rxjs angular_Angular RxJS深度


rxjs angular

In this tutorial, we'll learn to use the RxJS 6 library with Angular 6 or Angular 7. We'll learn about:

在本教程中,我们将学习将RxJS 6库与Angular 6或Angular 7结合使用。我们将了解:

  • How to import the Observable class and the other operators.

  • How to subscribe and unsubscribe from Observables.

  • How to import and call operators and chain them with the pipe() function.


  • We'll also see how to use the async pipe to subscribe to Observables from Angular templates.

  • Finally we'll see how to use some popular pipeable operators such as tap(), map() and filter() and their new import paths in RxJS 6.

    最后,我们将了解如何在RxJS 6中使用一些流行的可管道运算符,例如tap()map()filter()以及它们的新导入路径。

Note: This tutorial works with both Angular 6 and Angular 7.

注意 :本教程适用于Angular 6和Angular 7。

Throughout this tutorial, we’ll start looking at what reactive programming, asynchronous operations and data streams are and how they are related to the RxJS library. We’ll then see the concept of an RxJS Observable with examples, the various types of Observables such as:

在整个教程中,我们将开始研究什么是React式编程,异步操作和数据流,以及它们与RxJS库的关系。 然后,我们将通过示例,各种类型的Observable来了解RxJS Observable的概念,例如:

  • Subject,


  • BehaviorSubject and ReplaySubject,


  • unicast and multicast Observables,

  • cold and hot Observables  etc.


Next, we’ll see what RxJS operators are and examples of some popular operators such as tap(), map(), filter(), share(), etc. And finally we’ll see how Angular uses the RxJS Observable to do asynchronous programming.

接下来,我们将看到RxJS运算符是什么,以及一些流行的运算符的示例,例如tap()map()filter()share()等。最后,我们将了解Angular如何使用RxJS Observable来进行操作异步编程。

什么是React式编程 (What is Reactive Programming)

Let’s see the definition of Reactive programming from different sources.


This is how  Andre Staltz, the creator of cycle.js (A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code) defines it:

这就是cycle.js (可预测代码的功能性和React性JavaScript框架)的创建者Andre Staltz定义它的方式:

Reactive Programming is programming with asynchronous data streams


This means when you are writing code that deals with asynchronous operations and streams of data, you are doing reactive programming.


Now, this is the definition from Wikipedia which is more in-depth:


In computing, reactive programming is a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.


This means reactive programming is a declarative (vs. a procedural) style of programming  that works on streams of data.


For a detailed guide on reactive programming and data streams, check out: The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing.

有关React式编程和数据流的详细指南,请查看: 您缺少关于React式编程的介绍

What is Stream


A stream is an essential concept in reactive programming so it's worth seeing the definition before we proceed further.


In all definitions we’ve seen the word stream.


So what is a stream?


Simply put:


A stream refers to values of data overtime.


We'll see later that Observables and streams are very related concepts.


什么是RxJS (What is RxJS)

Now, that we’ve seen the conceps of reactive programming and data streams, let’s see what RxJS is.


RxJS is a popular library among web developers. It provides functional and reactive programming patterns for working with events and streams of data and has been integrated in many web development libraries and frameworks such as Angular.

RxJS是Web开发人员中流行的库。 它提供了用于处理事件和数据流的功能性和React性编程模式,并且已集成到许多Web开发库和框架(例如Angular)中。

RxJS makes it easy for JavaScript developers to write asynchronous code using composable Observables instead of callbacks and Promises.


RxJS stands for Reactive Extensions for JavaScript and it actually has implementations in other programming languages such as Java, Python, Ruby, and PHP etc. It's also available for platforms such as Android. Check out the complete list of supported languages and platforms.

RxJS代表JavaScript的Reactive Extensions,它实际上具有其他编程语言(例如Java,Python,Ruby和PHP等)的实现。它也可用于Android等平台。 查看支持的语言和平台完整列表

RxJS v6 is currently the stable version of RxJS and it has many breaking changes with RxJS v5. You can check out more information about the changes and how to migrate from the old version from this official migration guide.

