matlab link offset,Link.m · jayvee/robotics-toolbox-matlab -


%LinkRobot manipulator Link class


% A Link object holds all information related to a robot joint and link such as

% kinematics parameters, rigid-body inertial parameters, motor and

% transmission parameters.


% Constructors::

% Link general constructor

% Prismatic construct a prismatic joint+link using standard DH

% PrismaticMDH construct a prismatic joint+link using modified DH

% Revolute construct a revolute joint+link using standard DH

% RevoluteMDH construct a revolute joint+link using modified DH


% Information/display methods::

% display print the link parameters in human readable form

% dyn display link dynamic parameters

% type joint type: 'R' or 'P'


% Conversion methods::

% char convert to string


% Operation methods::

% A link transform matrix

% friction friction force

% nofriction Link object with friction parameters set to zero%


% Testing methods::

% islimit test if joint exceeds soft limit

% isrevolute test if joint is revolute

% isprismatic test if joint is prismatic

% issym test if joint+link has symbolic parameters


% Overloaded operators::

% + concatenate links, result is a SerialLink object


% Properties (read/write)::


% theta kinematic: joint angle

% d kinematic: link offset

% a kinematic: link length

% alpha kinematic: link twist

% jointtype kinematic: 'R' if revolute, 'P' if prismatic

% mdh kinematic: 0 if standard D&H, else 1

% offset kinematic: joint variable offset

% qlim kinematic: joint variable limits [min max]


% m dynamic: link mass

% r dynamic: link COG wrt link coordinate frame 3x1

% I dynamic: link inertia matrix, symmetric 3x3, about link COG.

% B dynamic: link viscous friction (motor referred)

% Tc dynamic: link Coulomb friction


% G actuator: gear ratio

% Jm actuator: motor inertia (motor referred)


% Examples::


% L = Link([0 1.2 0.3 pi/2]);

% L = Link('revolute', 'd', 1.2, 'a', 0.3, 'alpha', pi/2);

% L = Revolute('d', 1.2, 'a', 0.3, 'alpha', pi/2);


% Notes::

% - This is a reference class object.

% - Link objects can be used in vectors and arrays.

% - Convenience subclasses are Revolute, Prismatic, RevoluteMDH and

% PrismaticMDH.


% References::

% - Robotics, Vision & Control, P. Corke, Springer 2011, Chap 7.


% See also Link, Revolute, Prismatic, SerialLink, RevoluteMDH, PrismaticMDH.

% Copyright (C) 1993-2017, by Peter I. Corke


% This file is part of The Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB (RTB).


% RTB is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by

% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

% (at your option) any later version.


% RTB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.


% You should have received a copy of the GNU Leser General Public License

% along with RTB. If not, see .



classdef Link < matlab.mixin.Copyable


% kinematic parameters

theta % kinematic: link angle

d % kinematic: link offset

alpha % kinematic: link twist

a % kinematic: link length

jointtype % revolute='R', prismatic='P' -- should be an enum

mdh % standard DH=0, MDH=1

offset % joint coordinate offset

name % joint coordinate name

flip % joint moves in opposite direction

% dynamic parameters

m % dynamic: link mass

r % dynamic: position of COM with respect to link frame (3x1)

I % dynamic: inertia of link with respect to COM (3x3)

Jm % dynamic: motor inertia

B % dynamic: motor viscous friction (1x1 or 2x1)

Tc % dynamic: motor Coulomb friction (1x2 or 2x1)

G % dynamic: gear ratio

qlim % joint coordinate limits (2x1)



function l = Link(varargin)

%Link Create robot link object


% This the class constructor which has several call signatures.


% L = Link() is a Link object with default parameters.


% L = Link(LNK) is a Link object that is a deep copy of the link

% object LNK and has type Link, even if LNK is a subclass.


% L = Link(OPTIONS) is a link object with the kinematic and dynamic

% parameters specified by the key/value pairs.


% Options::

% 'theta',TH joint angle, if not specified joint is revolute

% 'd',D joint extension, if not specified joint is prismatic

% 'a',A joint offset (default 0)

% 'alpha',A joint twist (default 0)

% 'standard' defined using standard D&H parameters (default).

% 'modified' defined using modified D&H parameters.

% 'offset',O joint variable offset (default 0)

% 'qlim',L joint limit (default [])

% 'I',I link inertia matrix (3x1, 6x1 or 3x3)

% 'r',R link centre of gravity (3x1)

% 'm',M link mass (1x1)

% 'G',G motor gear ratio (default 1)

% 'B',B joint friction, motor referenced (default 0)

% 'Jm',J motor inertia, motor referenced (default 0)

% 'Tc',T Coulomb friction, motor referenced (1x1 or 2x1), (default [0 0])

% 'revolute' for a revolute joint (default)

% 'prismatic' for a prismatic joint 'p'

% 'standard' for standard D&H parameters (default).

