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[暂存]Compiling emule0.48a-Xtreme6.0



The sourcecode of eMule is availible as seperate download at:
You need Microsoft(C) Visual Studio .NET 2002 Service Pack 1 to compile eMule.

-Unzip the sources (with subdirs) into a new folder

Since eMule v0.29b the separate download and compilation of additional
libraries is required. These libs are 3rd party and therefore - as usual - not
within our distribution. You need the following libs:

1. Crypto++ v5.1

2. zlib v1.2.2

3. id3lib v3.8.3

4. (for MobileMule only!)
 DirectX SDK
 pnglib: http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html

5. ResizableLib 1.3

Download and save their sourcecode one level above the eMule source code
folder and compile them (check the eMule-project file to learn about the
required foldernames, or adapt them to your needs!).

-Open the emule.sln Visual Studio Solution

-If you get an error message like "wrong version of Visual C++", you have to
open emule.sln and emule.vcroj with an editor and change some values:

 emule.sln: "...Format Version 8.00" to 7.00 if you use Microsoft(C) Visual C++ .NET 2002
 emule.vcproj: Version="7.10"  to 7.00 if you use Microsoft(C) Visual C++ .NET 2002
-Select "release" or "debug" build in the solution configuration manager
-Build the solution. That's it :)
-If the compile was successful, the emule.exe is either in the /Debug or
 /Release directory
-When you build a debug dump version, you need the latest dbghelp.dll from
 Microsoft to run the app

 If you make modifications to eMule and you distribute the compiled version of
 your build, be sure to obey the GPL license. You have to include the
 sourcecode, or make it availible for download together with the binary
