
Gulp.js command execution for humans
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 何昆
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Gulp.js command execution for humans.

As opposed to similar plugins or tochild_process.exec(),this uses Execa which provides:

gulp-execa adds Gulp-specific features toExeca including:

Commands can be executed either directly or inside afiles stream. Instreaming mode, unlike other libraries:



import gulp from 'gulp'
import { task, exec, stream } from 'gulp-execa'

export const audit = task('npm audit')

export const outdated = async () => {
  await exec('npm outdated')

export const sort = () =>
    .pipe(stream(({ path }) => `sort ${path}`))


You can try this library:


npm install -D gulp-execa

This plugin requires Gulp 4.

This package is an ES module and must be loaded usingan import or import() statement,not require().


task(command, [options])

Returns a Gulp task that executes command.

import { task } from 'gulp-execa'

export const audit = task('npm audit')

exec(command, [options])

Executes command. The return value is both a promise and achild_process instance.

The promise will be resolved with thecommand result. Ifthe command failed, the promise will be rejected with a niceerror. If thereject: false option was used,the promise will be resolved with that error instead.

import { exec } from 'gulp-execa'

export const outdated = async () => {
  await exec('npm outdated')

stream(function, [options])

Returns a stream that executes a command on each input file.

function must:

  • take a Vinyl fileas argument. The most useful property is file.path butother propertiesare available as well.
  • return either:
    • a command string
    • an options object with a command property
    • undefined
import gulp from 'gulp'
import { stream } from 'gulp-execa'

export const sort = () =>
    .pipe(stream(({ path }) => `sort ${path}`))

Each file in the stream will spawn a separate process. This can consume lots ofresources so you should only use this method when there are no alternatives suchas:

  • firing a command programmatically instead of spawning a child process
  • passing several files, a directory or a globbing pattern as arguments to thecommand

The verbose,stdout,stderr,all andstdio options cannot be usedwith this method.


By default no shell interpreter (like Bash or cmd.exe) is used. This meanscommand must be just the program and its arguments. No escaping/quoting isneeded, except for significant spaces (with a backslash).

Shell features such as globbing, variables and operators (like && > ;)should not be used. All of this can be done directly in Node.js instead.

Shell interpreters are slower, less secure and less cross-platform. However, youcan still opt-in to using them with theshell option.

import { writeFileStream } from 'fs'

import gulp from 'gulp'
import { task } from 'gulp-execa'

// Wrong
// export const check = task('npm audit && npm outdated')

// Correct
export const check = gulp.series(task('npm audit'), task('npm outdated'))

// Wrong
// export const install = task('npm install > log.txt')

// Correct
export const install = task('npm install', {
  stdout: writeFileStream('log.txt'),


options is an optional object.

All Execa options can be used.Please refer to its documentation for a list of possible options.

The following options are available as well.


Type: boolean
Default: true for task() and exec(),false for stream().

Whether the command should be printed on the console.

$ gulp audit
[13:09:39] Using gulpfile ~/code/gulpfile.js
[13:09:39] Starting 'audit'...
[13:09:39] [gulp-execa] npm audit
[13:09:44] Finished 'audit' after 4.96 s


Type: boolean
Default: true for task() and exec(),false for stream().

Whether both the command and its output (stdout/stderr) should be printedon the console instead of being returned in JavaScript.

$ gulp audit
[13:09:39] Using gulpfile ~/code/gulpfile.js
[13:09:39] Starting 'audit'...
[13:09:39] [gulp-execa] npm audit

                        == npm audit security report ===

found 0 vulnerabilities
 in 27282 scanned packages
[13:09:44] Finished 'audit' after 4.96 s


Type: string
Value: 'replace' or 'save'
Default: 'replace'

With stream(), whether the command result should:

  • replace the file's contents
  • save: be pushedto the file.execa array property
import gulp from 'gulp'
import { stream } from 'gulp-execa'
import through from 'through2'

export const task = () =>
    // Prints the number of lines of each file
    .pipe(stream(({ path }) => `wc -l ${path}`, { result: 'save' }))
      through.obj((file, encoding, func) => {
        func(null, file)


Type: string
Value: 'stdout', 'stderr' or 'all'
Default: 'stdout'

Which output stream to use with result: 'replace'.

import gulp from 'gulp'
import { stream } from 'gulp-execa'
import through from 'through2'

export const task = () =>
    // Prints the number of lines of each file, including `stderr`
      stream(({ path }) => `wc -l ${path}`, { result: 'replace', from: 'all' }),
      through.obj((file, encoding, func) => {
        func(null, file)


Type: integer
Default: 100

With stream(), how many commands to run in parallelat once.

See also


For any question, don't hesitate to submit an issue on GitHub.

Everyone is welcome regardless of personal background. We enforce aCode of conduct in order to promote a positive andinclusive environment.


This project was made with ❤️ . The simplest way to give back is by starring andsharing it online.

If the documentation is unclear or has a typo, please click on the page's Editbutton (pencil icon) and suggest a correction.

If you would like to help us fix a bug or add a new feature, please check ourguidelines. Pull requests are welcome!

Thanks go to our wonderful contributors:


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Jonathan Haines
Jonathan Haines

  • Gulp 基于 node 平台开发的前端构建工具 将机械化操作编写成任务,想要执行机械化操作时执行一个命令行任务就会自动执行了。 用机器代替手工,提高效率。 Gulp能做什么 项目上线, html 、css、js文件压缩合并 语法转换(es6->es5、less->css…) 公共文件抽离 修改文件浏览器自动刷新 Gulp使用场景 项目的工程模块依赖比较简单,甚至没有模块化的概念。 只需要进行简单

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  • gulp-useref的作用 它可以把html里零碎的这些引入合并成一个文件,但是它不负责代码压缩。 var gulp = require('gulp'), useref = require('gulp-useref'); gulp.task('default', function () { return gulp.src('app/*.html'

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  • 支援 Gulp 4.0,允许嵌套配置任务及组态。以优雅、直觉的方式,重复使用 gulp 任务。 编码的时候你遵守 DRY 原则,那编写 gulpfile.js 的时候,为什么不呢? 功能 支援 Gulp 4.0, 自动载入本地 recipe, 支援透过 npm 安装 plugin, 支援嵌套任务并且允许子任务继承组态配置, 支援向前、向后参照任务, 透过组态配置即可处理串流:譬如 merge, q