RxJS v6当前是RxJS的稳定版本,并且在RxJS v5中有许多重大更改。 您可以从本官方迁移指南中查看有关更改以及如何从旧版本进行迁移的更多信息。

RxJS 6 has many advantages over the previous RxJS 5 version(s), such as:

与以前的RxJS 5版本相比,RxJS 6具有许多优点,例如:

  • The bundle size of the library is smaller,

  • The performance of the latest version is better,

  • RxJS 6 Observable follows the Observable Spec Proposal,

    RxJS 6 Observable遵循Observable Spec Proposal

  • The latest version provides better debugability,

  • A better modular architecture,

  • It's backward compatible.


如何安装和使用RxJS (How to Install and Use RxJS)

RxJS is a JavaScript library which means you can install it in the same way you install other libraries:


Using RxJS with ES6 via npm


In your project, you can run the following command to install RxJS:


$ npm install rxjs

You can then import the symbols you want to use from the rxjs package or a sub-package such as rxjs/operators:


import { Observable, Subscriber } from 'rxjs';
import { tap, map, filter } from 'rxjs/operators';

We imported the Observable and Subscriber symbols from rxjs and the tap, map and filter operators from rxjs/operators.


We'll see later what these symbols are and how to use them in your Angular application.


Using RxJS from a CDN


You can also use RxJS from a CDN using a <script> in your HTML document:


<script src="https://unpkg.com/rxjs/bundles/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script>

Note: Please note that in Angular 6 & 7, RxJS 6 is already included in your project so you don't need to install it manually.

注意 :请注意,在Angular 6和7中,RxJS 6已包含在您的项目中,因此您无需手动安装它。

RxJS 6中的什么是可观察,观察者和订阅 (What is an Observable, Observer and Subsription in RxJS 6)

RxJS uses the concept of Observables to handle and work with asynchronous and event-based code.


The asynchronous word comes from Asynchrony. In computer programming, here is the definition of Asynchrony from Wikipedia:

异步字来自异步。 在计算机编程中,这是维基百科中异步的定义:

Asynchrony, in computer programming, refers to the occurrence of events independent of the main program flow and ways to deal with such events. These may be "outside" events such as the arrival of signals, or actions instigated by a program that take place concurrently with program execution, without the program blocking to wait for results.

在计算机编程中,异步是指事件的发生与主程序流以及处理此类事件的方式无关。 这些可能是“外部”事件,例如信号的到来,或与程序执行同时发生的由程序引发的动作,而程序不会阻塞等待结果。

After reading this definition, you may have concluded how much asynchrony is important for computers and programming!


Let's make this simple!


Asynchronous code is the inverse of synchronous code which is the original way of thinking about your code when you are first introduced to programming.


Your code is synchronous when it's running in sequences i.e instruction by instruction in the order they appear in the source code.


For example, let's consider this simple JavaScript code:


const foo = "foo" //1
const bar = "bar" //2
const foobar = foo  +  bar //3
console.log(foobar) //4

The browser will run this synchronous code line by line from line 1 to 4 starting by assigning the foo and bar variables, concatenating them and displaying the foobar variable in the console.


JavaScript supports also the asynchronous approach of writing code which makes sense, since you need to respond to the user events in the browser but you don't actually know when the user interacts with your application (and in which order) when you are writing code.

JavaScript还支持有意义的异步代码编写方法,因为您需要在浏览器中响应用户事件,但实际上您不知道用户何时在与您的应用程序交互(以及顺序如何) 。

This was originally achieved using callbacks which you need to define in your code and specify when they will be called.


For example, the following asynchronous code will display You clicked the button! when the user clicks the button identified by the mybutton identifier:

例如,以下异步代码将显示您单击了按钮! 当用户单击由mybutton标识符标识的按钮时:

document.getElementById('mybutton').addEventListener('click', () => {
  console.log("You clicked the button!")

