# Install the packages required to compile RTP engine
set -e
yum install iptables-devel kernel-devel kernel-headers xmlrpc-c-devel
yum install "kernel-devel-uname-r == $(uname -r)"
yum install glib glib-devel gcc zlib zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel pcre pcre-devel libcurl libcurl-devel xmlrpc-c xmlrpc-c-devel
yum install libevent-devel glib2-devel json-glib-devel gperf libpcap-devel git hiredis hiredis-devel redis perl-IPC-Cmd
# MariaDB ver 10+
yum install MariaDB-devel MariaDB-client MariaDB-shared
# Spandsp
yum install spandsp-devel spandsp
# epel
yum install epel-release
# libwebsockets
yum install libwebsockets libwebsockets-devel
# ffmpeg
rpm --import http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/RPM-GPG-KEY-nux.ro
rpm -Fvh http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el7/x86_64/nux-dextop-release-0-1.el7.nux.noarch.rpm
# check for Nux desktop repo by yum repolist
yum -y install ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel
# Get The Latest Release Of RTPEngine Source From RTPEngine’s GitHub Repository
cd /usr/local/src
if [ -d rtpengine ]; then
cd rtpengine
make clean
git pull
git clone https://github.com/sipwise/rtpengine.git
# Compile and install the daemon
cd /usr/local/src/rtpengine/daemon/
cp rtpengine /usr/sbin/rtpengine
# Compile and install iptables extension
cd /usr/local/src/rtpengine/iptables-extension
make all
cp libxt_RTPENGINE.so /usr/lib64/xtables/.
# Compile and install the kernel module xt_RTPENGINE
cd /usr/local/src/rtpengine/kernel-module
# determine kernel release
uname -a
kernel_ver=`uname -r`
cp xt_RTPENGINE.ko /lib/modules/${kernel_ver}/extra/xt_RTPENGINE.ko
depmod -a
# load module at boot time
# Add the following lines to /etc/modules-load.d/rtpengine.conf (add the following lines)
echo '# load xt_RTPENGINE module' > ${CONF_FILE}
echo 'xt_RTPENGINE' >> ${CONF_FILE}
# load the module and check
modprobe xt_RTPENGINE
lsmod | grep xt_RTPENGINE
# check files
ls -l /proc/rtpengine/control
ls -l /proc/rtpengine/list
# add forwarding table with an ID=$TableID. $TableID is a number between 0-63
echo 'add 0' > /proc/rtpengine/control
# Adding iptables rules to forward the incoming packets to xt_RTPENGINE module
iptables -I INPUT -p udp -j RTPENGINE --id $TableID
ip6tables -I INPUT -p udp -j RTPENGINE --id $TableID