送柴侍御(唐 - 王昌龄)
Latex中的命令格式: \CommandName[Optional Argument]{Compulsory Argument}
\CommandName{Compulsory Argument}[Optional Argument]
环境格式: \begin{environment}...\end{environment}
Tex Distribution:
LaTeX Editor:
有用的网站: tex.stackexchange.com
<main text of the document>
\noindent Hello! \LaTeX{}\\
Latex is a typesetting system.
% 这是注释
% \documentclass - 指出文档的类型
% \documentclass[options]{name of class}
% name of class 的选项是:
% article - 短的文章如报告、论文等
% report - 报告 exam - 考试或测验
% letter - 信件 book - 书籍
% beamer slides
% \documentclass 和 \begin{document} 之间的是 preamble
% preamble 是正文之前的配置
% \usepackage 的使用
% \usepackage[options]{name of package}
\usepackage{comment} % 多行注释
% 下面是多行注释
A first line of comment.
A second line of comment.
% 信件
\signature{Your name}
\address{From: \\Line 1 \\ Line 2 \\ Line 3}
\begin{letter}{To:\\ Line 1 \\ Line 2 \\ Line 3}
\opening{Dear Sir\textbackslash Madam,}
This is content part.
\closing{Yours Faithfully,}
\ps{P.S. Here goes your ps.}
% 研究类的文章
\title{A Sample Research Paper}
\author{X Y Z}
\abstract{An abstract}
An Introduction.
\section{Background and Preliminary}
A Background and Preliminary.
\section{First Main Section}
A first section.
\subsection{Subsection of I Section}
A subsection.
\subsection{Another Subsection of I Section}
Another subsection.
\section{Second Main Section}
A second section.
\subsection{Subsection of II Section}
A subsection.
\subsection{Another Subsection of II Section}
Another subsection.
A Conclusion
\bibitem{Ref1} Author 1., \textit{Book 1}, Publisher 1, Year 1.
\bibitem{Ref2} Author 2., \textit{Book 2}, Publisher 2, Year 2.
Math Quiz \hspace{1in} Name: \hrulefill
\item Suppose that $ax^2+bx+c=0$. Show that
x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} ~.
\item Solve the following system of equations:
2x - 4y ~&=~ \sum_{n=0}^1 \ln \left( e^3 \right)\\
3x + 5y ~&=~ \int_0^1 2x\;dx ~+~ \lim_{x \to -\infty} \frac{\sin x}{\sqrt[3]{x}}
\item Draw a right triangle $\triangle ABC$ with $C = 90^{\circ}$.\vspace{1in}
\item Answer the following questions about the function $f(\theta) = \cos \theta$:
\item What is $f^\prime(\theta)$?\vspace{0.75in}
\item What is $\lim_{\theta \to 0} f(\theta)$?
% \pointsinmargin
\question[10] I question
\part[5] I sub-section
\part[5] II sub-section
\subpart[3] I sub-question in (c)
\subpart[2] II sub-question in (c)
\question[15] II question
\question[2] The correct option
\choice I Option
\choice II Option
\choice III Option
\choice IV Option
\question[2] The correct option \\
\choice I Option
\choice II Option
\choice III Option
\choice IV Option
\question[2] The correct option \\
\choice I Option
\choice II Option
\choice III Option
\choice IV Option
\checkboxchar{\(\Box \)}
% \fillin: fill in the blank questions
% \begin{solution}...\end{solution}
% \printanswers \noprintanswers
\question[2] The correct option
\choice I Option
\choice II Option
\choice III Option
\choice IV Option
\question[2] The correct option \\
\choice I Option
\choice II Option
\choice III Option
\choice IV Option
Content Part | Level |
Part | -1 |
Chapter | 0 |
Section | 1 |
Subsection | 2 |
Subsection | 3 |
Paragraph | 4 |
Subparagraph | 5 |
% 内容层次
\tableofcontents % 目录
\section{First section}
\section{Second section}
\subsection{A sub-section in II section}
