MySQL Connector Go

授权协议 BSD
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 数据库相关、 数据库驱动程序
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 邴俊友
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

MySQL Connector Go 是 Google Go 编程语言连接 MySQL 数据库的驱动程序。


package main

import (

// define mysql information
const (
        hostname        = "localhost";
        username        = "gotest";
        password        = "gotest";
        database        = "gotest";

func main() {
        var query string;

        // connect to the database using the information defined above
        db := mysql.Connect(hostname, username, password, database);

        // run an update query
        query = "UPDATE `gotest` SET `testfield` = 'Update something'";
        fmt.Println("Executing query: ", query);

        // if the query was successful, view some information
        fmt.Println("Affected rows: ", db.AffectedRows, "InsertId: ", db.InsertId, "\n");

        // run an insert query
        query = "INSERT INTO `gotest` SET `testfield` = 'Insert something', `testfield2` = 12345.123, `testfield3` = NOW()";
        fmt.Println("Executing query: ", query);

        // if the query was successful, view some information
        fmt.Println("Affected rows:", db.AffectedRows, "InsertId:", db.InsertId, "\n");

        query = "SELECT * FROM `gotest`";
        fmt.Println("Executing query: ", query);
        fmt.Println("Num rows: ", db.NumRows());

        for {
                row := db.FetchRow();
                if row == nil {
                fmt.Printf("(%T) %d => (%T) %s, (%T) %f, (%T) %+v\n", row[0], row[0], row[1], row[1], row[2], row[2], row[3], row[3]);

        // close the connection

  • Hey there, I'm writing an app in C that requires MySQL interaction, so I downloaded the Connector/C archive from the official website, and it contains bin, lib and include folders, but I don't know wh

  • Hey there, I'm writing an app in C that requires MySQL interaction, so I downloaded the Connector/C archive from the official website, and it contains bin, lib and include folders, but I don't know wh

  • 1.java连接MySQL(JDBC) package Abc; import java.sql.*; public class DBConnection{ public static void main(String args[]){ String url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/login"; String strUser="root"; String str

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  • I have installed Python 3.7 64-bit on my 64-bit OS. I have also Installed mysql-installer-community- plus I installed MySQL connector using this code python -m pip install mysql-connector and



