jQuery Panzoom是一款非常实用的HTML DOM元素平移和缩放jQuery和CSS3插件。Panzoom利用CSS transforms 和 matrix函数来为浏览器进行硬件(GPU)加速,它可以支持任何元素的平移和缩放:图片、视频、iframe、canvas或文本等等。
Mobile support
Panzoom支持移动手机的触摸姿势,也支持使用手指来缩放元素大小。它完全可以同时在桌面设备和移动手机上同时使用。它可以支持iOS 和Android设备,同时支持Pointer(IE11+)、touch和mouse事件。
SVG support
define([ "jquery", "plugins/jquery.panzoom" ], function( $ ) {
$(document).ready(function() {
// Pass options
minScale: 0,
$zoomRange: $("input[type='range']")
Panzoom.defaults = {
// Should always be non-empty
// Used to bind jQuery events without collisions
// A guid is not added here as different instantiations/versions of Panzoom
// on the same element is not supported.
eventNamespace: ".panzoom",
// Whether or not to transition the scale
transition: true,
// Default cursor style for the element
cursor: "move",
// There may be some use cases for zooming without panning or vice versa
// NOTE: disablePan also disables focal point zooming
disablePan: false,
disableZoom: false,
// The increment at which to zoom
// adds/subtracts to the scale each time zoomIn/Out is called
increment: 0.3,
minScale: 0.4,
maxScale: 5,
// The default step for the range input
// Precendence: default < HTML attribute < option setting
rangeStep: 0.05,
// Animation duration (ms)
duration: 200,
// CSS easing used for scale transition
easing: "ease-in-out",
// Indicate that the element should be contained within it's parent when panning
// Note: this does not affect zooming outside of the parent
// Set this value to 'invert' to only allow panning outside of the parent element (the opposite of the normal use of contain)
// 'invert' is useful for a large Panzoom element where you don't want to show anything behind it
contain: false,
// Transform value to which to always reset (string)
// Defaults to the original transform on the element when Panzoom is initialized
startTransform: undefined,
// This optional jQuery collection can be set to specify all of the elements
// on which the transform should always be set.
// It should have at least one element.
// This is mainly used for delegating the pan and zoom transform settings
// to another element or multiple elements.
// The default is the Panzoom element wrapped in jQuery
// See the [demo](http://timmywil.github.io/jquery.panzoom/demo/#set) for an example.
// Note: only one Panzoom element will still handle events for a Panzoom instance.
// Use multiple Panzoom instances for that use case.
$set: $elem,
// Zoom buttons/links collection (you can also bind these yourself - e.g. `$button.on("click", function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $elem.panzoom("zoomIn"); });` )
$zoomIn: $(),
$zoomOut: $(),
// Range input on which to bind zooming functionality
$zoomRange: $(),
// Reset buttons/links collection on which to bind the reset method
$reset: $(),
// For convenience, these options will be bound to Panzoom events
// These can all be bound normally on the Panzoom element
// e.g. `$elem.on("panzoomend", function( e, panzoom ) { console.log( panzoom.getMatrix() ); });`
onStart: undefined,
onChange: undefined,
onZoom: undefined,
onPan: undefined,
onEnd: undefined,
onReset: undefined
所有的方法都可以使用和 jQuery UI 组件工厂相同的方式进行调用。当调用panzoom()时传入一个方法名称。字符串会被解析为方法名称。
// One at a time
// Sets the scale increment option
$elem.panzoom("option", "increment", 0.4);
// Several options at once
$elem.panzoom("option", {
increment: 0.4,
minScale: 0.1,
maxScale: 2,
duration: 500,
$reset: $("a.reset-panzoom, button.reset-panzoom")
reset( [options] ):
options {Object|Boolean}:如果传入一个布尔值,动画被重置(默认值为true)。如果传入一个对象,会将它传入到setMatrix方法中。
options.silent {Boolean}:Silence the reset event (as well as the change event as the same options are passed to setMatrix)
$elem.panzoom("reset", false);
$elem.panzoom("reset", {
animate: false,
contain: false
重置 transform matrix 到它的原点值。所有的平移和缩放都被重置。
resetZoom( [options] ):
options {Object|Boolean}:如果传入一个布尔值,动画被重置(默认值为true)。如果传入的是一个对象,它将用于缩放。
$elem.panzoom("resetZoom", false);
$elem.panzoom("resetZoom", {
animate: false,
silent: true
重置scale到它的原始值。(resets both scale values in the matrix to their original values)
resetPan( [options] ):
options {Object|Boolean}:如果传入一个布尔值,动画被重置(默认值为true)。如果传入的是一个对象,它将用于平移。
$elem.panzoom("resetPan", false);
$elem.panzoom("resetPan", {
animate: false,
silent: true
pan( x, y[, options] ):
x {Number}: translation X的值。
y {Number}: translation Y的值。
options {Object}:These options are also passed along to setMatrix.
// => true