The second argument of the addEventListener() method is the callback.


You can also use callbacks to handle asynchronous operations which don't involve the DOM. For example, the following code can be used to send an HTTP POST request to a web server:

您还可以使用回调来处理不涉及DOM的异步操作。 例如,以下代码可用于将HTTP POST请求发送到Web服务器:

const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
  if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
    xhr.status === 200 ? console.log(xhr.responseText) : console.error('error')
xhr.open('POST', 'your.server.com')

This is how you perform the famous Ajax calls in JavaScript.


Actually, Ajax itself stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.

事实上, 阿贾克斯本身代表同步ĴavaScript 一个X ML。

Note: Sending HTTP requests (which is a common operation in web apps) is an asynchronous operation by nature since the request will take time to reach the server which will then send a response back to your client application. In this mean time, the application needs to respond to other actions and perform other tasks and only process the server response when it's received.

注意 :发送HTTP请求(这是Web应用程序中的常见操作)本质上是异步操作,因为请求将花费一些时间到达服务器,然后服务器将响应发送回客户端应用程序。 同时,应用程序需要响应其他操作并执行其他任务,并且仅在收到服务器响应后才对其进行处理。

If you have ever extensively worked with callbacks, you'll notice one problem with them. They are difficult to track!

如果您曾经广泛使用过回调,您会发现它们存在一个问题。 他们很难追踪!

When you write complex applications you usually end up writing nested callbacks (callbacks inside callbacks) with multiple nesting levels. This is what's known as the callback hell.

当您编写复杂的应用程序时,通常最终会编写具有多个嵌套级别的嵌套回调(回调内部的回调)。 这就是所谓的回调地狱

Modern JavaScript introduced other approaches or abstractions to deal with asynchronous operations (without using too much callbacks) such as Promises and Async/Await.

现代JavaScript引入了其他方法或抽象来处理异步操作(不使用过多的回调),例如Promises和Async / Await。

Promises have been introduced in ES6 (JS 2015).

ES6 (JS 2015)中引入了承诺。

Async/await has been introduced in ES8 (JS 2017) and it's actually a syntactic sugar on top of Promises which helps developers write asynchronous code with Promises in a way that looks synchronous.

Async / await已在ES8(JS 2017)中引入,它实际上是Promises之上的语法糖,它可以帮助开发人员以看上去同步的方式使用Promises编写异步代码。

But Promises are actually similar to callbacks and have the same nesting problem at some degree.


Since developers are always looking for better solutions we now have Observables which use the observer software pattern.


The observer pattern is a software design pattern in which an object, called the subject, maintains a list of its dependents, called observers, and notifies them automatically of any state changes, usually by calling one of their methods. Observer pattern.

观察者模式是一种软件设计模式,其中一个称为主题的对象会维护其依赖者的列表(称为观察者),并通常通过调用其方法之一来自动将状态更改通知他们。 观察者模式

Observables are implemented in the ReactiveX project which has implementations in various languages. RxJS is the JavaScript implementation.

可观察对象在ReactiveX项目中实现,该项目具有各种语言的实现。 RxJS是JavaScript实现。

Note: Observables are implemented in many other libraries such as zen-observable and xstream but RxJS Observables are the most popular in JavaScript.

注意 :Observables在许多其他库中实现,例如zen-observablexstream,但是RxJS Observables在JavaScript中最受欢迎。

Observables are not yet a builtin feature of JavaScript but there is a proposal to add them in EcmaScript.


Now, what's an RxJS Observable?

现在,什么是RxJS Observable?

An Observable is an entity that emits (or publishes) multiple data values (stream of data) over time and asynchronously.


This is the definition of an Observable from the RxJS docs

这是RxJS文档中 Observable的定义

Observable represents the idea of an invokable collection of future values or events.


Observers and Subscriptions


There are also related concepts that you'll work with when using Observables which are Observers and Subscriptions.

