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Build ffmpeg

ffmpeg for homebridge

This project provides static ffmpeg binaries for multiple platforms and architectures for use with Homebridge.

  • Audio support using libfdk-aac
  • Hardware decoding on the Raspberry Pi using h264_omx

Supported Platforms

OS Supported Architectures
Raspbian Linux (9+) armv6l (armv7l)
Debian/Ubuntu Linux x86_64, armv7l, aarch64
Alpine Linux x86_64, armv6l, aarch64
macOS (10.14 "Mojave" or newer) x86_64
Windows 10* x86_64

* Not all codecs are supported on Windows 10.


Raspbian Linux:

sudo curl -Lf# https://github.com/homebridge/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/releases/latest/download/ffmpeg-raspbian-armv6l.tar.gz | sudo tar xzf - -C / --no-same-owner

Debian / Ubuntu Linux:

sudo curl -Lf# https://github.com/homebridge/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/releases/latest/download/ffmpeg-debian-$(uname -m).tar.gz | sudo tar xzf - -C / --no-same-owner


sudo curl -Lf# https://github.com/homebridge/ffmpeg-for-homebridge/releases/latest/download/ffmpeg-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz | sudo tar xzfm - -C / --no-same-owner


Download the ffmpeg.exe file from the releases page.

Build Flags

The ffmpeg binary is built with the following options enabled:

  --enable-indev=alsa           # Linux Only
  --enable-outdev=alsa          # Linux Only
  --enable-omx-rpi              # Raspbian Linux builds only
  --enable-mmal                 # Raspbian Linux builds only


Issues related to Homebridge, any camera plugins, or your config.json, should be raised on the corresponding project page or community support forums.

Issues strictly related to the compatibility or installation of the resulting binary may be raised here.

Plugin Dependency

This section is for Homebridge Plugin developers only, if you need to install ffmpeg see the instructions above.

You can optionally include this package as a dependency in your Homebridge camera plugins, by doing this the correct ffmpeg binary will automatically be downloaded to your user's server when they install your plugin.

npm install --save ffmpeg-for-homebridge
// .js
var pathToFfmpeg = require('ffmpeg-for-homebridge');

// .ts
import pathToFfmpeg from 'ffmpeg-for-homebridge';

// fallback to system ffmpeg (replace this with your own ffmpeg spawn command)
child_process.spawn(pathToFfmpeg || 'ffmpeg', []);

If ffmpeg is not supported on the user's platform, or this package failed to download the ffmpeg binary, the package will return undefined, you should check for this and and try and use ffmpeg from the user's PATH instead.

You will need to update your plugin's README installation command to include the --unsafe-perm flag. For example:

# example 
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm homebridge-fake-camera-plugin


  • 一、安装 1、若没有安装brew指令,打开终端,安装homebrew /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)" 敲击完毕后输入 1 若无法成功,可再次输入命令重试 安装成功后重新启动 2、安装ffmpeg,打开终端输入 brew install ffmpeg 若报

  • 使用ffmpeg调用x264实施编码,会出现报错,如下: [libx264 @ 0x8b7d8b0]broken ffmpeg default settings detected [libx264 @ 0x8b7d8b0]use an encoding preset (vpre)   追根溯源,x264的源代码中出现这段代码: 在 x264 的source file encoder/encoder

  • rel="File-List" href="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/MICROS%7E1/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_filelist.xml"> 3. How to compile FFMPEG in Windows? Here, I only introduce HOWTO for the environment of MSYS+Min

  • 今天编译ffmpeg时遇到个错误是Xfixes not found,于是google了一下找到下面这个帖子,解决了问题。 For the x11grab input device to be compiled you need to run ./configure with –enable-x11grab. When you’ve run ./configure x11grab should be

  • Homebrew # 官网安装方式 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" # 懒人包安装方式(推荐) /bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/maste

  • Overview This guide aims to provide the details on building the latest version of FFmpeg from source on Linux (as well as some other important dependencies) with the aim to provide the best support fo

  • codec_descriptors,把codec id,type, name, profile放在一起 static const AVCodecDescriptor codec_descriptors[] = { /* video codecs */ { .id = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO, .type

  • FFMpeg是国外的一个开发小组开发的用来转换各种格式的多媒体的软件。 目前他们的软件和介绍文档主要在http://www.sourceforge.net里。 专区为:http://ffmpeg.sourceforge.net 在一般的视频处理里,往往会接触到很多处理视频格式的要求,比如把wmv转换成flv等等的。 在.net的环境里,如果没有第三方的程序,一般可以处理的也就是WMV,WMA,WA

  • /* Automatically generated by configure - do not modify! */ #ifndef FFMPEG_CONFIG_H #define FFMPEG_CONFIG_H #define FFMPEG_CONFIGURATION "--enable-memalign-hack --disable-static --enable-shared --enab

  • Ubuntu: 使用默认远 ·apt install ffmpeg` Centos: 没有默认的ffmpeg源,参考CentOS中yum安装ffmpeg 1.升级系统 sudo yum install epel-release -y sudo yum update -y 2.安装Nux Dextop Yum 源 由于CentOS没有官方FFmpeg rpm软件包。但是,我们可以使用第三方YUM源(

  • There are a few ways to get FFmpeg on OS X. One is to build it yourself. Compiling on Mac OS X is as easy as any other *nix machine, there are just a few caveats. The general procedure is get the sour

  • ffmpeg architecture(下) 第3章-转码 TLDR;给我看代码和执行。 $ make run_transcoding 我们将跳过一些细节,但是请放心:源代码可在github上找到。 在本章中,我们将创建一个用C编写的极简代码转换器,可以使用FFmpeg / libav库(尤其是libavcodec,libavformat和libavutil)将H264编码的视频转换为H265。

  • FFmpeg for Android 是可通过 Android NDK 直接在 Android 源码环境下编译的 ffmpeg 库。

  • 本工程将ffmpeg工程中的ffmpeg转码器(ffmpeg.c)移植到了VC环境下。并且使用MFC做了一套图形界面。它可以完成一个视频转码的基本功能:封装格式以及编码格式的转换。

  • 我已经为ios编译了ffmpeg。编译的配置,我借用了kxmovie的Rake文件。 一切正常,但我想禁用解码器在控制台中显示的所有调试消息。 我怎么才能做到这一点。我相信应该是ffmpeg被编译了,但不知道如何去做。任何建议都将不胜感激。 配置命令: ./配置--禁用ffmpeg--禁用ffplay--禁用ffserver--禁用ffprobe--禁用doc--禁用bzlib--目标os=dar

  • ffmpeg/tools/lib_stagefright 但它总是出现一个我无法解决的错误。 ffmpeg/config.log底部的消息是 null

  • Fmpeg 是领先的多媒体框架,能够解码、编码、转码、混合、解密、流媒体、过滤和播放人类和机器创造的几乎所有东西。它支持最晦涩的古老格式,直到最尖端的格式。无论它们是由某个标准委员会、社区还是公司设计的。它还具有高度的便携性。 FFmpeg 可以在 Linux、Mac OS X、Microsoft Windows、BSDs、Solaris 等各种构建环境、机器架构和配置下编译、运行,并通过测试基础

  • Homebridge Camera FFmpeg Homebridge Plugin Providing FFmpeg-based Camera Support Installation This plugin is supported under both Homebridge and HOOBS. It is highly recommended that you use either Hom