing how to incorporate these solutions into code.

<!-- CHAPTER END -->


## Trim leading and trailing white-space from string

This is an alternative to `sed`, `awk`, `perl` and other tools. The
function below works by finding all leading and trailing white-space and
removing it from the start and end of the string. The `:` built-in is used in place of a temporary variable.

**Example Function:**

trim_string() {
    # Usage: trim_string "   example   string    "
    : "${1#"${1%%[![:space:]]*}"}"
    : "${_%"${_##*[![:space:]]}"}"
    printf '%s\n' "$_"

**Example Usage:**

$ trim_string "    Hello,  World    "
Hello,  World

$ name="   John Black  "
$ trim_string "$name"
John Black

## Trim all white-space from string and truncate spaces

This is an alternative to `sed`, `awk`, `perl` and other tools. The
function below works by abusing word splitting to create a new string
without leading/trailing white-space and with truncated spaces.

**Example Function:**

# shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2048
trim_all() {
    # Usage: trim_all "   example   string    "
    set -f
    set -- $*
    printf '%s\n' "$*"
    set +f

**Example Usage:**

$ trim_all "    Hello,    World    "
Hello, World

$ name="   John   Black  is     my    name.    "
$ trim_all "$name"
John Black is my name.

## Use regex on a string

The result of `bash`'s regex matching can be used to replace `sed` for a
large number of use-cases.

**CAVEAT**: This is one of the few platform dependent `bash` features.
`bash` will use whatever regex engine is installed on the user's system.
Stick to POSIX regex features if aiming for compatibility.

**CAVEAT**: This example only prints the first matching group. When using
multiple capture groups some modification is needed.

**Example Function:**

regex() {
    # Usage: regex "string" "regex"
    [[ $1 =~ $2 ]] && printf '%s\n' "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"

**Example Usage:**

$ # Trim leading white-space.
$ regex '    hello' '^\s*(.*)'

$ # Validate a hex color.
$ regex "#FFFFFF" '^(#?([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3}))$'

$ # Validate a hex color (invalid).
$ regex "red" '^(#?([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3}))$'
# no output (invalid)

**Example Usage in script:**

is_hex_color() {
    if [[ $1 =~ ^(#?([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3}))$ ]]; then
        printf '%s\n' "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
        printf '%s\n' "error: $1 is an invalid color."
        return 1

read -r color
is_hex_color "$color" || color="#FFFFFF"

# Do stuff.

## Split a string on a delimiter

**CAVEAT:** Requires `bash` 4+

This is an alternative to `cut`, `awk` and other tools.

**Example Function:**

split() {
   # Usage: split "string" "delimiter"
   IFS=$'\n' read -d "" -ra arr <<< "${1//$2/$'\n'}"
   printf '%s\n' "${arr[@]}"

**Example Usage:**

$ split "apples,oranges,pears,grapes" ","

$ split "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" ", "

# Multi char delimiters work too!
$ split "hello---world---my---name---is---john" "---"

## Change a string to lowercase

**CAVEAT:** Requires `bash` 4+

**Example Function:**

lower() {
    # Usage: lower "string"
    printf '%s\n' "${1,,}"

**Example Usage:**

$ lower "HELLO"

$ lower "HeLlO"

$ lower "hello"

## Change a string to uppercase

**CAVEAT:** Requires `bash` 4+

**Example Function:**

upper() {
    # Usage: upper "string"
    printf '%s\n' "${1^^}"

**Example Usage:**

$ upper "hello"

$ upper "HeLlO"

$ upper "HELLO"

## Reverse a string case

**CAVEAT:** Requires `bash` 4+

**Example Function:**

reverse_case() {
    # Usage: reverse_case "string"
    printf '%s\n' "${1~~}"

**Example Usage:**

$ reverse_case "hello"

$ reverse_case "HeLlO"

$ reverse_case "HELLO"

## Trim quotes from a string

**Example Function:**

trim_quotes() {
    # Usage: trim_quotes "string"
    : "${1//\'}"
    printf '%s\n' "${_//\"}"

