If you are new to Vue and want to refresh your basics, this fun exercise will help you build an interesting game.
In this post, I will take your through the step by step process of building a memory card game in VueJS.
Here is what you can expect to learn by the end of this article:
How to use the v-for directive to loop through Array of Objects.
Dynamic class & style binding using the v-bind directive
How to add Methods and Computed Properties.
How to use the setTimeout method to delay JavaScript execution.
Shallow cloning vs Deep Cloning of Javascript objects.
浅克隆与深克隆 Javascript对象。
How to use the Lodash utility library.
Let's dive into the steps.
The first step is simple: just import the libraries from the CDN into our basic HTML5 markup so that we can get started with our tiny little project.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Memory Card Game</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/css/bootstrap.min.css"
integrity="sha384-Vkoo8x4CGsO3+Hhxv8T/Q5PaXtkKtu6ug5TOeNV6gBiFeWPGFN9MuhOf23Q9Ifjh" crossorigin="anonymous">
<!-- development version, includes helpful console warnings -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
Next up, let's define the necessary HTML markup, CSS styling, and a basic Vue instance so that the user can see the card grid.
Let's create a new Vue instance and define the single data property named cards which holds the list of cards.
let app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
cards: [
name: 'Apple',
img: 'apple.gif',
name: 'Banana',
img: 'banana.gif',
name: 'Orange',
img: 'orange.jpg',
name: 'Pineapple',
img: 'pineapple.png',
name: 'Strawberry',
img: 'strawberry.png',
name: 'watermelon',
img: 'watermelon.jpg',
Each object in the array contains two properties: the name of the image (which will be used to perform matching) and the image of the card.
Since we now have the data ready in our Vue instance, we can use the v-for directive in VueJS to loop through it.
<div id="app">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-6 col-xl-5 mx-auto">
<div class="row justify-content-md-center">
<div v-for="card in cards" class="col-auto mb-3 flip-container">
<div class="memorycard">
<div class="front border rounded shadow"><img width="100" height="150" src="/assets/images/memorycard/pattern3.jpeg"></div>
<div class="back rounded border"><img width="100" height="150" :src="'/assets/images/memorycard/'+card.img"></div>
We have used some basic Bootstrap markup and the v-for directive of VueJS to loop through the cards and show them in the grid format.
Each memory-card is made up of two parts:
Let's add in some basic CSS so that we only show the front part of the card (common design pattern):
.flip-container {
-webkit-perspective: 1000;
-moz-perspective: 1000;
-o-perspective: 1000;
perspective: 1000;
min-height: 120px;
cursor: pointer;
.back {
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
-moz-backface-visibility: hidden;
-o-backface-visibility: hidden;
backface-visibility: hidden;
-webkit-transition: 0.6s;
-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
-moz-transition: 0.6s;
-moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
-o-transition: 0.6s;
-o-transform-style: preserve-3d;
-ms-transition: 0.6s;
-ms-transform-style: preserve-3d;
transition: 0.6s;
transform-style: preserve-3d;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
.back {
-webkit-transform: rotateY(-180deg);
-moz-transform: rotateY(-180deg);
-o-transform: rotateY(-180deg);
-ms-transform: rotateY(-180deg);
transform: rotateY(-180deg);
position: absolute;
Refresh the page and you should see six cards stacked up in the grid format facing the front. The actual card image is hidden on the back.
刷新页面,您应该看到六张卡以面对前的网格格式堆叠。 实际的卡图像隐藏在背面。
Next up, let's bind an event to our cards so that when it's clicked it should flip and show the image behind it.
Let's modify our original cards array to add another property to each card. This will determine if the card is currently flipped.
让我们修改原始的纸牌数组,为每个纸牌添加另一个属性。 这将确定卡当前是否已翻转。
Add the following CSS. When the flipped class is added to the class it will show the card image. It also gives us a nice turn effect.
