% \usepackage[fontset=ubuntu]{ctex}
\usepackage[UTF8, scheme=plain, punct=plain, zihao=false]{ctex}
% \usepackage{algorithmic}
% \makeatletter
% \newif\if@restonecol
% \makeatother
% \let\algorithm\relax
% \let\endalgorithm\relax
% \usepackage[linesnumbered,ruled,vlined]{algorithm2e}%[ruled,vlined]{
\renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}} % Use Input in the format of Algorithm
\renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}} % Use Output in the format of Algorithm
% Basic Document Settings
% 算法跨页
{% \begin{breakablealgorithm}
% \begin{center}
\refstepcounter{algorithm}% New algorithm
\hrule height.8pt depth0pt \kern2pt% \@fs@pre for \@fs@ruled
\renewcommand{\caption}[2][\relax]{% Make a new \caption
{\raggedright\textbf{\ALG@name~\thealgorithm} ##2\par}%
\ifx \relax##1\relax % #1 is \relax
\else % #1 is not \relax
}{% \end{breakablealgorithm}
\kern2pt\hrule\relax% \@fs@post for \@fs@ruled
% \end{center}
\chead{\hmwkClass\ \hmwkTitle}
% \setlength\parindent{0pt}
% Create Problem Sections
\nobreak\extramarks{}{Problem \arabic{#1} continued on next page\ldots}\nobreak{}
\nobreak\extramarks{Problem \arabic{#1} (continued)}{Problem \arabic{#1} continued on next page\ldots}\nobreak{}
\nobreak\extramarks{Problem \arabic{#1} (continued)}{Problem \arabic{#1} continued on next page\ldots}\nobreak{}
\nobreak\extramarks{Problem \arabic{#1}}{}\nobreak{}
\nobreak\extramarks{Problem \arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}}{}\nobreak{}
% Homework Problem Environment
% This environment takes an optional argument. When given, it will adjust the
% problem counter. This is useful for when the problems given for your
% assignment aren't sequential. See the last 3 problems of this template for an
% example.
\section{\huge{Problem} \arabic{homeworkProblemCounter}}
% Homework Details
% - Title
% - Due date
% - Class
% - Section/Time
% - Instructor
% - Author
\newcommand{\hmwkDueDate}{Oct. 29, 2020}
% \newcommand{\hmwkClassTime}{Section A}
% \newcommand{\hmwkClassInstructor}{主讲教师:李保滨}
\newcommand{\hmwkAuthorName}{张三 202180132...}
% \newcommand{\hmwkAuthorName}{\textbf{202028013229110}}
% Title Page
\\ \Large{\hmwkTitle}}}\\
% \normalsize\vspace{0.1in}\small{Due\ on\ \hmwkDueDate\ at 3:10pm}\\
\vspace{0.1in}\large{\textit{\hmwkClassInstructor\ \hmwkClassTime}}
% \hmwkAuthorName}
\renewcommand{\part}[1]{\textbf{\large Part \Alph{partCounter}}\stepcounter{partCounter}\\}
% Various Helper Commands
% Useful for algorithms
\newcommand{\alg}[1]{\textsc{\bfseries \footnotesize #1}}
% For derivatives
\newcommand{\deriv}[1]{\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x} (#1)}
% For partial derivatives
\newcommand{\pderiv}[2]{\frac{\partial}{\partial #1} (#2)}
% Integral dx
% Alias for the Solution section header
\newcommand{\solution}{\textbf{\large Solution}}
% Probability commands: Expectation, Variance, Covariance, Bias
% \setmainfont{SimSun} % 宋体
\\\textbf{\large{Assignment Problem4}}\\
\Require{$A,B$}\Comment{A is ..., B is ...}
\Ensure{$[C,D]$}\Comment{C is ..., D is ...}
\State Initialize $A=-1,B=-1$;
\State \Call{SubFunction}{A,B}
return C;
\subsection{Subproblem Reduced Graph}
\subsection{Proof of the correctness}
\item Initialization:
\item Maintenance:
\item Termination:
\subsection{Analysis of Complexity}