vue-admin-template 动态路由的实现(方式一),flutter通知推送


hidden: true,

component: Layout,

children: [


path: ‘index/:id’,

name: ‘AddBanner’,

component: () => import(’@/views/appmanage/addbanner/index’),

meta: { title: ‘添加Banner’, icon: ‘’ }





path: ‘/createactivationcode’,

hidden: true,

component: Layout,

children: [


path: ‘index’,

name: ‘CreateActivationCode’,

component: () => import(’@/views/vipmanage/createactivationcode/index’),

meta: { title: ‘生成激活码’, icon: ‘’ }






  • 放置服务器可配置的动态路由


export const asyncRoutes = [


path: ‘/usermanagement’,

component: Layout,

redirect: ‘/usermanagement/rolemanagement’,

meta: { title: ‘用户管理’, icon: ‘user’ },

children: [


path: ‘rolemanagement’,

component: () => import(’@/views/usermanage/rolemanagement/index’),

meta: { title: ‘角色管理’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘accountlist’,

component: () => import(’@/views/usermanage/accountlist/index’),

meta: { title: ‘账号列表’, icon: ‘’ }





path: ‘/voicemanage’,

component: Layout,


【】 完整内容开源分享

redirect: ‘/voicemanage/albumscategories’,

meta: { title: ‘语音管理’, icon: ‘voice’ },

children: [


path: ‘albumscategories’,

component: () => import(’@/views/voicemanage/albumscategories/index’),

meta: { title: ‘专辑分类’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘listenmanage’,

component: () => import(’@/views/voicemanage/listenmanage/index’),

meta: { title: ‘收听管理’, icon: ‘’ }





path: ‘/appmanagement’,

component: Layout,

redirect: ‘/appmanagement/banner’,

meta: { title: ‘App管理’, icon: ‘app’ },

children: [


path: ‘banner’,

component: () => import(’@/views/appmanage/banner/index’),

meta: { title: ‘Banner管理’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘appversions’,

component: () => import(’@/views/appmanage/appversions/index’),

meta: { title: ‘App版本管理’, icon: ‘’ }





path: ‘/vipmanagement’,

component: Layout,

redirect: ‘/vipmanagement/setmeal’,

meta: { title: ‘VIP管理’, icon: ‘vip’ },

children: [


path: ‘setmeal’,

component: () => import(’@/views/vipmanage/setmeal/index’),

meta: { title: ‘套餐管理’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘activationcode’,

component: () => import(’@/views/vipmanage/activationcode/index’),

meta: { title: ‘激活码管理’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘activationcodelist’,

component: () => import(’@/views/vipmanage/activationcodelist/index’),

meta: { title: ‘激活码生成列表’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘activationcodeexport’,

component: () => import(’@/views/vipmanage/activationcodeexport/index’),

meta: { title: ‘激活码导出列表’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘orderlist’,

component: () => import(’@/views/vipmanage/orderlist/index’),

meta: { title: ‘订单列表’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘vipequity’,

component: () => import(’@/views/vipmanage/vipequity/index’),

meta: { title: ‘VIP权益说明’, icon: ‘’ }





path: ‘/brandownermanage’,

component: Layout,

redirect: ‘/brandownermanage/brandownerlist’,

alwaysShow: true,

meta: { title: ‘品牌商管理’, icon: ‘brand’ },

children: [


path: ‘brandownerlist’,

component: () => import(’@/views/brandownermanage/brandownerlist/index’),

meta: { title: ‘品牌商列表’, icon: ‘’ }





path: ‘/machinemanage’,

component: Layout,

redirect: ‘/machinemanage/machinelist’,

alwaysShow: true,

meta: { title: ‘机器管理’, icon: ‘android’ },

children: [


path: ‘machinelist’,

component: () => import(’@/views/machinemanage/machinelist/index’),

meta: { title: ‘机器列表’, icon: ‘’ }





path: ‘/softwaremanage’,

component: Layout,

redirect: ‘/softwaremanage/versions’,

meta: { title: ‘软件管理’, icon: ‘software’ },

children: [


path: ‘versions’,

component: () => import(’@/views/softwaremanage/versions/index’),

meta: { title: ‘版本管理’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘usedirection’,

component: () => import(’@/views/softwaremanage/usedirection/index’),

meta: { title: ‘使用说明’, icon: ‘’ }





path: ‘/officialaccounts’,

component: Layout,

redirect: ‘/officialaccounts/accesssettings’,

meta: { title: ‘公众号设置’, icon: ‘weichat’ },

children: [


path: ‘accesssettings’,

component: () => import(’@/views/officialaccounts/accesssettings/index’),

meta: { title: ‘接入设置’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘menu’,

component: () => import(’@/views/officialaccounts/menu/index’),

meta: { title: ‘菜单设置’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘attentionreply’,

component: () => import(’@/views/officialaccounts/attentionreply/index’),

meta: { title: ‘关注回复’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘keywordreply’,

component: () => import(’@/views/officialaccounts/keywordreply/index’),

meta: { title: ‘关键字回复’, icon: ‘’ }



path: ‘material’,

component: () => import(’@/views/officialaccounts/material/index’),

meta: { title: ‘素材管理’, icon: ‘’ }





const createRouter = () => new Router({

// mode: ‘history’, // require service support

scrollBehavior: () => ({ y: 0 }),

routes: constantRoutes.concat(asyncRoutes).concat(errorRoutes)


export const router = createRouter()

