All Scala variables are declared as a val or var.
eg:val s = "Hello, world"等价于java语法final String s = “Hello, world”,尽量使用val不用var
val s: String = “Hello, world” ,语法成立但是不推荐,因为看起来允长,val s: String = someObject.someMethod(42)是推荐的,因为不能明确一眼看出来返回类型
val s = “foo bar baz”
s.count(_ == ‘a’) // 2
s.dropRight(2) // foo bar b
s.dropWhile(_ != ‘b’) // bar baz
s.filter(_ != ‘o’) // f bar baz
s.sortWith(_ < ) // " aabbfoorz"
s.take(3) // foo
s.takeRight(3) // baz
s.takeWhile( != ‘r’) // foo ba
“scala”.drop(2).take(2).capitalize //Al
String类可以用java的java.lang.String类方法,以及scala的StringOps类方法,比如drop, take和 filter
Predef 源码值得了解
val s1 = “Hello”
val s2 = “Hello”
val s3 = “H” + “ello”
s1 == s2 // true
s1 == s3 // true
val s4: String = null // String = null
s3 == s4 // false
s4 == s3 // false,不会抛出异常
val a = “Kimberly”
val b = “kimberly”
a.equalsIgnoreCase(b) // true
val s1: String = null
val s2: String = null
s1.toUpperCase == s2.toUpperCase//java.lang.NullPointerException
==方法定义在AnyRef 类中,首先检查null值,然后调用第一个对象的equals 方法
val foo = “”“This is
a multiline
val speech = “”“Four score and
|seven years ago”"".stripMargin
val speech = “”“Four score and
#seven years ago”"".stripMargin(’#’)
val foo = “”“Four score and
seven years ago”""
val speech = “”“Four score and
|seven years ago
|our fathers …”"".stripMargin.replaceAll("\n", " “)
val s = “”“This is known as a
|“multiline” string
|or ‘heredoc’ syntax.””". stripMargin.replaceAll("\n", " “)
“hello world”.split(” “)
“Relax, nothing is under control”.split(”\s+")
“hello world”.split(" ") //Array(hello, world)
“hello world”.split(’ ') //Array(hello, world)
val name = “Fred”
val age = 33
val weight = 200.00
println(s"$name is $age years old, and weighs $weight pounds.")//Fred is 33 years old, and weighs 200.0 pounds.
scala> println(s"Age next year: ${age + 1}")
Age next year: 34
scala> println(s"You are 33 years old: ${age == 33}")
You are 33 years old: true
case class Student(name: String, score: Int)
val hannah = Student(“Hannah”, 95)
scala> println(s"${} has a score of ${hannah.score}")
Hannah has a score of 95
scala> println(s"$ has a score of $hannah.score")
Student(Hannah,95).name has a score of Student(Hannah,95).score
scala> println(f"$name is $age years old, and weighs $weight%.2f pounds.")
Fred is 33 years old, and weighs 200.00 pounds.
scala> println(f"$name is $age years old, and weighs $weight%.0f pounds.")
Fred is 33 years old, and weighs 200 pounds.
scala> val s = f"$name, you weigh $weight%.0f pounds."
s: String = Fred, you weigh 200 pounds.
scala> s"foo\nbar"
res0: String =
scala> raw"foo\nbar"
res1: String = foo\nbar
val h = "Hello"
f"'$h%s'" // 'Hello'
f"'$h%10s'" // ' Hello'
f"'$h%-10s'" // 'Hello '
f"'${h}%s'" // 'Hello'
f"'${h}%10s'" // ' Hello'
f"'${h}%-10s'" // 'Hello '
val a = 10.3456 // a: Double = 10.3456
val b = 101234567.3456 // b: Double = 1.012345673456E8
f"'${a}%.1f'" // '10.3'
f"'${a}%.2f'" // '10.35'
f"'${a}%8.2f'" // ' 10.35'
f"'${a}%8.4f'" // ' 10.3456'
f"'${a}%08.2f'" // '00010.35'
f"'${a}%-8.2f'" // '10.35 '
f"'${b}%-2.2f'" // '101234567.35'
f"'${b}%-8.2f'" // '101234567.35'
f"'${b}%-14.2f'" // '101234567.35 '
val c = 10.5f // c: Float = 10.5
f"'${c}%.1f'" // '10.5'
f"'${c}%.2f'" // '10.50'
val ten = 10
f"'${ten}%d'" // '10'
f"'${ten}%5d'" // ' 10'
f"'${ten}%-5d'" // '10 '
val maxInt = Int.MaxValue
f"'${maxInt}%5d'" // '2147483647'
val maxLong = Long.MaxValue
f"'${maxLong}%5d'" // '9223372036854775807'
f"'${maxLong}%22d'" // ' 9223372036854775807'
val zero = 0
val one = 1
val negTen = -10
val bigPos = 12345
val bigNeg = -12345
val maxInt = Int.MaxValue
// non-negative integers
f"${zero}%03d" // 000
f"${one}%03d" // 001
f"${bigPos}%03d" // 12345
f"${bigPos}%08d" // 00012345
f"${maxInt}%08d" // 2147483647
f"${maxInt}%012d" // 002147483647
// negative integers
f"${negTen}%03d" // -10
f"${negTen}%05d" // -0010
f"${bigNeg}%03d" // -12345
f"${bigNeg}%08d" // -0012345
val s = 's'
f"|${s}%c|" // |s|
f"|${s}%5c|" // | s|
f"|${s}%-5c|" // |s |
val n = "Al"
val w = 200.0
val s = f"""Hi, my name is ${n}
|and I weigh ${w}%.1f pounds.
