cross compiling in Linux for android(arm_linux) platform


There are two ways in cross compiling for android platform.

First, make use of arm-none-linux-gnueabi toolchain, you can download it from the following url:

Second, use arm-gnueabi toolchain which is in NDK of Android.


Now I will tell how to cross compile for android platform by an example of compiling CyberGarage.


1.      Firstly, introduce the method how to make use of arm-gnueabi toolchain. (The following referred three scripts can be extracted from attachment ””)


a.      Download SDK and NDK from Android official web

b.      Build Android develop environment

c.      Download Expat XML Parser on which is relied by CyberGarage:

d.      Download project CyberGarage for C from

e.      Edit /etc/profile in order to add ${path}: export PATH=${PATH}:/root/Desktop/android-ndk-r4b/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin

f.       1) Put “config_shell_expat” into folder “expat-2.0.1”;

2) #./config_shell_expat; (it will generate Makefile and libtool);

3) Set the line


instead of


which is contained in the “libtool” script (Why need to change libtool? Because crtbegin_dynamic.o and crtend_android.o in NDK is not generated by libtool. Therefore I can say toolchain in NDK is not very perfect for porting. It needs further update in the future);

4) #make

5) #make install

g.      1) Put “config_shell_clinkc” into folder “clinkc-2.3”;

2) #./config_shell_clinkc;

3) Set the line


instead of


which is contained in the “libtool” script;

4) #make

5) #make install

h.      1) Put file “make_shell” into application source folder;

2) #./make_shell;

3) you can get application under source folder


2.      Then how to make use of arm-none-linux-gnueabi toolchain. (The following referred three scripts can be extracted from attachment ””)


a.      Download arm-none-linux-gnueabi from codesourcery;

b.      Edit /etc/profile in order to add ${path}: export PATH=${PATH}:/root/CodeSourcery/Sourcery_G++_Lite/bin

c.      1) Put “config_shell_expat_gnu” into folder “expat-2.0.1”;

2) #./config_shell_expat_gnu; (it will generate Makefile and libtool);

3) #make

4) #make install

d.      1) Put “config_shell_clinkc_gnu” into folder “clinkc-2.3”;

2) #./config_shell_clinkc_gnu;

3) #make

4) #make install

e.      1) Put file “make_shell_gnu” into application source folder;

2) #./make_shell_gnu;

3) you can get application under source folder


The above two methods have been verified. If any questions, pls email me.

Thank you



