项目地址:https://github.com/akveo/ngx-admin https://blog.csdn.net/rotating_windmill/article/details/72630009?locationNum=2&fps=1 参考:seed
ngx-admin Who uses ngx-admin?| Documentation | Installation Guidelines | Angular templates New! Material theme for ngx-admin Material admin theme is based on the most popular Angular dashboard templat
ngx-admin-lte Admin-LTE for Angular 4/5/6/8 as a NPM package This project is a library to integrate in your own project.If your are looking for a full bootstrapping using this library, please check: B
bootstraping ngx-admin-lte Bootstraping of Angular4 with AdminLTE dashboard template( Using ngx-admin-lte Library) UPDATE ! This version use the new npm package ngx-admin-lte (this will be easier to u
ngx-weui 是一个使用 Angular 构建的 WeUI 组件。 在线示例以及API文档。
ngx-fastdfs 是 nginx + lua +fastdfs 实现分布式图片实时动态压缩。 install 进入docker目录docker build -t fastdfs:dev . 使用 docker -idt -p 80:80 fastdfs:dev /bin/bash进入容器执行/etc/rc.local 测试 进入容器执行test目录下的./test.sh或者直接执行下面脚本
ngx-markdown ngx-markdown is an Angular library that combines... Marked to parse markdown to HTML Prism.js for language syntax highlight Emoji-Toolkit for emoji support KaTeX for math expression rende
@sweetalert2/ngx-sweetalert2 Official SweetAlert2 integration for Angular This is not a regular API wrapper for SweetAlert (which already works very well alone), it intends to provide Angular-esque ut
ngx-dropzone A lightweight and highly customizable Angular dropzone component for file uploads. For a demo see DEMO. And the CODE for the demo. Install $ npm install --save ngx-dropzone Usage // in ap