storm maven-shade-plugin


 storm-core pom

                            <!-- This pattern is inconsistent for backwards compatibility purposes. -->
                        <transformer implementation="org.apache.storm.maven.shade.clojure.ClojureTransformer" />
                        <!-- Several of these filters remove the .clj files from the shaded dependencies, even though only .clj files are in these jars.
                             The reason for this is a bit complex, but intentional.  During the build process all of the dependency .clj files are
                             compiled down into .class files, and included in storm-core.jar.  The regular shade transformer handles these in 
                             the majority of cases correctly.  However, the Clojure-Transformer does not shade everything correctly all the
                             time.  Instead of spending a lot of time to get the Clojure-Transformer to parse Clojure correctly we opted to remove
                             the .clj files from the uber jar. -->