**Example Usage:**

$ var="'Hello', \"World\""
$ trim_quotes "$var"
Hello, World

## Strip all instances of pattern from string

**Example Function:**

strip_all() {
    # Usage: strip_all "string" "pattern"
    printf '%s\n' "${1//$2}"

**Example Usage:**

$ strip_all "The Quick Brown Fox" "[aeiou]"
Th Qck Brwn Fx

$ strip_all "The Quick Brown Fox" "[[:space:]]"

$ strip_all "The Quick Brown Fox" "Quick "
The Brown Fox

## Strip first occurrence of pattern from string

**Example Function:**

strip() {
    # Usage: strip "string" "pattern"
    printf '%s\n' "${1/$2}"

**Example Usage:**

$ strip "The Quick Brown Fox" "[aeiou]"
Th Quick Brown Fox

$ strip "The Quick Brown Fox" "[[:space:]]"
TheQuick Brown Fox

## Strip pattern from start of string

**Example Function:**

lstrip() {
    # Usage: lstrip "string" "pattern"
    printf '%s\n' "${1##$2}"

**Example Usage:**

$ lstrip "The Quick Brown Fox" "The "
Quick Brown Fox

## Strip pattern from end of string

**Example Function:**

rstrip() {
    # Usage: rstrip "string" "pattern"
    printf '%s\n' "${1%%$2}"

**Example Usage:**

$ rstrip "The Quick Brown Fox" " Fox"
The Quick Brown

## Percent-encode a string

**Example Function:**

urlencode() {
    # Usage: urlencode "string"
    local LC_ALL=C
    for (( i = 0; i < ${#1}; i++ )); do
        : "${1:i:1}"
        case "$_" in
                printf '%s' "$_"

                printf '%%%02X' "'$_"
    printf '\n'

**Example Usage:**

$ urlencode ""

## Decode a percent-encoded string

**Example Function:**

urldecode() {
    # Usage: urldecode "string"
    : "${1//+/ }"
    printf '%b\n' "${_//%/\\x}"

**Example Usage:**

$ urldecode ""

## Check if string contains a sub-string

**Using a test:**

if [[ $var == *sub_string* ]]; then
    printf '%s\n' "sub_string is in var."

# Inverse (substring not in string).
if [[ $var != *sub_string* ]]; then
    printf '%s\n' "sub_string is not in var."

# This works for arrays too!
if [[ ${arr[*]} == *sub_string* ]]; then
    printf '%s\n' "sub_string is in array."

**Using a case statement:**

case "$var" in
        # Do stuff

        # Do more stuff

        # Else

## Check if string starts with sub-string

if [[ $var == sub_string* ]]; then
    printf '%s\n' "var starts with sub_string."

# Inverse (var does not start with sub_string).
if [[ $var != sub_string* ]]; then
    printf '%s\n' "var does not start with sub_string."

## Check if string ends with sub-string

if [[ $var == *sub_string ]]; then
    printf '%s\n' "var ends with sub_string."

# Inverse (var does not end with sub_string).
if [[ $var != *sub_string ]]; then
    printf '%s\n' "var does not end with sub_string."

<!-- CHAPTER END -->


## Reverse an array

Enabling `extdebug` allows access to the `BASH_ARGV` array which stores
the current function’s arguments in reverse.

**CAVEAT**: Requires `shopt -s compat44` in `bash` 5.0+.

**Example Function:**

reverse_array() {
    # Usage: reverse_array "array"
    shopt -s extdebug
    f()(printf '%s\n' "${BASH_ARGV[@]}"); f "$@"
    shopt -u extdebug

**Example Usage:**

$ reverse_array 1 2 3 4 5

$ arr=(red blue green)
$ reverse_array "${arr[@]}"

## Remove duplicate array elements

Create a temporary associative array. When setting associative array
values and a duplicate assignment occurs, bash overwrites the key. This
allows us to effectively remove array duplicates.