\subsubsection[Deeper level]{A sub-section at deeper level}
\section{Third section}
\subsection{A subsection in III section}
\subsection{Another subsection in III section}
% \\ 换行 \newline 换行 \newpage 新的一页
% 通过空行或\par 开始新的段落
% 多个空格等价于一个空格 多个空白行等价于单行(空白折叠)
% '\'+' ' 等价于 一个空格
% 特殊字符
% 可使用\symbol{...}显示特殊字符, 要引入 \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
% \ - \textbackslash
% %-\% $-\$ #-\# &-\& {-\{ }-\} _-\_
% {(left brace) - \symbol{123}
% }(right brace) - \symbol{125}
% _(underscore) - \symbol{95}
% ^(caret) - \symbol{94}
% ~(tilde) - \symbol{126}
% \copyright \textendash \textemdash \textregistered \texttrademark
% 字体
\texttt{Typewriter Font} % Monospaced
\textsf{Serif Font} % Sans serif
\textrm{Roman Font}
% 文本排版(Text formatting)
% 字体样式
% bold(粗体) - \textbf{...} italic(斜体) - \emph{...} or \textit
% bold italic - \textbf{\emph{...}} slanted - \textsl{Slanted text}
% underline(下划线) - \underline{...} small caps - \textsc{...}
% Superscript(上标) - \textsuperscript{...} (无需引入)
% subscript(下标) - \textsubscript (需要引入 fixltx2e 包)
% 字体大小
% script - \scriptsize{...}
% Footnote size - \footnotesize{...} tiny - \tiny{...}
% Small - \small{...} Normal size - \normalsize{...}
% Large - \large{...} Larger - \Large{...} Largest - \LARGE{...}
% Huge - \huge{...} Hugest - \Huge{...}
% Blue - \textcolor{blue}{...} 要加载xcolor包
% http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/xcolor/xcolor.pdf
% 定位
Flushed Left
Center Aligned
Flushed Right
% 添加空白(水平和垂直) \hspace和\vspace
% \hspace{length} - length(正负皆可): in, cm, mm, pt
% \vspace{length}
% 1 inch = 72 pt
% \textwidth : 最大的length
A horizontal \hspace{10pt} space of 10 points.\\
A horizontal \hspace{2cm} space of 2 cm.\\
A first paragraph.
A second paragraph with additional space of 1cm.
% 水平线
% 格式: \rule[raise-height]{width}{thickness}
% raise-height: 水平线的高度,可选
% width: 水平线的长度,强制
% thickness: 水平线的粗细,强制
One inch line, 0.5 pts thick: \rule{1in}{0.5pt}\\
Same as above, 3 pts lower:\\
Line to right margin: \hrulefill \\
Put a line across the page:\\
\usepackage{color} % 引入
% 使用 color 包用 \pagecolor{color} 命令设置页面背景色
% 命令格式: \color{declared-color}{text}
% 有序列表(块级)
\item This is item 1.
\item This is item 2.
\item This is item 2.1.
\item This is item 2.2.
\item This is item 3.
% 无序列表(块级)
\item This is the first bullet item.
\item This is the second bullet item.
\item This is bullet item 3.
% 块级
% \begin{enumerate}[label=\Alph*)]
% \begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*.]
% \begin{enumerate}[label=\Roman*.,start=3]
% [label={}]作用与无标识的列表
\item First
\item Second
\item Third
\usepackage{paralist} % 行内列表
% \begin{inparaenum}[a)]
\item First
\item Second
\item Third
% 块级
% f\/i 用于正确调整f和i之间的空白
\item[I Def\/inition:]I def\/inition
\item[II Def\/inition:]II def\/inition
\item[III Def\/inition:]III def\/inition
% 行级
\item[I Def\/inition:]I def\/inition
\item[II Def\/inition:]II def\/inition
\item[III Def\/inition:]III def\/inition
命令格式:\newtheorem{nickname of environment}{name of environment as to be printed}[within]
或\newtheorem{nickname of environment}[numbered like]{name of environment as to be printed}
(定理前的序号如章节、小节等的编号如Theorem 2.1.1
): \newtheorem{thmv}{Theorem}[section]
numbered like
: 已经定义的环境的名称.
This is a theorem.
This is another theorem.
This is definition.
This is another definition.
This is lemma.