添加以下CSS。 将翻转的班级添加到班级时,它将显示卡片图像。 这也给我们带来了不错的转向效果。
.flip-container.flipped .back {
-webkit-transform: rotateY(0deg);
-moz-transform: rotateY(0deg);
-o-transform: rotateY(0deg);
-ms-transform: rotateY(0deg);
transform: rotateY(0deg);
.flip-container.flipped .front {
-webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);
-moz-transform: rotateY(180deg);
-o-transform: rotateY(180deg);
-ms-transform: rotateY(180deg);
transform: rotateY(180deg);
Let's use the Vue created lifecycle event to add the new property and add a flipCard method to flip the card
让我们使用Vue 创建的生命周期事件添加新属性,并添加flipCard方法翻转卡片
this.cards.forEach((card) => {
card.isFlipped = false;
card.isFlipped = true;
First we'll bind the click event to cards to invoke the flipCard method. Then we'll also use the v-bind directive to bind the flipped class to the card.
首先,我们将click事件绑定到卡上以调用flipCard方法。 然后,我们还将使用v-bind指令将翻转的类绑定到卡上。
<div v-for="card in cards" class="col-auto mb-3 flip-container" :class="{ 'flipped': card.isFlipped }" @click="flipCard(card)">
Sounds about right – let's see if the cards flip on a click.
It didn't work. Why not?
没用 为什么不?
Let's go back to our created lifecycle method, where we looped through the list of cards and added a new property named isFlipped. It looks alright – but Vue didn't like it.
让我们回到创建的生命周期方法,在其中循环浏览卡片列表并添加了一个名为isFlipped的新属性。 看起来不错–但是Vue不喜欢它。
For the new object properties to be reactive, you have to add them to the object using the Vue.set method.
this.cards.forEach((card) => {
Now the cards should flip on click:
Alrighty, great job. Let's move on to the next one.
好,辛苦了 让我们继续下一个。
Yep, that's right! To make a memory game out of these cards we need to have exactly one pair of each card. We also we need to shuffle the order of the cards every time the game is loaded.
是的,没错! 为了用这些卡制作记忆游戏,我们需要每张卡上恰好一对。 每次加载游戏时,我们还需要洗牌顺序。
Let's define a new property in our Vue instance named memoryCards. Here we will store the cards that will be played (that is, double the amount of actual cards and also shuffled).
让我们在Vue实例中定义一个名为memoryCards的新属性。 在这里,我们将存储将要玩的纸牌(即,将实际纸牌数量翻倍,并随机播放)。
memoryCards: [],
To create two copies of all the cards, let's concatenate the cards array to create and assign it to the memoryCards property.
Change the v-for directive in the HTML markup to loop over the property memoryCards instead of cards:
<div v-for="card in memoryCards" class="col-auto mb-3 flip-container" :class="{ 'flipped': card.isFlipped }" @click="flipCard(card)">
Next, modify the lifecycle method created to assign the concatenated array into memoryCards:
this.cards.forEach((card) => {
var cards1 = this.cards;
var cards2 = this.cards;
this.memoryCards = this.memoryCards.concat(cards1, cards2);
Looks simple, right?
But this isn't gonna work correctly. There are two problems with this code:
但这无法正常工作。 此代码有两个问题:
Changing any property of the object in the memoryCards object will change the original array as well as its own pair in the array.
Well, that's a problem.
If you look around for solutions to properly copy an array or object so that it doesn't refer to the original array, you might come across solutions that do a shallow-copy of the array.
A shallow copy refers to the fact that only one level is copied. That will work fine for an array or object containing only primitive values.
浅表副本是指仅复制一个级别的事实。 对于仅包含原始值的数组或对象,这将很好地工作。
One way to do shallow-copy is via the spread operator, which in our case will be something like the below code:
var cards1 = [...this.cards];
var cards2 = [...this.cards];
this.memoryCards = this.memoryCards.concat(cards1, cards2);
But this is not the solution for us, because in our case we have an array of objects and not of any primitive values. Thus our problem can be solved if we do a deep copy of our array.
