2020-it-salary-survey-for-eu-region 数据分析



In this task, I need to conduct exploratory analysis and investigate the salary survey of European employees
IT specialists conducted in 2019. The sample Dataset “IT Salary Survey EU 2019.csv” consists of 991
observations for the following 21 features
(source: https://www.kaggle.com/parulpandey/2020-it-salary-survey-for-eu-region?select=T+Salary+Survey+EU+2019.csv)

  1. age – Age
  2. gender – Gender
  3. city – City
  4. seniority – Seniority level
  5. position – Position (without seniority)
  6. experience – Years of experience
  7. technology – Your main technology / programming language
  8. brutto_salary – Yearly brutto salary (without bonus and stocks)
  9. bonus – Yearly bonus
  10. stocks – Yearly stocks
  11. brutto_salary_before – Yearly brutto salary (without bonus and stocks) one year ago. Only answer
    if staying in same country
  12. bonus_