参考:一份其实很短的 LaTeX 入门文档 | 始终 (liam.page)
部署 LaTeX 安装 texlive-core 新建 a.tex 文件,内容如下: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} %加入了一些针对XeTeX的改进并且加入了 \XeTeX 命令来输入漂亮的XeTeX logo \usepackage{xltxtra} %启用一些LaTeX中的功能 \usepackage{xunicode} %%%% fontspe
LaTeX(LATEX,音译“拉泰赫”)是一种基于TeX的排版系统。 LaTeX通过CTAN服务器发布,或作为TeX用户组(TUG)或第三方提供的许多易于安装和可用的TeX发布版本的一部分。如果您遇到问题,请访问帮助部分。 LaTeX本身并不是一个独立的排版程序,而是运行在Donald E. Knuth的TeX排版系统之上的文档准备软件。TeX发行版通常会将工作中的TeX系统所需的所有部件捆绑在一
Vim + LaTeX snippets setup How I'm able to take notes in mathematics lectures using LaTeX and Vim Vim configuration Copy tex.snippets to ~/.vim/UltiSnips/ and assuming you're using Vim Plug, add the f
latex-action GitHub Action to compile LaTeX documents. This actions runs on docker using a maximal TeXLive environment installed. Inputs root_file The root LaTeX file to be compiled. This input is req
PDF 下载: 放映版 阅读版 Copyright (C) 2018–2021 by Xiangdong Zeng.
Warning — looking for a maintainer This extension is no longer maintained. I'm sorry, it's not you, it's me. I still love this functionality, I've just moved to a different editor to get it.I don't wa
LaTeX Resources This repository provides several examples and resources for LaTeX. All examples are tested using MikTeX 2.9 on Windows 7 and on Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 using texlive-full. License Several e
Twenty Seconds Curriculum Vitae in LaTex HOT! Support Fontawesome Icons, new class option \documentclass[icon]{twentysecondcv}, using the name of the icon available in the documentation of the package