使用Observable( 观察者订阅)时,还需要处理一些相关概念。

Observers are also called listeners (or consumers) as they can listen or subscribe to get the observed data.


From the RxJS docs:


Observer is a collection of callbacks that knows how to listen to values delivered by the Observable.


Subscriptions are objects that are returned when you subscribe to an Observable. They contain many methods such as the unsubscribe() method that you can call to unsubscribe from receving published values from the Observable.

订阅是您订阅Observable时返回的对象。 它们包含许多方法,例如unsubscribe()方法,您可以调用这些方法来取消订阅以从Observable中检索发布的值。

From the official docs:


Subscription represents the execution of an Observable, is primarily useful for cancelling the execution.


RxJS中的主题是什么 (What is a Subject in RxJS)

A Subject is a special type of Observable that observers can also subscribe to it to receive published values but with one difference:  The values are multicasted to many Observers.

主题是Observable的一种特殊类型,观察者也可以订阅它以接收已发布的值,但有一个区别: 值被多播到许多Observers上

Note: By default an RxJS Observable is unicast.

注意 :默认情况下,RxJS Observable是单播的。

Unicast simply means that each subscribed observer has an independent execution of the Observable while multicast means that the Observable execution is shared by multiple Observers.


Note: Subjects are similar to Angular EventEmitters.

注意 :主题类似于Angular EventEmitters。

So when using Subjects instead of plain Observables, all subscribed Observers will get the same values of emitted data.


Note: Subjects are also Observers i.e they can also subscribe to other Observables and listen to published data.

注意 :主题也是观察者,即他们也可以订阅其他可观察对象并收听发布的数据。

Hot and Cold Observables


Unlike regular Observables, Subjects are called hot.  A hot Observable starts emitting events even before any observer subscribes to it which means observers may lose previous emitted values if they don’t subscribe at that right time while cold Observables ****start emitting values when at least one observer is subscribed.

与常规的Observables不同,Subject被称为hot 。 一个热的Observable甚至在任何观察者订阅之前就开始发出事件,这意味着如果观察者在正确的时间不进行订阅,则观察者可能会丢失先前发出的值,而冷的 Observable则在至少一个观察者被订阅时才开始发出值。

Note: You can use the asObservable() method to convert a subject to only an Observable.

注意 :可以使用asObservable()方法将主题转换为仅可观察的对象。

RxJS的BehaviorSubjectReplaySubject (RxJS’ BehaviorSubject and ReplaySubject)

RxJS provides two other types of Subjects: BehaviorSubject and ReplaySubject.

RxJS提供了另外两种类型的主题: BehaviorSubjectReplaySubject

With a normal Subject, Observers that are subscribed at a point later will not receive data values emitted before their subscriptions. In many situations, this is not the desired behavior we want to implement. This can be solved using  BehaviorSubject and ReplaySubject.

对于普通主题,稍后在某个点订阅的观察者将不会接收在订阅之前发出的数据值。 在许多情况下,这不是我们想要实现的期望行为。 可以使用BehaviorSubjectReplaySubject解决。

ReplaySubject works by using a buffer that keeps the emitted values and re-emit them when new Observers are subscribed.


BehaviorSubject works like ReplaySubject but only re-emits the last emitted value.


如何创建可观察的RxJS (How to Create an RxJS Observable)

You can create an RxJS Observable using the Observable.create() method which takes a function with an observer argument. You can then subscribe to the returned Observable instance.

