当前位置: 首页 > 工具软件 > gulp-execa > 使用案例 >

gulp.spritesmith <gulp插件>




Getting Started

1. Install the module with: npm install gulp.spritesmith

var gulp = require('gulp');
var spritesmith = require('gulp.spritesmith');

gulp.task('sprite', function () {
  var spriteData = gulp.src('images/*.png').pipe(spritesmith({
    imgName: 'sprite.png',
    cssName: 'sprite.css'

  return spriteData.pipe(gulp.dest('path/to/output/'));

2. Continuing the pipeline

gulp 执行下列脚本,即可生成合并图

var gulp = require('gulp');
var buffer = require('vinyl-buffer');
var csso = require('gulp-csso');
var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');
var merge = require('merge-stream');

var spritesmith = require('gulp.spritesmith');

gulp.task('sprite', function () {
  // Generate our spritesheet
  var spriteData = gulp.src('images/*.png').pipe(spritesmith({
    imgName: 'sprite.png',
    cssName: 'sprite.css'

  // Pipe image stream through image optimizer and onto disk
  var imgStream = spriteData.img
    // DEV: We must buffer our stream into a Buffer for `imagemin`

  // Pipe CSS stream through CSS optimizer and onto disk
  var cssStream = spriteData.css

  // Return a merged stream to handle both `end` events
  return merge(imgStream, cssStream);

3. config

3.1 个性化配置

  const spritesConfig = {
    src: './src/static/slice/**/*.png',
    dest: {
      css: './src/static/styles/sprite/',
      image: './src/static/images/sprite/'
    options: {
      imgName: 'sprite.png',
      imgPath: '../../images/sprite/sprite.png',
      cssName: 'sprite.less',
      padding: 4,
      cssFormat: "less",
      cssOpts: {
        cssClass: function(item) {
          // If this is a hover sprite, name it as a hover one (e.g. 'home-hover' -> 'home:hover')
          if (item.name.indexOf('-hover') !== -1) {
            return '.icon-' + item.name.replace('-hover', ':hover');
            // Otherwise, use the name as the selector (e.g. 'home' -> 'home')
          } else {
            return '.icon-' + item.name;
      retinaSrcFilter: ['./src/static/slice/**/*@2x.png'],
      retinaImgName: 'sprite@2x.png',
      cssTemplate:(data)=> {
        // data为对象,保存合成前小图和合成打大图的信息包括小图在大图之中的信息
        let arr = [],
          width = data.spritesheet.px.width,
          height = data.spritesheet.px.height,
          url = data.spritesheet.image;
        data.sprites.forEach(function (sprite) {
            ".icon-" + sprite.name +
            "{" +
            "background: url('" + url + "') " +
            "no-repeat " +
            sprite.px.offset_x + " " + sprite.px.offset_y + ";" +
            "background-size: " + width + " " + height + ";" +
            "width: " + sprite.px.width + ";" +
            "height: " + sprite.px.height + ";" +
        return arr.join("");

3.2 使用个性化配置

    const spriteData = gulp.src(spritesConfig.src)
      .pipe(spritesmith(Object.assign({}, spritesConfig.options)));

    const imgStream = spriteData.img
      .on('end', () => {

    const cssStream = spriteData.css
      .on('end', () => {

    return merge(imgStream, cssStream);


.icon-{{name}}:before {
       display: block;
       background-image: url({{{escaped_image}}});
       background-position: {{px.offset_x}} {{px.offset_y}};
       width: {{px.width}};
       height: {{px.height}};

4. use in html


.icon {
    display: inline-block;

5. 注意事项
1. 需要合并的图片一定要准备2x图片,并且名字也要以“@2x”结尾,否则会报错。例如:想合并一张weixin.png的图片,那么需要在同目录下准备一张weixin@2x.png的图片,且尺寸都必须为偶数。