**CAVEAT:** Requires `bash` 4+

**CAVEAT:** List order may not stay the same.

**Example Function:**

remove_array_dups() {
    # Usage: remove_array_dups "array"
    declare -A tmp_array

    for i in "$@"; do
        [[ $i ]] && IFS=" " tmp_array["${i:- }"]=1

    printf '%s\n' "${!tmp_array[@]}"

**Example Usage:**

$ remove_array_dups 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5

$ arr=(red red green blue blue)
$ remove_array_dups "${arr[@]}"

## Random array element

**Example Function:**

random_array_element() {
    # Usage: random_array_element "array"
    local arr=("$@")
    printf '%s\n' "${arr[RANDOM % $#]}"

**Example Usage:**

$ array=(red green blue yellow brown)
$ random_array_element "${array[@]}"

# Multiple arguments can also be passed.
$ random_array_element 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

## Cycle through an array

Each time the `printf` is called, the next array element is printed. When
the print hits the last array element it starts from the first element

arr=(a b c d)

cycle() {
    printf '%s ' "${arr[${i:=0}]}"

## Toggle between two values

This works the same as above, this is just a different use case.

arr=(true false)

cycle() {
    printf '%s ' "${arr[${i:=0}]}"

<!-- CHAPTER END -->


## Loop over a range of numbers

Alternative to `seq`.

# Loop from 0-100 (no variable support).
for i in {0..100}; do
    printf '%s\n' "$i"

## Loop over a variable range of numbers

Alternative to `seq`.

# Loop from 0-VAR.
for ((i=0;i<=VAR;i++)); do
    printf '%s\n' "$i"

## Loop over an array

arr=(apples oranges tomatoes)

# Just elements.
for element in "${arr[@]}"; do
    printf '%s\n' "$element"

## Loop over an array with an index

arr=(apples oranges tomatoes)

# Elements and index.
for i in "${!arr[@]}"; do
    printf '%s\n' "${arr[i]}"

# Alternative method.
for ((i=0;i<${#arr[@]};i++)); do
    printf '%s\n' "${arr[i]}"

## Loop over the contents of a file

while read -r line; do
    printf '%s\n' "$line"
done < "file"

## Loop over files and directories

Don’t use `ls`.

# Greedy example.
for file in *; do
    printf '%s\n' "$file"

# PNG files in dir.
for file in ~/Pictures/*.png; do
    printf '%s\n' "$file"

# Iterate over directories.
for dir in ~/Downloads/*/; do
    printf '%s\n' "$dir"

# Brace Expansion.
for file in /path/to/parentdir/{file1,file2,subdir/file3}; do
    printf '%s\n' "$file"

# Iterate recursively.
shopt -s globstar
for file in ~/Pictures/**/*; do
    printf '%s\n' "$file"
shopt -u globstar

<!-- CHAPTER END -->


**CAVEAT:** `bash` does not handle binary data properly in versions `< 4.4`.

## Read a file to a string

Alternative to the `cat` command.


## Read a file to an array (*by line*)

Alternative to the `cat` command.

# Bash <4 (discarding empty lines).
IFS=$'\n' read -d "" -ra file_data < "file"

# Bash <4 (preserving empty lines).
while read -r line; do
done < "file"

# Bash 4+
mapfile -t file_data < "file"

## Get the first N lines of a file

Alternative to the `head` command.

**CAVEAT:** Requires `bash` 4+

**Example Function:**

head() {
    # Usage: head "n" "file"
    mapfile -tn "$1" line < "$2"
    printf '%s\n' "${line[@]}"

**Example Usage:**

$ head 2 ~/.bashrc
# Prompt
PS1='➜ '

$ head 1 ~/.bashrc
# Prompt

## Get the last N lines of a file

Alternative to the `tail` command.

**CAVEAT:** Requires `bash` 4+

**Example Function:**

tail() {
    # Usage: tail "n" "file"
    mapfile -tn 0 line < "$2"
    printf '%s\n' "${line[@]: -$1}"

**Example Usage:**

$ tail 2 ~/.bashrc
# Enable tmux.
# [[ -z "$TMUX"  ]] && exec tmux

$ tail 1 ~/.bashrc
# [[ -z "$TMUX"  ]] && exec tmux

## Get the number of lines in a file

Alternative to `wc -l`.