您可以使用Observable.create()方法创建RxJS Observable,该方法采用带有observer参数的函数。 然后,您可以订阅返回的Observable实例。

There many other methods to create Observables besides the static create() method:


  • The lift() instance method which creates a new Observable from the instance (the source) it's called on,


  • The of([]) operator which creates an Observable of a single value. We'll see an example next,

    of([])运算符,它创建单个值的Observable。 接下来,我们将看一个示例,

  • The interval(interval) operator which creates an Observable that emits an infinite sequence of numbers. Each number is emitted at a constant interval of time in seconds,

    创建一个Observable的interval(interval)运算符发出一个无穷大的数字序列。 每个数字都会以固定的时间间隔(以秒为单位)发出,

  • The timer() operator which returns an Observable that after a specified amount of time, emits numbers in sequence every specified duration,


  • The from() method that creates an Observable from a Promise or an array of values,

    from() Promise或值数组创建Observable的from()方法,

  • The fromEvent() method that creates an Observable from a DOM event,


  • The ajax() method which creates an Observable that sends an Ajax request.


We'll see these creation methods by example later.


如何订阅可观察的RxJS (How to Subscribe to an RxJS Observable)

After creating an Observable, you can subscribe to it using the subscribe() method on the instance which returns an instance of Subscription.

创建Observable ,可以在实例上使用Subscription subscribe()方法对其进行预订,该方法返回Subscription的实例。

RxJS可观察的简单示例 (A Simple Example of the RxJS Observable)

Let's now see a simple example of creating and working with an Observable.


First let's create an Observable:


let ob$ = Observable.create((observer) => {
    observer.next("A new value!");

We create an ob$ Observable and we define the logic that our Observable is supposed to do in the body of the passed in method.

我们创建一个ob$ Observable,然后在传入的方法的主体中定义Observable应该执行的逻辑。

In this example, the Observable will simply emit the A new value! value to the subscribed Observer.

在此示例中,Observable将仅发出A新值! 值给订阅的观察者。

Note: The dollar sign is just a convention for naming variables that hold instance of Observables.

注意 :美元符号只是用于命名包含Observables实例的变量的约定。

We call the next() method of the observer object to inform it of the available values.


Note: All observer objects must have a collection of methods such as next(), complete() and error(). This allows Observables to communicate with them.

注意 :所有观察者对象都必须具有方法的集合,例如next()complete()error() 。 这使Observable可以与它们进行通信。

The next() method is used by the Observable to pass values (publish values) to the subscribed Observer.


Next, let's create an observer object:


let observer = {
    next: data => console.log( 'Data received: ', data),
    complete: data => console.log('Completed'),

An observer is a plain JavaScript object that contains methods such as next(), complete() and error(). This means it knows how to get notified by the Observable.

观察者是一个普通JavaScript对象,其中包含next()complete()error() 。 这意味着它知道如何通过Observable进行通知。

Note: You can also add other custom attributes and methods to the Observer objects besides next(), complete() and error().

注意 :除了next()complete()error()之外,还可以向Observer对象添加其他自定义属性和方法。

Finally, let's subscribe to our ob$ Observable and return a Subscription:

最后,让我们订阅我们的ob$ Observable并返回一个Subscription

let subscription = ob$.subscribe(observer);

Once you susbscribe to the ob$ Observable, you'll get the following output in the console:

怀疑ob$ Observable后,您将在控制台中获得以下输出:

Data received: A new value!

RxJS运算符 (RxJS Operators)

RxJS provides the implemenation of Observable concept but also a variety of operators that allows you to compose Observables.


Operators offer a declarative way to perform complex asynchronous operations with Observables.


An operator works on a source Observable by observing its emitted values and applying the intended transformation on them then return a new Observable with the modified values.


There many RxJS operators such as:


  • tap(),


  • map(),


  • filter(),


  • concat(),


  • share(),


  • retry(),


  • catchError(),


  • switchMap(),


  • and flatMap() etc.


管道:结合多个运算符 (Pipes: Combining Multiple Operators)

RxJS provides two versions of the pipe() function: A standalone function and a method on the Observable interface.


