2010计算机考研分数统计(2010 computer graduate entrance examination scores statistics)
2010计算机考研分数统计(2010 computer graduate entrance examination scores statistics)
Summary 2010 computer Kaoyan 34 autonomous Universities Enrollment retest results and marking and other details
Zhejiang University retest line 60507575315
Master (public) academic enrollment index 233 people walking 75 examinations to recruit 158 people
Master (tuition 1W) 20 people walking 10 examinations to recruit 10 people
In addition to the 8 joint training academy (public) and 5 city school joint training (tuition 1W) have academic degree certificate
The number of candidates 1400 people participate in the number of 238 people
In accordance with the retest results before 158 people admitted to the academic master and 8 academy training and joint training and professional master of City College (their choice)
The machine is very important to the 3 questions above only one brush
The minimum admission score is 316
Is the highest score is 392 points of the brush
Second line 55508080340 line 55508080320 engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University retest (by points)
In 2010 the Department of computer a total enrollment of 123 people, including 80 people (Academic unripe unripe 73 people, professional walks 7),
The examination admission academic master 24 people (including 1 Ding Xiangsheng), 19 master professional admission examination.
To participate in the re examination of 53 people, out of 10 people.
The final ranking of the top 23, re read +1 oriented 16 read engineering +3 a volunteer project
All the staff to participate in the re examination scores were above 340.
First, the highest score is 402 points, 360 more than 30 people.
The average score of master of engineering admission should be more than 360, do not rule out a few second emperor, low enrollment of master of engineering.
A professional volunteer people on line scores in more than 360 of all recorded.