// Detail see:

export function resetRouter() {

const newRouter = createRouter()

router.matcher = newRouter.matcher // reset router


export default router

  • 获取动态路由数据api/user.js

import request from ‘@/utils/request’

import qs from ‘qs’




export function getAuthMenu() {

return request({

url: ‘/Admin/Index’,

method: ‘get’



  • 修改权限规则(store/module/permission.js)



import { asyncRoutes, constantRoutes, errorRoutes } from ‘@/router’

import { getAuthMenu } from ‘@/api/user’

import Layout from ‘@/layout’

import { Message } from “element-ui”


  • 后台查询的菜单数据拼装成路由格式的数据

  • 这里是demo使用的是以前项目的后台数据,这里强制修改了一下

  • @param routes


export function generaMenu(routes, data, parent) {

data.forEach(item => {

let menu

let viewpath

if (parent == “/usermanagement”) {

viewpath = “/usermanage”

} else if (parent == “/appmanagement”) {

viewpath = “/appmanage”

} else if (parent == “/vipmanagement”) {

viewpath = “/vipmanage”

} else {

viewpath = parent


if (parent === ‘#’) {

menu = {

path: item.path,

component: Layout,

children: [],

redirect: ${item.path}/${item.children[0].path},

meta: { title:, icon: item.icon }


} else {

menu = {

path: item.path,

component: loadView(viewpath, item.path),

children: [],

name: item.path,

meta: { title: }



if (item.children) {

generaMenu(menu.children, item.children, item.path)





export const loadView = (parent, path) => { // 路由懒加载

return (resolve) => require([@/views${parent}/${path}/index], resolve)

// return () => import(@/views${parent}/${path}/index)


const state = {

routes: [],

addRoutes: []


const mutations = {

SET_ROUTES: (state, routes) => {

state.addRoutes = routes

state.routes = constantRoutes.concat(routes).concat(errorRoutes)



const actions = {

generateRoutes({ commit }, roles) {

return new Promise(resolve => {

const loadMenuData = []

// 先查询后台并返回左侧菜单数据并把数据添加到路由

getAuthMenu().then(response => {

if (response.code !== 200) {


message: “菜单数据加载异常”,

type: 0,

duration: 2 * 1000


} else {

let data =

Object.assign(loadMenuData, data)

let routes=[]

generaMenu(routes, loadMenuData, “#”)

let accessedRoutes

if (roles.includes(‘admin’)) {

accessedRoutes = asyncRoutes || []

} else {

accessedRoutes = routes


commit(‘SET_ROUTES’, accessedRoutes)



}).catch(error => {






export default {

namespaced: true,





  • 配置项目根目录下的permission.js,实现路由筛选

import router from ‘./router’

import store from ‘./store’

import { Message } from ‘element-ui’

import NProgress from ‘nprogress’ // progress bar

import ‘nprogress/nprogress.css’ // progress bar style

import { getToken } from ‘@/utils/auth’ // get token from cookie

import getPageTitle from ‘@/utils/get-page-title’

NProgress.configure({ showSpinner: false }) // NProgress Configuration


const whiteList = [’/login’] // no redirect whitelist

router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {

// start progress bar


// set page title

document.title = getPageTitle(to.meta.title)

// determine whether the user has logged in

const hasToken = getToken()

if (hasToken) {

if (to.path === ‘/login’) {

// if is logged in, redirect to the home page

next({ path: ‘/’ })


} else {

// const hasGetUserInfo =


const hasGetUserInfo = > 0

if (hasGetUserInfo) {


} else {

try {

// get user info

// await store.dispatch(‘user/getInfo’)

// next()


const { contact_name } = await store.dispatch(‘user/getInfo’)

const accessRoutes = await store.dispatch(‘permission/generateRoutes’, contact_name)


next({ …to, replace: true })

} catch (error) {

// remove token and go to login page to re-login

await store.dispatch(‘user/resetToken’)

Message.error(error || ‘Has Error’)






} else {

/* has no token*/

if (whiteList.indexOf(to.path) !== -1) {

// in the free login whitelist, go directly


} else {

// other pages that do not have permission to access are redirected to the login page.






router.afterEach(() => {

// finish progress bar



  • 将我们生成的路由数据暴露出来供导航栏使用

在store/getters.js中添加 permission_routes