You can use the pipe() function/method to combine multiple Operators. For example:

您可以使用pipe()函数/方法来组合多个运算符。 例如:

import { filter, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
const squareOf2 = of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6)
    filter(num => num % 2 === 0),
    map(num => num * num)
squareOf2.subscribe( (num) => console.log(num));

The of() method will create and return an Observable from the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6 numbers and the pipe() method will apply the filter() and map() operators on each emitted value.

of()方法将根据1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6数字创建并返回一个Observable 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6pipe()方法将在每个发射值上应用filter()map()运算符。

如何在Angular中使用Observable (How Observables are Used in Angular)

Angular uses the RxJS Observable as a built-in type for many of its APIs such as:

Angular使用RxJS Observable作为其许多API的内置类型,例如:

  • The HttpClient methods return Observables and actual requests are only sent when you subscribe to the returned Observable.


  • The Router uses Observables in multiple places such as:

  • the [events](https://angular.io/api/router/Router#events) of the Router instance is an Observable to listen to events on the router.


  • Also ActivatedRoute (which contains information about the route associated with the currently loaded component on the router outlet) has many Observable properties such as params and paramMap for the route parameters.

    另外ActivatedRoute (包含有关与路由器出口上当前加载的组件关联的路由的信息)也具有许多可观察的属性,例如,用于路由参数的paramsparamMap

Let's assume, you have an Angular component and the Router service injected as router. This example from StackOverflow shows you how you can subscribe to the router events for detecting a route change:


import { Component } from '@angular/core'; 
import { Router, Event, NavigationStart, NavigationEnd, NavigationError } from '@angular/router';
    selector: 'app-root',
    template: `<router-outlet></router-outlet>`
export class AppComponent {
    constructor(private router: Router) {
        this.router.events.subscribe((event: Event) => {
            if (event instanceof NavigationStart) {
                console.log("Navigation start");
            if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) {
                console.log("Navigation end");
            if (event instanceof NavigationError) {

  • The Reactive Forms Module uses reactive programming and Observables for listening to user input.

  • The @output() decorator in a component takes an EventEmitter instance. EventEmitter is a subclass of the RxJS Observable.

    组件中的@output()装饰器采用EventEmitter实例。 EventEmitter是RxJS Observable的子类。

如何在角度代码中使用RxJS 6 Observable (How to Use RxJS 6 Observable in Your Angular Code)

Angular uses Observables (implemented with the RxJS library) for all asynchronous events. If you are using Angular CLI 6|7, RxJS 6 will be installed by default on your project.

Angular对所有异步事件都使用Observables(由RxJS库实现)。 如果您使用的是Angular CLI 6 | 7,则默认情况下将在项目上安装RxJS 6。

Otherwise you can install it via npm using:


$ npm install rxjs --save

To be able to use the Observable symbol in your code, you first need to import it:


import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

This is the new import path in RxJS 6 which is different from RxJS 5.

这是RxJS 6中与RxJS 5不同的新导入路径。

使用HttpClient模块和Observables (Working with the HttpClient Module and Observables)

The new Angular HttpClient works with Observables by default. Methods such as get(), post(), put() and delete() return an instance of the Observable interface.

默认情况下,新的Angular HttpClient与Observables一起使用。 get()post()put()delete()返回Observable接口的实例。

HTTP requests are only sent when we subscribe to the Observable.


This is an example of making an HTTP request:


getItems(): Observable<Item[]> {
   return this.httpClient.get<Item[]>(this.itemUrl);

We assume that you have injected the HttpClient service as httpClient.


AsyncPipe使用Observable (Using Observable with AsyncPipe)

Angular AsyncPipe subscribes to Observable and returns the emitted data. For example. Let's suppose we have this method:

Angular AsyncPipe订阅Observable并返回发出的数据。 例如。 假设我们有这种方法:

getItems(): Observable {
  this.items$ = this.httpClient.get(this.itemUrl);

The items$ variable is of type Observable<Item[]>`.

items$变量的类型为Observable <Item []>`。

After calling the getItems() method on the component we can use the async pipe in the component template to subscribe to the returned Observable:


订阅可观察物 (Subscribing to Observables)

Observables are used for better support of event handling, asynchronous programming, and handling multiple values. When you define an Observable to publish some values for a consumer, the values are not emitted until you actually subscribe to the Observable.

