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Radio4000播放器 (Radio4000 Player)

This is a web component that plays channels from Radio4000. It uses the public radio4000-api and Vue.js.

这是一个播放Radio4000频道的Web组件。 它使用公共radio4000-api和Vue.js。

如何使用 (How to use)

You can load the player with a CDN, like this:


<script async src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/radio4000-player"></script>
<radio4000-player channel-slug="good-time-radio"></radio4000-player>

OR, you can use a package manager:


// npm install radio4000-player
import 'radio4000-player'
// now you can use <radio4000-player> in your templates

OR, you can use an iframe (source):

或者,您可以使用iframe( ):

<iframe src="https://api.radio4000.com/embed?slug=detecteve" width="320" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>


Here's a complete list of all the attributes you can set and change on the web component. These do not affect the iframe version.

这是您可以在Web组件上设置和更改的所有属性的完整列表。 这些不会影响iframe版本。

channel-slugstringRadio4000 channel slug (ex: oskar)
channel-idstringRadio4000 channel id (ex: -JYZvhj3vlGCjKXZ2cXO)
track-idstringRadio4000 track id (ex: -JYEosmvT82Ju0vcSHVP)
volumeintegerfrom 0 to 100 (default: 100)
autoplaybooleanif it should start playing automatically (default: false)
shufflebooleanif tracks should be shuffled (default: false)
属性 类型 描述
通道鼻塞 string Radio4000通道塞(例如: oskar )
频道编号 string Radio4000频道ID(例如: -JYZvhj3vlGCjKXZ2cXO )
轨道编号 string Radio4000轨道ID(例如: -JYEosmvT82Ju0vcSHVP )
integer 从0到100(默认值: 100 )
自动播放 boolean 是否应该自动开始播放(默认值: false )
洗牌 boolean 是否应改组轨道(默认值: false )

例子 (Examples)

Remember that HTML attributes are dasherized channel-slug whereas JavaScript expects CamelCase channelSlug.

请记住,HTML属性是反斜线的channel-slug而JavaScript需要CamelCase channelSlug

var player = document.querySelector('radio4000-player')

// Load radio channel either by slug or id.
player.channelSlug = 'sugar-hiccup'
player.channelId = '-JYZvhj3vlGCjKXZ2cXO'

// Load a specific track.
player.trackId = '-JYEosmvT82Ju0vcSHVP'

// Change the volume.
player.volume = 25

// Enable shuffle.
player.shuffle = true

To enable autoplay:


<radio4000-player channel-slug="200ok" autoplay="true"></radio4000-player>

大事记 (Events)

You can listen for events directly on each <radio4000-player> element.


  • trackChanged - This event fires whenever the current track is


    changed. It is an object containing two
    改变了。 它是一个包含两个对象

    track objects,


    previousTrack and track


  • trackEnded - This event fires when the current track finishes


    playing. It is an object containing one
    玩。 它是一个包含一个的对象

    track object.


  • mediaNotAvailable - This event fires when a track could not be


    played by its provider player (youtube etc.), since its media for

    not available to be played. It is an object containing one
    无法播放。 它是一个包含一个的对象



    object, the track which youtube video could not be played. Youtube
    对象,无法播放youtube视频的轨道。 优酷

    does not give much detail about "why" a media could not be player,

    in the event sent by their javascript player. In you application you
    在其JavaScript播放器发送的事件中。 在您的应用程序中

    could make a call to youtube's apis to get more info about a track,

    and figure out why, with a request such as the following.

# unrelated example of an HTTP query to Youtube api for details about
a video (replace `YOUTUBE_API_KEY` and `YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID`)
GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?key=YOUTUBE_API_KEY&id=YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID&fields=items(id,snippet,contentDetails,statistics)&part=snippet,contentDetails,statistics

Here's an example of how to listen for the trackChanged event. It is the same approach for all events. In the case of both trackChanged and trackEnded, the event.detail[0] argument will be a Radio4000 track object.

这是一个如何监听trackChanged事件的trackChanged 。 所有事件都采用相同的方法。 对于trackChangedtrackEndedevent.detail[0]参数将是Radio4000 track对象。

var player = document.querySelector('radio4000-player')
player.addEventListener('trackChanged', (event) => {
  console.info('trackChanged event', event.detail[0])
  // { track: { [...] } }

方法 (Methods)

Danger zone. We are still finalizing the API for methods so except this to change.

危险区。 我们仍在敲定方法的API,因此除了更改之外。

// Get access to the Vue component behind the web component to access methods.
var player = document.querySelector('radio4000-player')
var vue = player.__vue_custom_element__.$children[0]

var tracks = [
		id: 'uniqueId',
		title: 'A title to display',
		url: 'an url to link to in the track list',
		ytid: 'an id to the youtube video'

var playlist = {
	title: `A title for this list`,
	image: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/internet4000/assets/master/radio4000/icon-r4.svg',
	tracks: tracks


If the playlist object contains a query string it will be shown on top of the track list.


If this player is used inside radio4000.com, we want the links to switch URL internally. For that you can use the boolean property r4-url like so.

如果在radio4000.com内部使用此播放器,我们希望链接在内部切换URL。 为此,您可以像这样使用布尔属性r4-url

<radio4000-player r4-url="true"></radio4000-player>

Therefore, URLs in the player header won't open new browser window but will just replace the URL like Ember router would have done.


发展历程 (Development)

  • Feature branches are made from the master branch.


  • production branch is used for the production version releases.


# 1. clone and install dependencies
git clone[email protected]:internet4000/radio4000-player.git

# 2. starts a server on http://localhost:4002 that autobuilds when files change
yarn start

测试中 (Testing)

# run tests once
yarn test

# (re)run tests as files change
yarn start; yarn cypress open

如何发布新版本 (How to release a new version)

Release a new patch e.g. 1.0.4 to 1.0.5.


yarn release

Release a minor, major, or specific version:


yarn release minor
yarn release major
yarn release 0.8.3

翻译自: https://vuejsexamples.com/a-web-component-for-playing-embed-of-radio4000-channels-and-more/