**Example Function (bash 4):**

lines() {
    # Usage: lines "file"
    mapfile -tn 0 lines < "$1"
    printf '%s\n' "${#lines[@]}"

**Example Function (bash 3):**

This method uses less memory than the `mapfile` method and works in `bash` 3 but it is slower for bigger files.

lines_loop() {
    # Usage: lines_loop "file"
    while IFS= read -r _; do
    done < "$1"
    printf '%s\n' "$count"

**Example Usage:**

$ lines ~/.bashrc

$ lines_loop ~/.bashrc

## Count files or directories in directory

This works by passing the output of the glob to the function and then counting the number of arguments.

**Example Function:**

count() {
    # Usage: count /path/to/dir/*
    #        count /path/to/dir/*/
    printf '%s\n' "$#"

**Example Usage:**

# Count all files in dir.
$ count ~/Downloads/*

# Count all dirs in dir.
$ count ~/Downloads/*/

# Count all jpg files in dir.
$ count ~/Pictures/*.jpg

## Create an empty file

Alternative to `touch`.

# Shortest.

# Longer alternatives:
echo -n >file
printf '' >file

## Extract lines between two markers

**Example Function:**

extract() {
    # Usage: extract file "opening marker" "closing marker"
    while IFS=$'\n' read -r line; do
        [[ $extract && $line != "$3" ]] &&
            printf '%s\n' "$line"

        [[ $line == "$2" ]] && extract=1
        [[ $line == "$3" ]] && extract=
    done < "$1"

**Example Usage:**

# Extract code blocks from MarkDown file.
$ extract ~/projects/pure-bash/ '```sh' '```'
# Output here...

<!-- CHAPTER END -->


## Get the directory name of a file path

Alternative to the `dirname` command.

**Example Function:**

dirname() {
    # Usage: dirname "path"
    local tmp=${1:-.}

    [[ $tmp != *[!/]* ]] && {
        printf '/\n'


    [[ $tmp != */* ]] && {
        printf '.\n'


    printf '%s\n' "${tmp:-/}"

**Example Usage:**

$ dirname ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/1.jpg

$ dirname ~/Pictures/Downloads/

## Get the base-name of a file path

Alternative to the `basename` command.

**Example Function:**

basename() {
    # Usage: basename "path" ["suffix"]
    local tmp


    printf '%s\n' "${tmp:-/}"

**Example Usage:**

$ basename ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/1.jpg

$ basename ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/1.jpg .jpg

$ basename ~/Pictures/Downloads/

<!-- CHAPTER END -->


## Assign and access a variable using a variable

$ hello_world="value"

# Create the variable name.
$ var="world"
$ ref="hello_$var"

# Print the value of the variable name stored in 'hello_$var'.
$ printf '%s\n' "${!ref}"

Alternatively, on `bash` 4.3+:

$ hello_world="value"
$ var="world"

# Declare a nameref.
$ declare -n ref=hello_$var

$ printf '%s\n' "$ref"

## Name a variable based on another variable

$ var="world"
$ declare "hello_$var=value"
$ printf '%s\n' "$hello_world"

<!-- CHAPTER END -->


Contrary to popular belief, there is no issue in utilizing raw escape sequences. Using `tput` abstracts the same ANSI sequences as if printed manually. Worse still, `tput` is not actually portable. There are a number of `tput` variants each with different commands and syntaxes (*try `tput setaf 3` on a FreeBSD system*). Raw sequences are fine.

## Text Colors

**NOTE:** Sequences requiring RGB values only work in True-Color Terminal Emulators.

| Sequence | What does it do? | Value |
| -------- | ---------------- | ----- |
| `\e[38;5;<NUM>m` | Set text foreground color. | `0-255`
| `\e[48;5;<NUM>m` | Set text background color. | `0-255`
| `\e[38;2;<R>;<G>;<B>m` | Set text foreground color to RGB color. | `R`, `G`, `B`
| `\e[48;2;<R>;<G>;<B>m` | Set text background color to RGB color. | `R`, `G`, `B`

## Text Attributes

**NOTE:** Prepend 2 to any code below to turn it's effect off
(examples: 21=bold text off, 22=faint text off, 23=italic text off).

