3. How to compile FFMPEG in Windows?
Here, I only introduce HOWTO for the environment of MSYS+MinGW+VC. Others will be investigated later.
3.1 How to download and install MSYS/MinGW?
1. Enter http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2435 page
a. Click MSYS Base System and download bash-3.1-MSYS-1.0.11-1.tar.bz2, coreutils-5.97-MSYS-1.0.11-snapshot.tar.bz2 and msysCORE-1.0.11-20080826.tar.gz.
b. Extract msysCORE-1.0.11-20080826.tar.gz into XXX/msys folder.
c. Extrace coreutils-5.97-MSYS-1.0.11-snapshot.tar.bz2’s bin folder into XXX/msys folder.
d. Extrace bash-3.1-MSYS-1.0.11-1.tar.bz2’s bin folder into XXX/msys folder.
The b, c, d must be ordered strictly, and override any same files when prompting information.
2. Enter http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2435 page
a. Click GCC Version 3 and download gcc-core-3.4.5-20060117-3.tar.gz, and gcc-g++-3.4.5-20060117-3.tar.gz.
b. Click GNU Binutils, then Click Current Release: binutils-2.17.50 and download binutils-2.17.50-20060824-1.tar.gz.
c. Click MinGW API for MS-Windows, and download w32api-3.12-mingw32-dev.tar.gz.
d. Click MinGW Runtime, and download mingwrt-3.15.1-mingw32.tar.gz.
Extract all files(gcc-core-3.4.5-20060117-3.tar.gz, gcc-g++-3.4.5-20060117-3.tar.gz, binutils-2.17.50-20060824-1.tar.gz, w32api-3.12-mingw32-dev.tar.gz, mingwrt-3.15.1-mingw32.tar.gz) into XXX/msys/mingw.
3.2 How ot download and install ActivePerl?
To ease to download, I list the download addressJ.
Download ActivePerl for Windows (x86)
Download ActivePerl for Windows 64-bit (x64)
3.3 How ot configure MSYS/MinGW for VC?
1. Edit XXX/msys/msys.bat and insert call "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/vcvars32.bat" into the first line. The path can be changed in the light of respective environment.
2. Copy XXX/msys/etc/fstab.sample to XXX/msys/etc/fstab.
3. Edit XXX/msys/etc/fstab, and remap
XXX/msys/mingw /mingw YYY/Perl /perl |
a. XXX and YYY denote the proper path for msys and perl respectively.
b. Please use editor supporting unix format, for example, gvim.
3.4 How to compile FFMPEG?
1. Click XXX/msys/msys.bat to run it.
2. cd ZZZ/ffmpeg, and C, D, … Disk is a folder in the root directory. It is symbolled /c, /d, … respectively.
3. ./configure --enable-memalign-hack --enable-shared –disable-static
4. make
When reconfiguring these options, please make distclean before in any case.
3.5 What are libs generated?
1. XXX/ffmpeg/libavcodec/avcodec-52.lib
2. XXX/ffmpeg/libavdevice/avdevice-52.lib
3. XXX/ffmpeg/libavformat/avformat-52.lib
4. XXX/ffmpeg/libavutil/avutil-49.lib