但这不是我们的解决方案,因为在我们的情况下,我们有一个对象数组,没有任何原始值。 因此,如果我们对数组进行深层复制,则可以解决我们的问题。
For objects and arrays containing other objects or arrays, copying these objects requires a deep copy. Otherwise, changes made to the nested references will change the data nested in the original object or array.
对于包含其他对象或数组的对象和数组,复制这些对象需要深度复制。 否则,对嵌套引用的更改将更改嵌套在原始对象或数组中的数据。
There are multiple ways of doing a deep copy, but we'll go with the simplest and most common way of using the Lodash library.
Now, whats the Lodash library?
现在,什么 Lodash库?
Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, strings, etc.
For our case Lodash has a method to perform deepCopy which makes it ridiculously simple.
First include Lodash in your page by either downloading or referencing it through the CDN.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lodash@4.17.15/lodash.min.js"></script>
Next, you can use Lodash's cloneDeep method to perform the deep copy of our cards array.
var cards1 = _.cloneDeep(this.cards);
var cards2 = _.cloneDeep(this.cards);
this.memoryCards = this.memoryCards.concat(cards1, cards2);
Now we want to shuffle the concatenated array. Lodash has a method to shuffle as well. Let's use the method and also simplify the code to concatenate and shuffle in a single line.
现在,我们想改组连接的数组。 Lodash也有洗牌的方法。 让我们使用该方法,并简化代码以在一行中进行串联和混洗。
this.cards.forEach((card) => {
this.memoryCards = _.shuffle(this.memoryCards.concat(_.cloneDeep(this.cards), _.cloneDeep(this.cards)));
Cards are now shuffling and flipping as expected.
On to the next thing!
The next step is to match the flipped cards. A user is allowed to flip a maximum of two cards at a time. If they are same, its a match! If they are not, then we flip them back.
下一步是匹配翻转的卡。 允许用户一次最多翻转两张卡。 如果它们相同,那就匹配了! 如果不是,那么我们将它们翻转回去。
Let's tackle this.
We'll add a new property to each card to track if the card has already been matched. Modify the created method to include this code:
我们将为每个卡添加一个新属性,以跟踪该卡是否已匹配。 修改创建的方法以包括以下代码:
this.cards.forEach((card) => {
Create a new data property to store the flipped cards:
flippedCards: [],
Next up, we modify the flipCard method to perform matching:
card.isFlipped = true;
if(this.flippedCards.length < 2)
if(this.flippedCards.length === 2)
if(this.flippedCards[0].name === this.flippedCards[1].name)
this.flippedCards.forEach(card => card.isMatched = true);
this.flippedCards.forEach(card => card.isFlipped = false);
this.flippedCards = [];
The logic here is simple: we keep adding cards to the flippedCards array until there are two cards.
Once there are two cards, we perform matching.
We clear out the flippedCards array after this.
Add a new CSS property to fade out the cards that match:
opacity: 0.3;
Add a class binding to the container to add matched cards if the property is set to true:
:class="{ 'flipped': card.isFlipped, 'matched' : card.isMatched }"
Here the logic works fine, but everything happens too fast for the player to understand whats going on. If the cards don't match they are flipped back even before the user can see the revealed card.
此处的逻辑工作正常,但是一切发生得太快,以至于玩家无法理解发生了什么。 如果卡片不匹配,它们甚至会在用户看到显示的卡片之前向后翻转。
Let's use the setTimeout method of JavaScript to add a deliberate delay of few microseconds.
if(this.flippedCards[0].name === this.flippedCards[1].name){
setTimeout(() => {
this.flippedCards.forEach(card => card.isMatched = true);
this.flippedCards = [];
}, 400);
setTimeout(() => {
this.flippedCards.forEach((card) => {card.isFlipped = false});
this.flippedCards = [];
}, 800);
We added 400 microseconds of delay before marking them as matched, and 800 microseconds to delay before flipping them back.
Also modify the flipCard method to not flip the cards when
if(card.isMatched || card.isFlipped || this.flippedCards.length === 2)
card.isFlipped = true;
if(this.flippedCards.length < 2)
if(this.flippedCards.length === 2)
We are almost there, just few more steps.