| Sequence | What does it do? |
| -------- | ---------------- |
| `\e[m` | Reset text formatting and colors. |
| `\e[1m` | Bold text. |
| `\e[2m` | Faint text. |
| `\e[3m` | Italic text. |
| `\e[4m` | Underline text. |
| `\e[5m` | Blinking text. |
| `\e[7m` | Highlighted text. |
| `\e[8m` | Hidden text. |
| `\e[9m` | Strike-through text. |

## Cursor Movement

| Sequence | What does it do? | Value |
| -------- | ---------------- | ----- |
| `\e[<LINE>;<COLUMN>H` | Move cursor to absolute position. | `line`, `column`
| `\e[H` | Move cursor to home position (`0,0`). |
| `\e[<NUM>A` | Move cursor up N lines. | `num`
| `\e[<NUM>B` | Move cursor down N lines. | `num`
| `\e[<NUM>C` | Move cursor right N columns. | `num`
| `\e[<NUM>D` | Move cursor left N columns. | `num`
| `\e[s` | Save cursor position. |
| `\e[u` | Restore cursor position. |

## Erasing Text

| Sequence | What does it do? |
| -------- | ---------------- |
| `\e[K` | Erase from cursor position to end of line.
| `\e[1K` | Erase from cursor position to start of line.
| `\e[2K` | Erase the entire current line.
| `\e[J` | Erase from the current line to the bottom of the screen.
| `\e[1J` | Erase from the current line to the top of the screen.
| `\e[2J` | Clear the screen.
| `\e[2J\e[H` | Clear the screen and move cursor to `0,0`.

<!-- CHAPTER END -->


## Indirection

| Parameter | What does it do? |
| --------- | ---------------- |
| `${!VAR}` | Access a variable based on the value of `VAR`.
| `${!VAR*}` | Expand to `IFS` separated list of variable names starting with `VAR`. |
| `${!VAR@}` | Expand to `IFS` separated list of variable names starting with `VAR`. If double-quoted, each variable name expands to a separate word. |

## Replacement

| Parameter | What does it do? |
| --------- | ---------------- |
| `${VAR#PATTERN}` | Remove shortest match of pattern from start of string. |
| `${VAR##PATTERN}` | Remove longest match of pattern from start of string. |
| `${VAR%PATTERN}` | Remove shortest match of pattern from end of string. |
| `${VAR%%PATTERN}` | Remove longest match of pattern from end of string. |
| `${VAR/PATTERN/REPLACE}` | Replace first match with string.
| `${VAR//PATTERN/REPLACE}` | Replace all matches with string.
| `${VAR/PATTERN}` | Remove first match.
| `${VAR//PATTERN}` | Remove all matches.

## Length

| Parameter | What does it do? |
| --------- | ---------------- |
| `${#VAR}` | Length of var in characters.
| `${#ARR[@]}` | Length of array in elements.

## Expansion

| Parameter | What does it do? |
| --------- | ---------------- |
| `${VAR:OFFSET}` | Remove first `N` chars from variable.
| `${VAR:OFFSET:LENGTH}` | Get substring from `N` character to `N` character. <br> (`${VAR:10:10}`: Get sub-string from char `10` to char `20`)
| `${VAR:: OFFSET}` | Get first `N` chars from variable.
| `${VAR:: -OFFSET}` | Remove last `N` chars from variable.
| `${VAR: -OFFSET}` | Get last `N` chars from variable.
| `${VAR:OFFSET:-OFFSET}` | Cut first `N` chars and last `N` chars. | `bash 4.2+` |

## Case Modification

| Parameter | What does it do? | CAVEAT |
| --------- | ---------------- | ------ |
| `${VAR^}` | Uppercase first character. | `bash 4+` |
| `${VAR^^}` | Uppercase all characters. | `bash 4+` |
| `${VAR,}` | Lowercase first character. | `bash 4+` |
| `${VAR,,}` | Lowercase all characters. | `bash 4+` |
| `${VAR~}` | Reverse case of first character. | `bash 4+` |
| `${VAR~~}` | Reverse case of all characters. | `bash 4+` |

