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node.js学习笔记(27) node-orm进阶二








mkdir study27
cd study27
mkdir orm-validate
cd orm-validate
npm init
npm install
npm install orm
npm install mysql
touch index.js


var orm = require("orm");

orm.connect('mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/nodejs', function(err, db){
    if (err) throw err;
    var User = db.define("user", {
        id          :{type:'serial', mapsTo:'id', unique:true, size:11},
        name        :{type:'text', mapsTo:'name'},
        username    :{type:'text', mapsTo:'username'},
        password    :{type:'text', mapsTo:'password'},
        birthday    :{type:'date', mapsTo:'birthday', time:true}
            username:orm.enforce.unique('The username is already existed.')

    var user = new User(
            birthday:'2010-10-10 10:10:10'
    User.find({}, function(err, items) {
        for(var i=0;i<items.length;i++){


lee@mypc ~/works/nodejs/study27/orm-validate $ node index.js 


lee@mypc ~/works/nodejs/study27/orm-validate $ node index.js 
{ [Error: The username is already existed.]
  property: 'username',
  value: 'aaa',
  msg: 'The username is already existed.',
  type: 'validation' }



  • Required

enforce.required([ msg ])

Checks if a property is not null and not undefined. If can be false, 0 or "".

  • Empty string

enforce.notEmptyString([ msg ])

Checks if a property length is not zero. It can actually work with Arrays.

  • Same as

enforce.sameAs(property, [ msg ])

Checks if a property has the same (strict) value as another one. This is usefull for testing password matching.

  • Lists

    • Inside a list

enforce.lists.inside(list[, msg ])

Checks if the property is inside a list of items.

    • Outside a list

enforce.lists.outside(list[, msg ])

Checks if the property is not inside a list of items.

  • Ranges

    • In a number range

enforce.ranges.number(min[, max[, msg ]])

Checks if a value is inside a specific range of numbers. Either min or max can be set to undefined meaning that range side is Infinity.

Please note that this does not check for the type of value passed, you can even use this with Date objects.

    • In a length range

enforce.ranges.length(min[, max[, msg ]])

Does the same as the above but for the length property.

  • Security

    • Username

enforce.security.username([[ opts, ]msg ])

Checks if a value matches a username format. opts is also optional and is an object with the following keys:

length: the minimal length of the username (default = 2)

expr: the regular expression to be used to match a valid username (if not passed, it's built based on the minimal length)

    • Password

enforce.security.password([[ checks, ]msg ])

Checks if a value has some types of characters and a minimal length. checks has a default string luns6 which means:

l: lowercase letters

u: uppercase letters

n: numbers

s: special characters

6: minimal length of 6

You can of course change this to "lu4" (lowercase, uppercase, minimal length of 4). Please note that if you pass only one argument to this validator, it will assume it's the msg argument. If you want to change the default checks, you have to pass both arguments.

    • Credit Card

enforce.security.creditcard([[ types, ] msg ])

Checks if a value is a valid credit card number. It supports amex (American Express), visa, maestro, discover and mastercard. You can change the list of supported cards (types) by passing a list with only some of them. You can also pass luhn which will ignore card prefixes and lenght and only pass the number using the Luhn algorithm.

  • Patterns

    • Match

enforce.patterns.match(pattern, modifiers[, msg ])

Checks if property passes a specific regular expression. You can pass the pattern as a RegExp object (setting modifiers as null) or just pass a regular expression and it will be converted.

    • Hex string

enforce.patterns.hexString([ msg ])

Checks if a property matches a predefined RegExp object accepting insensitive hexadecimal characters.

    • E-mail

enforce.patterns.email([ msg ])

Checks if a property matches a predefined RegExp object accepting valid e-mail addresses.

    • IPv4

enforce.patterns.ipv4([ msg ])

Checks if a property matches a predefined RegExp object accepting valid IPv4 address.

    • IPv6

enforce.patterns.ipv6([ msg ])

Checks if a property matches a predefined RegExp object accepting valid IPv6 address.

    • MAC

enforce.patterns.mac([ msg ])

Checks if a property matches a predefined RegExp object accepting valid MAC address.

    • UUID v3

enforce.patterns.uuid3([ msg ])

Checks if a property matches a predefined RegExp object accepting valid UUID version 3.

    • UUID v4

enforce.patterns.uuid4([ msg ])

Checks if a property matches a predefined RegExp object accepting valid UUID version 4.