可观察变量用于更好地支持事件处理,异步编程以及处理多个值。 当您定义一个Observable来为使用者发布一些值时,这些值直到您实际订阅Observable时才会发出。

The Consumer that subscribes to the Observable keeps receiving values until the Observable is completed or the consumer unsubscribes from the observable.


Let's start by defining an observable that provides a stream of updates


使用map()运算符 (Using the map() Operator)

The map() operator is similar to the Array.map() method. It lets you map observable responses to other values. For example:

map()运算符类似于Array.map()方法。 它使您可以将可观察到的响应映射到其他值。 例如:

import { Observable} from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
getItems(): Observable> {
  return this.aService.getItems().pipe(map(response => response.data));

The getItems() method returns an Observable. We're using the map() operator to return the data property of the response object.

getItems()方法返回一个Observable。 我们正在使用map()运算符返回响应对象的data属性。

The operator enables us to map the response of the Observable stream to the data value.


We import the pipeable operator map() from the rxjs/operators package and we use the pipe() method (which takes a variable number of pipeable operators) to wrap the operator.

我们从rxjs/operators包中导入可管道运算符map() ,并使用pipe()方法(采用可变数量的可管道运算符)包装该运算符。

使用filter()运算符 (Using the filter() Operator)

The filter() operator is similar to the Array.filter() method. It lets you filter the observable stream and returns another observable. For example:

filter()运算符类似于Array.filter()方法。 它使您可以过滤可观察的流并返回另一个可观察的流。 例如:

import { Observable} from 'rxjs';
import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators';

filter(): Observable<Array<any>> {
  return this.aService.getItems()
      filter(response => response.code === 200));

We use the  filter() operator to only emit a notification to observers of the observable stream when the status code of the HTTP response is 200.


结论 (Conclusion)

In this tutorial, you have been introduced to reactive programming, data streams and RxJS 6.

在本教程中,向您介绍了React式编程,数据流和RxJS 6。

You have learned that reactive programming is about coding with asynchronous data streams and that RxJS is the most popular implementation that implements Observables and the observer pattern.


You have learned what an Observable is — An object that emits or publishes values over time and asynchronously.


You have learned about the related concepts to Observables such as Observers and Subscriptions — Observers are objects that listen and consume values published by an Observable and Subscriptions are the objects returned from the subscribe() method (They are usually used to unsubscribe the Observer from the Observable).

您已经了解了与Observables相关的概念,例如Observers和Subscriptions-Observers是侦听和使用Observable发布的值的对象,Subscriptions是从subscription subscribe()方法返回的对象(它们通常用于从Observable取消订阅Observer。可观察到的)。

You have also learned about special types of Observables such as Subjects, behavior Subjects (BehaviorSubject) and replay Subjects (ReplaySubject) and also the difference between unicast and multicast Observables. As a reminder a multicast Observable shares its execution between all its Observers.

您还了解了特殊类型的Observable,例如主题,行为主题( BehaviorSubject )和重播主题( ReplaySubject ),以及单播和多播Observable之间的区别。 提醒一下,多播Observable在其所有观察者之间共享其执行。

You learned about cold and hot Observables — hot refers to when the Obseravble starts publishing values when it’s created even before getting any subscriptions.


You learned about RxJS operators which are methods that are used to compose Observables and work on their data streams.


Finally, you learned that Angular 6 & 7 uses RxJS v6 for working with asynchronous operations and APIs (instead of callbacks or Promises) in many of its commonly used modules such as HttpClient, Router and ReactiveForms.

最后,您了解到Angular 6和7在其许多常用模块(例如HttpClientRouterReactiveForms )中使用RxJS v6处理异步操作和API(而不是回调或Promises)。

This article was originally posted in techiediaries.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/angular-rxjs-in-depth/

rxjs angular