The game is marked as finished when all the cards are matched.
Let's quickly write the code condition for that. We introduce a new data property in our Vue instance:
让我们快速编写代码条件。 我们在Vue实例中引入了一个新的data属性:
finish: false
Next, we modify the match method to check if all cards are matched after every successful match.
setTimeout(() => {
this.flippedCards.forEach(card => card.isMatched = true);
this.flippedCards = [];
//All cards matched ?
if(this.memoryCards.every(card => card.isMatched === true)){
this.finish = true;
}, 400);
We use the every method of JavaScript arrays which evaluates the given condition for truth, if not it returns false.
We have built the game, so now let's make it more interesting by giving it some finishing touches. We will add how many turns a user has taken, and also how they are doing on time taken to complete the game.
我们已经构建了游戏,所以现在让我们通过一些画龙点睛的使其变得更有趣。 我们将添加用户进行了多少回合,以及他们如何按时完成游戏。
First we'll introduce some new data properties:
start: false
turns: 0,
totalTime: {
minutes: 0,
seconds: 0,
Once there are two cards flipped we will increase the count. Thus we'll modify the _match method to increment the turns.
一旦翻转了两张卡,我们将增加计数。 因此,我们将修改_match方法以增加转弯。
Next up we modify the flipCard method to start the timer:
if(card.isMatched || card.isFlipped || this.flippedCards.length === 2)
Add two new methods to start the clock once the game is started:
this.interval = setInterval(this._tick,1000);
this.start = true;
if(this.totalTime.seconds !== 59){
this.totalTime.seconds = 0;
We use computed properties to pad up a '0' in front of minutes and seconds when they are single digits:
当它们是个位数时,我们使用计算属性在分钟和秒的前面填充“ 0”:
if(this.totalTime.seconds < 10){
return '0'+this.totalTime.seconds;
return this.totalTime.seconds;
if(this.totalTime.minutes < 10){
return '0'+this.totalTime.minutes;
return this.totalTime.minutes;
Add the following HTML just above your HTML to display the total number of turns and total time:
<div class="d-flex flex-row justify-content-center py-3">
<div class="turns p-3"><span class="btn btn-info">Turns : <span class="badge" :class="finish ? 'badge-success' : 'badge-light'">{{turns}}</span> </span></div>
<div class="totalTime p-3"><span class="btn btn-info">Total Time : <span class="badge" :class="finish ? 'badge-success' : 'badge-light'">{{min}} : {{sec}}</span></span></div>
Modify the finish game condition to stop the timer once the game is finished:
if(this.memoryCards.every(card => card.isMatched === true)){
this.finish = true;
We are at our last step – good job if you've made it to this point.
Let's add a button to reset the game:
<div class="totalTime p-3"><button class="btn btn-info" @click="reset" :disabled="!start">Restart</button></div>
Bind the click event to the reset method:
this.cards.forEach((card) => {
Vue.set(card, 'isFlipped',false);
Vue.set(card, 'isMatched',false);
setTimeout(() => {
this.memoryCards = [];
this.memoryCards = _.shuffle(this.memoryCards.concat(_.cloneDeep(this.cards), _.cloneDeep(this.cards)));
this.totalTime.minutes = 0;
this.totalTime.seconds = 0;
this.start = false;
this.finish = false;
this.turns = 0;
this.flippedCards = [];
}, 600);
We clear out the timer, reshuffle the cards, and reset all the fields back to their default value.
We also modify the created lifecycle method to call the reset method to avoid code duplication:
There you go ! You now have a memory game in VueJS.
你去! 您现在在VueJS中有一个记忆游戏。
If you are looking to learn VueJS basics along with such fun practice exercises, you can read the VueJS Tutorial series on my personal blog 5Balloons VueJS Course.
如果您想学习VueJS基础知识以及此类有趣的练习,可以在我的个人博客5Balloons VueJS课程中阅读VueJS教程系列。
翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-build-a-memory-card-game-with-vuejs/