然后 make编译
./bin/go-mysql-elasticsearch ./etc/river.toml
若是需要后台启动,就nohup ./bin/go-mysql-elasticsearch ./etc/river.toml &
这样即使退出容器exit,你在进行增删改的情况下,也会自动同步,官方说支持版本号小于elasticsearch 6.0不用理会,亲测7.8.1也能同步
# MySQL address, user and password
# user must have replication privilege in MySQL.
my_addr = "IP:3306"
my_user = "root"
my_pass = "123456"
#my_charset = "utf8"
# Set true when elasticsearch use https
es_https = false
# Elasticsearch address
es_addr = "IP:9200"
# Elasticsearch user and password, maybe set by shield, nginx, or x-pack
es_user = ""
es_pass = ""
# Path to store data, like master.info, if not set or empty,
# we must use this to support breakpoint resume syncing.
# TODO: support other storage, like etcd.
data_dir = "./var"
# Inner Http status address
stat_addr = ""
stat_path = "/metrics"
# pseudo server id like a slave
server_id = 1001
# mysql or mariadb
flavor = "mysql"
# mysqldump execution path
# if not set or empty, ignore mysqldump.
mysqldump = "mysqldump"
# if we have no privilege to use mysqldump with --master-data,
# we must skip it.
#skip_master_data = false
# minimal items to be inserted in one bulk
bulk_size = 128
# force flush the pending requests if we don't have enough items >= bulk_size
flush_bulk_time = "200ms"
# Ignore table without primary key
skip_no_pk_table = false
# MySQL data source
schema = "official-website"
tables = ["xc_cases"]
schema = "official-website"
table = "xc_cases"
index = "xc_cases"
type = "buildingtype"