## Default Value

| Parameter | What does it do? |
| --------- | ---------------- |
| `${VAR:-STRING}` | If `VAR` is empty or unset, use `STRING` as its value.
| `${VAR-STRING}` | If `VAR` is unset, use `STRING` as its value.
| `${VAR:=STRING}` | If `VAR` is empty or unset, set the value of `VAR` to `STRING`.
| `${VAR=STRING}` | If `VAR` is unset, set the value of `VAR` to `STRING`.
| `${VAR:+STRING}` | If `VAR` is not empty, use `STRING` as its value.
| `${VAR+STRING}` | If `VAR` is set, use `STRING` as its value.
| `${VAR:?STRING}` | Display an error if empty or unset.
| `${VAR?STRING}` | Display an error if unset.

<!-- CHAPTER END -->


## Ranges

# Syntax: {<START>..<END>}

# Print numbers 1-100.
echo {1..100}

# Print range of floats.
echo 1.{1..9}

# Print chars a-z.
echo {a..z}
echo {A..Z}

# Nesting.
echo {A..Z}{0..9}

# Print zero-padded numbers.
# CAVEAT: bash 4+
echo {01..100}

# Change increment amount.
# Syntax: {<START>..<END>..<INCREMENT>}
# CAVEAT: bash 4+
echo {1..10..2} # Increment by 2.

## String Lists

echo {apples,oranges,pears,grapes}

# Example Usage:
# Remove dirs Movies, Music and ISOS from ~/Downloads/.
rm -rf ~/Downloads/{Movies,Music,ISOS}

<!-- CHAPTER END -->


## File Conditionals

| Expression | Value  | What does it do? |
| ---------- | ------ | ---------------- |
| `-a`       | `file` | If file exists.
| `-b`       | `file` | If file exists and is a block special file.
| `-c`       | `file` | If file exists and is a character special file.
| `-d`       | `file` | If file exists and is a directory.
| `-e`       | `file` | If file exists.
| `-f`       | `file` | If file exists and is a regular file.
| `-g`       | `file` | If file exists and its set-group-id bit is set.
| `-h`       | `file` | If file exists and is a symbolic link.
| `-k`       | `file` | If file exists and its sticky-bit is set
| `-p`       | `file` | If file exists and is a named pipe (*FIFO*).
| `-r`       | `file` | If file exists and is readable.
| `-s`       | `file` | If file exists and its size is greater than zero.
| `-t`       | `fd`   | If file descriptor is open and refers to a terminal.
| `-u`       | `file` | If file exists and its set-user-id bit is set.
| `-w`       | `file` | If file exists and is writable.
| `-x`       | `file` | If file exists and is executable.
| `-G`       | `file` | If file exists and is owned by the effective group ID.
| `-L`       | `file` | If file exists and is a symbolic link.
| `-N`       | `file` | If file exists and has been modified since last read.
| `-O`       | `file` | If file exists and is owned by the effective user ID.
| `-S`       | `file` | If file exists and is a socket.

## File Comparisons

| Expression | What does it do? |
| ---------- | ---------------- |
| `file -ef file2` | If both files refer to the same inode and device numbers.
| `file -nt file2` | If `file` is newer than `file2` (*uses modification time*) or `file` exists and `file2` does not.
| `file -ot file2` | If `file` is older than `file2` (*uses modification time*) or `file2` exists and `file` does not.

## Variable Conditionals

| Expression | Value | What does it do? |
| ---------- | ----- | ---------------- |
| `-o`       | `opt` | If shell option is enabled.
| `-v`       | `var` | If variable has a value assigned.
| `-R`       | `var` | If variable is a name reference.
| `-z`       | `var` | If the length of string is zero.
| `-n`       | `var` | If the length of string is non-zero.

## Variable Comparisons

| Expression | What does it do? |
| ---------- | ---------------- |
| `var = var2` | Equal to.
| `var == var2` | Equal to (*synonym for `=`*).
| `var != var2` | Not equal to.
| `var < var2` | Less than (*in ASCII alphabetical order.*)
| `var > var2` | Greater than (*in ASCII alphabetical order.*)

<!-- CHAPTER END -->

