


by Vivian Cromwell

通过维维安·克伦威尔(Vivian Cromwell)

电线之间的新功能 (What’s New With Between the Wires)

It has been seven months since Preethi and I launched “Between the Wires”, an interview series featuring makers of developer products. As we mentioned before, this is a passion project. We’ve loved every moment of talking to the founders and developers, and hope you’ve enjoyed the stories too!

自从Preethi和我发起 “线下之间”以来,已经过去了七个月,这是针对开发人员产品制造商的采访系列。 如前所述,这是一个充满激情的项目。 我们非常喜欢与创始人和开发人员交谈的每一刻,希望您也喜欢这些故事!

是时候进行快速更新了: (Time to give a quick update:)

  • So far we have conducted seven interviews and covered builders in the areas of cloud, JavaScript framework, Data Visualization, and web performance.


  • We have a total of 100K views with an average read ratio of 30% to 60%. Hacker News and Reddit are our most significant drivers of traffic.

    我们总共有10 次观看,平均阅读率为30%至60%。 Hacker News和Reddit是我们最重要的流量驱动因素。

  • We raised over $3,500 on OpenCollective to cover costs such as transcription and editing. Thanks to everyone who donated, and our amazing sponsors: Microsoft Edge team, Frontend Masters, and Egghead.io.

    我们在OpenCollective上筹集了3500美元 ,用于支付转录和编辑等费用。 感谢所有捐赠者,以及我们出色的赞助商: Microsoft Edge团队Frontend MastersEgghead.io

  • We have moved our content from the current Medium publishing platform to WordPress, self hosted and deployed on Google Cloud Platform. The articles are still syndicated to Medium, though! This is for SEO reasons which is explained well in this article.

    我们已将内容从当前的Medium发布平台移至WordPress,这些内容已自行托管并部署在Google Cloud Platform上。 不过,这些文章仍会联合发布到Medium! 这是出于SEO的原因, 本文对此进行了很好的解释

现在这里有一些激动人心的公告! (Now here comes to some exciting announcements!)

  • Between the Wires is partnering with Free Code Camp and The Practical Dev to bring our stories to their users. That means all Between the Wires interviews will be syndicated to all three publications and made available to their users. This makes sense to us — Preethi and I only have one goal: to inspire others through the stories of founders and builders. Free Code Camp and The Practical Dev have the right audience. We’d also like to include a special thanks to Quincy Larson and Ben Halpern for the amazing opportunities!

    《连线之间》Free Code CampThe Practical Dev合作 ,将我们的故事带给他们的用户。 这意味着所有The Wires访谈都将与所有三个出版物联合,并提供给其用户。 这对我们来说很有意义-Preethi和我只有一个目标:通过创始人和建造者的故事启发他人。 Free Code CampThe Practical Dev具有合适的受众。 我们还要特别感谢Quincy LarsonBen Halpern带来的难得的机会!

  • Secondly, we are also expanding the scope of the interviews to cover developers, designers, and everything in between. With new tools such as Zeit, Figma, and React Sketch App, which help lower the entry barriers for designers and developers, we feel strongly that the two fields are merging. Preethi and I have backgrounds in engineering work, and have both dabbled in the design world, so it seemed a natural fit to cover both.

    其次,我们还将面试的范围扩大到涵盖开发人员,设计师以及介于两者之间的所有内容。 借助Zeit, FigmaReact Sketch App等新工具,这些工具有助于降低设计人员和开发人员的进入门槛,我们强烈认为这两个领域正在融合。 Preethi和我都有工程工作的背景,并且都涉足设计领域,因此似乎很自然地涵盖了两者。

As always, please send us feedback at twitter.com/betweenthewires and suggest a candidate at https://goo.gl/TSPEqf.


Stay hungry, stay foolish. Keep on building.

求知若饥,虚怀若愚。 继续建设。

Preethi and Vivian


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/whats-new-with-between-the-wires-c40971251250/