% \= 设置 tab positions
% \> 移动到 tab positions
\= Tab1 \= Tab2 \= Tab3 \= Tab4\\
\> Tab1 \\
\> \> Tab2 \\
\> \> \> Tab3 \\
\> \> \> \> Tab4
\section{First Section}
\href{www.latex.com}{some text}
\section{Second Section}
\subsection{A subsection}
环境: \begin{tabular}...\end{tabular}
\textbf{Center Aligned}\\
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} % l(左对齐) c(居中) r(右对齐)
Col. 1 & Col. 2 & Col. 3\\
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
31 & 32 & 33 \\
\textbf{Fixed Width}\\
% 少用竖线以提高表格内容的可读性
Col. 1 & Col. 2 & Col. 3\\
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
31 & 32 & 33 \\
\textbf{Cell Alignment:}\\
top aligned & middle aligned & bottom aligned\\
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
A & B & C \\
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
31 & 32 & 33 \\
% \multicolumn{cols}{pos}{text}
% cols: specifies the number of columns to span
% pos: specifies the formatting of the entry; c(centered),l(left),r(right)
% text: specifies what text is to make up the entry
\multicolumn{2}{l}{Combined Column} &
\multicolumn{1}{l}{Last Column}\\
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
31 & 32 & 33 \\
\multicolumn{2}{l}{Combined Column}&
\multicolumn{1}{l}{Last Column}\\
A & B & C\\
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
31 & 32 & 33 \\
Col. 1 & Col. 2 & Col. 3 \\
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
31 & 32 & 33 \\
\caption{Table Name - Below} % 这是表格标题
\caption{Table Name - Above} % 这是表格标题
Col. 1 & Col. 2 & Col. 3 \\
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
31 & 32 & 33 \\
% 设置一行的颜色
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
31 & 32 & 33 \\
% 设置一列的颜色
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
31 & 32 & 33 \\
% \includegraphics[width=0.3\width, angle=0]{sample.jpg}
% 占页面的 30%
% \includegraphics[scale=0.85]{sample.jpg}
\fbox{\includegraphics[width=3cm, angle=0]{sample.jpg}}
\caption{Sample Figure}
I'm going to box \fbox{this text} first.
\fbox{\parbox{\textwidth}{This whole
paragraph will be boxed. This will make it
seem as if it is very important.}}
\newcommand{\xyz}{This is user defined command.}
% \newcommand{command name}[number of arguments]{definition}
% number of arguments: 参数个数 - 1 到 9
% #n: 代表第 n 个参数
\textbf{Italic text with redefined \textbackslash textbf!}
\newcommand{\xyz}{This is user defined command.}
\renewcommand{\xyz}[2]{A redefined xyz command of args. #1 and #2.}
% 页面默认布局:
% Paper Size: Letter
% Font: Computer Modern
% Font Size: 10pt
% Orientation: Portrait, One Column
Hello, world!
% 页面布局:
% Paper Size: A4
% Font: Computer Modern
% Font Size: 14pt
% Orientation: Landscape, Two Columns
Hello, world!
页面大小: a0paper,a1paper,...,a6paper
% 统一设置页眉和页脚的样式
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % 引入
\pagestyle{fancy} % \pagestyle{empty} 不标记页码
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % 删除header后的水平线
\cfoot{Page \thepage} % 设置页码
This is content part.
% 设置不同页面的页眉和页脚的不同样式
\cfoot{Page \thepage}
First page.
Second page.
Third page.
\cfoot{Page \thepage}
{\fancyhf{} % 重新设置页眉和页脚
First page.
\thispagestyle{mystyle} % 应用样式
Second page.
Third page.
行级数学环境: \(...\)
块级数学环境: \[...\]
% http://ctan.org/tex-archive/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-letter.pdf
% https://mirror.bjtu.edu.cn/CTAN/info/
Fraction: $\frac{dy}{dx} = \dfrac{dy}{dx}$\\
Sum: $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} = \displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}$\\
Limit: $\lim_{n \to \infty} = \displaystyle\lim_{n \to \infty}$\\
Integral: $\int_a^b = \displaystyle\int_a^b$
有编号的数学环境: \begin{equation}...\end{equation}
f(x) &= e^{x-1}\\
\int_1^2 f(x)\;dx &= e^{x-1} ~\Bigr|_1^2\\
&= e - 1
2x-4y-7z+82 &= \pi\\
3x+5y+9z &= 213\\
% multline 环境
x = a + b + c + d + e +\\
f + g + h + j +\\
k + l + m + n
% 使用~或\text{some text}展开空白
Bad: sin x is a function\\