|""".stripMargin.replaceAll("\n", " ")
println(s) Hi, my name is Al and I weigh 200.0 pounds.
println(f"%%") // prints %
println(f"$$") // prints $
scala> val upper = for c <- “yo, adrian” yield c.toUpper
upper: String = YO, ADRIAN
scala> val upper = “yo, adrian”.map(c => c.toUpper)
upper: String = YO, ADRIAN
scala> val upper = “yo, adrian”.map(_.toUpper)
upper: String = YO, ADRIAN
“yo, adrian”.filter(_ != ‘a’).map(_.toUpper) // String = YO, DRIN
scala> for c <- “hello” do println©
scala> “hello”.foreach(println)
scala> “hello”.getBytes
res0: Array[Byte] = Array(104, 101, 108, 108, 111)
scala> “hello”.getBytes.foreach(println)
val upper = for c <- “hello, world” yield c.toUpper
val result = “hello, world”
.filter(_ != ‘l’)
.map(_.toUpper) 等于
val result = for
c <- “hello, world”
if c != ‘l’
val x = “HELLO”.map { c =>
// ‘c’ represents each character from “HELLO” (‘H’, ‘E’, etc.)
// that’s passed one at a time into this algorithm
val i: Int = c.toByte + 32
// x: String = “hello”
val f = “foo bar baz”
f.dropWhile(_ != ’ ') // " bar baz"
f.filter(_ != ‘a’) // foo br bz
f.takeWhile(_ != ‘r’) // foo ba
val numPattern = “[0-9]+”.r
val address = “123 Main Street Suite 101”
scala> val match1 = numPattern.findFirstIn(address)
match1: Option[String] = Some(123)
scala> val matches = numPattern.findAllIn(address)
val matches: scala.util.matching.Regex.MatchIterator =
scala> matches.foreach(println)
import scala.util.matching.Regex
val numPattern = Regex("[0-9]+")
val address = “123 Main Street Suite 101”
val match1 = numPattern.findFirstIn(address) // Option[String] = Some(123)
返回值是Some[String] 或 None.
scala> val address = “123 Main Street”.replaceAll("[0-9]", “x”)
address: String = xxx Main Street
scala> val regex = “[0-9]”.r
regex: scala.util.matching.Regex = [0-9]
scala> val newAddress = regex.replaceAllIn(“123 Main Street”, “x”)
newAddress: String = xxx Main Street
scala> val result = “123”.replaceFirst("[0-9]", “x”)
result: String = x23
scala> val regex = “H”.r
regex: scala.util.matching.Regex = H
scala> val result = regex.replaceFirstIn(“Hello world”, “J”)
result: String = Jello world
val pattern = “([0-9]+) ([A-Za-z]+)”.r
val pattern(count, fruit) = “100 Bananas”
// count: String = 100
// fruit: String = Bananas
“movies near 80301”
“movies 80301”
“80301 movies”
“movie: 80301”
“movies: 80301”
“movies near boulder, co”
“movies near boulder, colorado”
val MoviesZipRE = “movies (\d{5})”.r
val MoviesNearCityStateRE = “movies near ([a-z]+), ([a-z]{2})”.r
val results = textUserTyped match
case MoviesZipRE(zip) => getSearchResults(zip)
case MoviesNearCityStateRE(city, state) => getSearchResults(city, state)
case _ => None
“hello”(0) // Char = h
“hello”(1) // Char = e
“hello”(99) // throws java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
“hello”.charAt(0) // Char = h
“hello”.charAt(99) // throws java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
import scala.util.Random
// examples of two random alphanumeric strings
Random.alphanumeric.take(10).mkString // 7qowB9jjPt
Random.alphanumeric.take(10).mkString // a0WylvJKmX
A-Z, a-z, 和0-9组成的随机字符串
val r = scala.util.Random
val randomSeq = for (i <- 0 to r.nextInt(10)) yield r.nextPrintableChar
randomSeq.mkString // @Wvz#y#Rj
randomSeq.mkString //b0F:P&!WT$
包含 ASCII 范围33-126之间的任意字符,