【DAPDM 三】--- Audio paths 与 asound.conf



三、Audio paths 与 asound.conf

3.1 认识 asound.conf 和 .asoundrc



重要: https://alsa.opensrc.org/Asoundrc

.asoundrc 和 /etc/asound.conf 是 alsa 驱动的配置文件,这两个文件不是alsa 正常工作所必须要的文件。

这两个文件最主要的作用还是用于配置 audio 虚拟设备的功能。

The main use of these two configuration files is to add functionality 
such as routing and sample-rate conversion. 

It allows you to create "virtual devices" that pre or post-process audio streams. 

Any properly written ALSA program can use these virtual devices 
as though they were normal devices.

主要件用是 客制化声卡配置。

One is to create a personalized configuration for a soundcard.
This is useful if you have a 32-channel soundcard and want to reserve 5 channels permanently for recording the drums.
For example, you could create a new PCM called “drumrec” that is always mapped to the same five inputs.
The .asoundrc file is quite complicated. You may find it simpler to use the dmix plugin.

Lastly similar .asoundrc files are used internally by ALSA to “map” standard things,
for example, to connect “default” to “plughw:0” (this too could be overridden). The configuration is in the file /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf

If you’re happy with how your card is working, there’s no need to use an .asoundrc. There is also not much use in taking an .asoundrc for a 10-channel soundcard and hoping to get more out of a 2-channel (stereo) soundcard.
But if you want or have to customize the behaviour of a soundcard to be different from the standard setting, an .asoundrc is essential.

3.1.1 创建声卡别名(虚拟声卡)


pcm.NAME {
    type hw # Kernel PCM
    card INT/STR # Card name or number
    [device] INT # Device number (default 0)
    [subdevice] INT # Subdevice number, -1 first available (default -1)
    mmap_emulation BOOL # enable mmap emulation for ro/wo devices

Here is another example which gives the first soundcard an alias:
Now you can access this card by the alias “ens1371”.

pcm.ens1371 {
    type hw
    card 0
    device 0

aplay -D ens1371 test.wav

3.1.2 创建一个虚拟子设备


pcm_slave.sltest {
    pcm ens1371

pcm_slave.sl2 {
    pcm ens1371
    rate 44100

pcm.rate_convert {
    type rate
    slave sl2

Now you can use this newly created (virtual) device by:

aplay -D rate_convert test.wav


pcm_slave.sl3 {
    pcm ens1371
    format S16_LE
    channels 1
    rate 16000
pcm.complex_convert {
    type plug
Here, the controls "Wave Surround Playback Volume" and "EMU10K1 PCM Send Volume" are set to the given values when this pcm is accessed. Since these controls take multi-dimensional values, the value field is written as an array. When preserve is true, the old values are saved and restored when the pcm is closed. The lock means that the control is locked during this pcm is opened, and cannot be changed by others. When optional is set, no error is returned but ignored even if the specified control doesn't exist.    slave sl3

By calling it with:

aplay -vD complex_convert test.wav

3.2 配置 audio path

首先我们先看看plugin中hooks: https://blog.csdn.net/azloong/article/details/6384249

This plugin is used to call some ‘hook’ function when this plugin is opened, modified or closed. Typically, it is used to change control values for a certain state specially for the PCM (see the example below).

# Hook arguments definition
hook_args.NAME {
    ...         # Arbitrary arguments
# PCM hook type
pcm_hook_type.NAME {
    [lib STR]       # Library file (default libasound.so)
    [install STR]       # Install function (default _snd_pcm_hook_NAME_install)
# PCM hook definition
pcm_hook.NAME {
    type STR        # PCM Hook type (see pcm_hook_type)
    [args STR]      # Arguments for install function (see hook_args)
    # or
    [args { }]      # Arguments for install function
# PCM hook plugin
pcm.NAME {
    type hooks      # PCM with hooks
    slave STR       # Slave name
    # or
    slave {         # Slave definition
        pcm STR     # Slave PCM name
        # or
        pcm { }     # Slave PCM definition
    hooks {
        ID STR      # Hook name (see pcm_hook)
        # or
        ID { }      # Hook definition (see pcm_hook)

hooks.0 {
    type ctl_elems
    hook_args [
            name "Wave Surround Playback Volume"
            preserve true
            lock true
            optional true
            value [ 0 0 ]
            name "EMU10K1 PCM Send Volume"
            index { @func private_pcm_subdevice }
            lock true
            value [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 0 255 ]

Here, the controls “Wave Surround Playback Volume” and “EMU10K1 PCM Send Volume” are set to the given values when this pcm is accessed. Since these controls take multi-dimensional values, the value field is written as an array. When preserve is true, the old values are saved and restored when the pcm is closed. The lock means that the control is locked during this pcm is opened, and cannot be changed by others. When optional is set, no error is returned but ignored even if the specified control doesn’t exist.

我们可以定义一个名为NAME的hook plugin,在这个plugin中,我们可以操作之前提到的dapm kcontrol,达到音频通道切换的目的。

When preserve is true, the old values are saved and restored when the pcm is closed.

The lock means that the control is locked during this pcm is opened, and cannot be changed by others.

When optional is set, no error is returned but ignored even if the specified control doesn’t exist.

3.3 示范配置

以《【DAPDM 二】— Audio paths 与 DAPM Kcontrol》的红色线路为例,
在Android平台上写一个linein录音直送到SPK输出的hooks plugin:

pcm.AndroidPlayback_Speaker_normal {
	type hooks 
	slave.pcm { 
		type hw 
		card 0 
		device 0 
	hooks.0 { 
		type ctl_elems 
		hook_args [
				name 'Left Input PGA Switch' 
				value true 
				name 'Left Input PGA LINPUT1 Switch' 
				preserve true   // 关闭时,kcontrol 配置自动恢复
				lock true		// 打开期间,kcontrol 配置不会被其他 pcm 修改
				value true 
				name 'Left Input Mixer Input PGA Switch'
				preserve true	// 关闭时,kcontrol 配置自动恢复
				lock true 		// 打开期间,kcontrol 配置不会被其他 pcm 修改
				value true 
				name 'Left Output Mixer Left Input Mixer Switch'
				preserve true	// 关闭时,kcontrol 配置自动恢复
				lock true 		// 打开期间,kcontrol 配置不会被其他 pcm 修改
				value true 
				name 'LINEOUT1 Switch' 
				value true 

把这个 asound.conf 放到 /etc 目录下,再启动 Android 可以做这个测试,应该可以听到 Line in 输入的录音信号直接在 SPK 上输出。


Date: 20190923-11:23