Terrible: $sin x is a function$\\
Good: $\sin x ~\text{is a function}$\\
Good: $\sin x$ is a function\\
% align 环境
x + y + z = 1\\
y + z = 0\\
u + v + w + z = 2
a = b\\
无编号的数学环境: \begin{equation*}
部分无编号: \nonumber
\[x_1\]\\ % subscript
\[x^2\]\\ % exponent
\[\frac{x}{y}\] % fraction
% \alpha \beta \gamma \Gamma \delta \Delta
% \epsilon \zeta \eta \theta \kappa \lambda
% \mu \pi \rho \sigma \Sigma \tau \phi \Phi
% \chi \psi \omega \Omega \nabla \xi
% multiplication(乘法) - \times
% division(除法) - \div
% plus or minus(正负号) - \pm
% 无穷 - \infty
% 大于等于 - \geq 小于等于 - \leq
% 不等于 - \neq
% 远小于 - \ll 远大于 - \gg
% \prec \preceq \succ \succeq
% 任意 - \forall 存在 - \exists
% 不存在 - \not\exists 当且仅当 - \iff
% similar(相似) - \sim \cong \simeq
% approximately(约等于) - \approx
% equivalent(等价) - \equiv 不垂直 - \not\perp
% perpendicular(垂直) - \perp parallel(平行) - \parallel
% 成正比 - \propto 与 - \wedge 或 - \vee
% \bigwedge \bigvee \mid \ast(asterisk, 星号)
% degrees(度数) - 45^{\circ} angle(角) - \angle A
% triangle(三角形) - \triangle ABC \triangleleft \triangleright \bigtriangleup
% \bigtriangledown \circ \bigcirc
% square(正方形) - \square
% 属于 - \in \ni 差集 - \setminus
% intersection(交集) - \cap union(并集) - \cup
% subset(子集) - \subset \supset empty set(空集) - \emptyset
% \subseteq \supseteq \bigcup \bigcap \sqcup \sqcap \bigsqcup
% \oplus \ominus \oslash \odot \otimes
% \bigoplus \bigotimes \bigodot
% implies - P \Rightarrow Q
% Two-way implication - P \Leftrightarrow Q
% \sin x \cos x \tan x \csc x \sec x
% \cot x \arcsin x \arccos x \arctan x
% \sinh x \cosh x \tanh x \log x \ln x
% \log_b x \exp \max \min \inf \sup
% a \equiv r(\bmod\; n)
% \dot{x} \ddot{x} \bar{x} \tilde{x} \hat{x}
% \vec{v} \cdot vec{w} \overline{AB} \overrightarrow{AB}
% \check{a} \acute{a} \breve{a}
% \cdots \ldots \underline{AB} \widetilde{abc} \widehat{abc}
% \overbrace{abc} \underbrace{abc}
\usepackage{amsmath} % 需要引入
% 因为 - \because 所以 - \therefore
% 蕴涵 - \implies
% \nless \ngtr \nleq \ngeq
% \nsubseteq \nsupseteq \subsetneq \supsetneq
% \nmid \nparallel \nsim \ncong
% \centernot\implies
% \centernot\iff
% \centernot\mid
% \centernot\perp
% \centernot\equiv
% \centernot\parallel
% \centernot\sim
% \centernot\cong
\[ \Biggl( \biggl( \Bigl( \bigl( ( \]
\[ ) \bigr) \Bigr) \biggr) \Biggr) \]
\[ \Biggl[ \biggl[ \Bigl[ \bigl[ [ \]
\[ ] \bigr] \Bigr] \biggr] \Biggr] \]
\[ \Biggl| \biggl| \Bigl| \bigl| | \]
\[ | \bigr| \Bigr| \biggr| \Biggr| \]
\left( \frac{1}{2} \right) ,~
\left\lbrace e^{x^2 + y^2} \right\rbrace ,~
\left\lbrack \iint f~dS \right\rbrack ,~
\left| \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} \right|
\( f: \mathbbm{R} \setminus \{0\} \to \mathbbm{R}\)
defined as \\
\(f(x) = \frac{\sin{x}}{x} \)
\( f: \mathbbm{R} \to \mathbbm{R} \)
defined as\\
\(f(x) =
x & \mbox{if } x \geq 0 \\
-x & \mbox{if } x < 0
\right. \)
% summation(求和) - \sum_{n=1}^{N}a_n or \sum\limits_{n=1}^{N}a_n
% limit(极限) - \lim_{x \to \infty} f(x) or \lim\limits_{x \to \infty} f(x)
% derivative(导数) - f^\prime(x)
% \frac{dy}{dx} \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} \frac{\partial z}{\partial x}
% \frac{\partial^2 z}{\partial z^2}
% \frac{\partial^2 z}{\partial x \partial y}
% indefinite integral - \int f(x)\,dx and \int \!f(x)\,dx
% \! 用于减少积分号和被积函数之间的空白
% definite integral - \int_{a}^{b}f(x)\,dx
% \int_{0}^{2}\!x\,\mathrm{d}x
% \mathrm用于格式化
% double integral(双重积分) - \iint\limits_R f\,dA
% triple integral - \iiint\limits_S f\,dV
% multiple integral(多重积分) - \idotsint\limits_V
% line integral - \oint_C f\,ds
Binomial Coefficients
\( A = \begin{array}{cc}
a_{11} & a_{12}\\
a_{21} & a_{22}
\end{array} \)
\( A = \left(
a_{11} & a_{12}\\
a_{21} & a_{22}
\right) \)
\( A = \left[
a_{11} & a_{12}\\
a_{21} & a_{22}
\right] \)
A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 \end{pmatrix},~
B = \begin{bmatrix} 5 & 6 \\ 7 & 8 \end{bmatrix},~
|A| = \begin{vmatrix} 1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 \end{vmatrix}
