在material design 世界中的物体拥有着在真实物理世界中一样的特性。在真实的物理世界中,物体可以被折叠或者沾粘上另外一个物体,但是不能通过穿越其他的物体。物体可以出现阴影和反射弧线。
Objects in material design possess similar qualities to objects in the physical world. In the physical world, objects can be stacked or affixed to one another, but cannot pass through each other. Objects cast shadows and reflect light.
海拔是沿着Z轴在两层之间,相对的一个深度或者距离。Elevation is the relative depth, or distance, between two surfaces along the z-axis.
所有的material物体,不管他们的尺寸,都应该有一个静止的海拔或者没有改变的默认海拔。如果一个物体改变了自己的海拔,他应该尽快的恢复到他自己的静止的尺寸。All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting elevation as soon as possible.
Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets.
Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation.
Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting elevation.
Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways, whether on a per-component basis or using the entire app layout.
On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference. For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off-screen before a user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears.
On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference. For example, position the FAB to one side of stream of a cards so the FAB won’t interfere when a user tries to pick up one of cards.
阴影引入了一种关于物体海拔和运动方向的视觉暗示,他们只能从视觉上的暗示来暗指两个层之间的区分。一个物体的海拔决定了物体出现哪种阴影。Shadows provide important visual cues about objects’ depth and directional movement. They are the only visual cue indicating the amount of separation between surfaces. An object’s elevation determines the appearance of its shadow.
没有一个阴影,就没有任何东西来表明这个悬浮的事件按钮是和背景分离开来的Without a shadow, nothing indicates that the floating action button is separate from the background surfaces.
阴影可以区分出悬浮事件按钮和蓝色背景图,然而,这样的阴影太相似了,以至于觉得这两个元素是一样的海拔。Crisp shadows indicate the floating action button and the blue sheet are separate elements. However, their shadows are so similar that they imply they are both at the same elevation.
更大的阴影才能表明悬浮的事件按钮相对于蓝色背景,是在一个更高的海拔。Softer, larger shadows indicate the floating action button is at a higher elevation than the blue sheet, which has a crisper shadow.