\( A = \begin{matrix}
a_{11} & a_{12}\\
a_{21} & a_{22}
\end{matrix} \)
\( A = \begin{pmatrix}
a_{11} & a_{12}\\
a_{21} & a_{22}
\end{pmatrix} \)
\( A = \begin{bmatrix}
a_{11} & a_{12}\\
a_{21} & a_{22}
\end{bmatrix} \)
\( A = \begin{vmatrix}
a_{11} & a_{12}\\
a_{21} & a_{22}
\end{vmatrix} \)
\( A = \begin{Vmatrix}
a_{11} & a_{12}\\
a_{21} & a_{22}
\end{Vmatrix} \)
\( A = \begin{Bmatrix}
a_{11} & a_{12}\\
a_{21} & a_{22}
\end{Bmatrix} \)
% Part -> Chapter -> Section -> Sub-section -> Sub-section at Deeper Level
\part{First Part}
\chapter*{Preface} % *: 章节不计入数字
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A sub-section}
\subsubsection[Deeper level]{A sub-section at deeper level}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
\chapter{Fourth main chapter}
\noindent{\Huge Name of Book \\ \\ }
{\large edition \\ \\ \\ }
{\Large Author \\ }
{\itshape year, Publisher}
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=black]{hyperref}
% \setcounter{tocdepth}{depth level}
% Part -1 Chapter 0 Section 1
% Subsection 2 subsubsection 3
% Paragraph 4 Subparagraph 5
\tableofcontents % 这是目录
% \addcontentsline: 向目录中添加内容
% \addcontentsline{toc}{level}{Name of Entry}
% level: part, chapter, section, subsection
\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A sub-section}
\subsubsection[Deeper level]{A sub-section at deeper level}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
\chapter{Fourth main chapter}
% \addtocontents{toc}{Name of Entry}: 向目录中添加内容(不显示页码)
\addtocontents{toc}{Some Description of Section}
\section{A section in IV Chapter}
\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\addtocontents{lof}{some description before figure}
\caption{Sample Figure}
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{some description after figure}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
\subsubsection[Deeper level]{This section has an even deeper level}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\addtocontents{lot}{some description before table}
\textbf{Col. 1} & \textbf{Col. 2} & \textbf{Col. 3} \\
11 & 12 & 13 \\
21 & 22 & 23 \\
31 & 32 & 33 \\
\caption{Table Name}
\addcontentsline{lot}{table}{some description after table}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
\subsubsection[Deeper level]{This section has an even deeper level}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
% \index{Index Entry}
% \index{Index Entry|see{other Index Entry}}
\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\index{index entry A}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
\subsubsection[Deeper level]{This section has an even deeper level}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\index{index entry B}
\caption{\index{some figures}Sample Figure}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
\index{index entry C}
\index{index entry A}
\index{index entry D |see{index entry C}}
\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
You may refer to \cite{Ref1} and also to \cite{Ref2}.
\subsubsection[Deeper level]{This section has an even deeper level}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
% \bibitem[label]{cite_key}
\bibitem[Label 1]{Ref1} Author 1., \textit{Book 1}, Publisher 1, Year 1.
\bibitem[Label 2]{Ref2} Author 2., \textit{Book 2}, Publisher 2, Year 2.
\part{First Part}
\chapter{First main chapter}
\section{A section}
\section{Another section}
\subsection{A smaller section}
\subsubsection[Deeper level]{This section has an even deeper level}
\chapter{Second main chapter}
\part{Second part}
\chapter{Third main chapter}
\cleardoublepage % \clearpage
\chapter{Glossary} % 这是附录的组成部分
\chapter{Symbols} % 这也是附录的组成部分
[languages - How does one type Chinese in LaTeX? - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange](https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/17611/how-does-one-type-chinese-in-latex?r=SearchResults)