% 'modified' for modified D&H parameters.

% 'sym' consider all parameter values as symbolic not numeric


% Notes::

% - It is an error to specify both 'theta' and 'd'

% - The joint variable, either theta or d, is provided as an argument to

% the A() method.

% - The link inertia matrix (3x3) is symmetric and can be specified by giving

% a 3x3 matrix, the diagonal elements [Ixx Iyy Izz], or the moments and products

% of inertia [Ixx Iyy Izz Ixy Iyz Ixz].

% - All friction quantities are referenced to the motor not the load.

% - Gear ratio is used only to convert motor referenced quantities such as

% friction and interia to the link frame.


% Old syntax::

% L = Link(DH, OPTIONS) is a link object using the specified kinematic

% convention and with parameters:

% - DH = [THETA D A ALPHA SIGMA OFFSET] where SIGMA=0 for a revolute and 1

% for a prismatic joint; and OFFSET is a constant displacement between the

% user joint variable and the value used by the kinematic model.

% - DH = [THETA D A ALPHA SIGMA] where OFFSET is zero.

% - DH = [THETA D A ALPHA], joint is assumed revolute and OFFSET is zero.


% Options::


% 'standard' for standard D&H parameters (default).

% 'modified' for modified D&H parameters.

% 'revolute' for a revolute joint, can be abbreviated to 'r' (default)

% 'prismatic' for a prismatic joint, can be abbreviated to 'p'


% Notes::

% - The parameter D is unused in a revolute joint, it is simply a placeholder

% in the vector and the value given is ignored.

% - The parameter THETA is unused in a prismatic joint, it is simply a placeholder

% in the vector and the value given is ignored.


% Examples::

% A standard Denavit-Hartenberg link

% L3 = Link('d', 0.15005, 'a', 0.0203, 'alpha', -pi/2);

% since 'theta' is not specified the joint is assumed to be revolute, and

% since the kinematic convention is not specified it is assumed 'standard'.


% Using the old syntax

% L3 = Link([ 0, 0.15005, 0.0203, -pi/2], 'standard');

% the flag 'standard' is not strictly necessary but adds clarity. Only 4 parameters

% are specified so sigma is assumed to be zero, ie. the joint is revolute.


% L3 = Link([ 0, 0.15005, 0.0203, -pi/2, 0], 'standard');

% the flag 'standard' is not strictly necessary but adds clarity. 5 parameters

% are specified and sigma is set to zero, ie. the joint is revolute.


% L3 = Link([ 0, 0.15005, 0.0203, -pi/2, 1], 'standard');

% the flag 'standard' is not strictly necessary but adds clarity. 5 parameters

% are specified and sigma is set to one, ie. the joint is prismatic.


% For a modified Denavit-Hartenberg revolute joint

% L3 = Link([ 0, 0.15005, 0.0203, -pi/2, 0], 'modified');


% Notes::

% - Link object is a reference object, a subclass of Handle object.

% - Link objects can be used in vectors and arrays.

% - The joint offset is a constant added to the joint angle variable before

% forward kinematics and subtracted after inverse kinematics. It is useful

% if you want the robot to adopt a 'sensible' pose for zero joint angle

% configuration.

% - The link dynamic (inertial and motor) parameters are all set to

% zero. These must be set by explicitly assigning the object

% properties: m, r, I, Jm, B, Tc.

% - The gear ratio is set to 1 by default, meaning that motor friction and

% inertia will be considered if they are non-zero.


% See also Revolute, Prismatic, RevoluteMDH, PrismaticMDH.

if nargin == 0

% create an 'empty' Link object

% this call signature is needed to support arrays of Links

%% kinematic parameters

l.alpha = 0;

l.a = 0;

l.theta = 0;

l.d = 0;

l.jointtype = 'R';

l.mdh = 0;

l.offset = 0;

l.flip = false;

l.qlim = [];

%% dynamic parameters

% these parameters must be set by the user if dynamics is used

l.m = 0;

l.r = [0 0 0];

l.I = zeros(3,3);

% dynamic params with default (zero friction)

l.Jm = 0;

l.G = 1;

l.B = 0;

l.Tc = [0 0];

elseif nargin == 1 && isa(varargin{1}, 'Link')

% clone the passed Link object

this = varargin{1};

for j=1:length(this)

l(j) = Link();

% Copy all non-hidden properties.

p = properties(this(j));

for i = 1:length(p)

l(j).(p{i}) = this(j).(p{i});




% Create a new Link based on parameters

% parse all possible options

opt.theta = [];

opt.a = 0;

opt.d = [];

opt.alpha = 0;

opt.G = 0;

opt.B = 0;

opt.Tc = [0 0];

opt.Jm = 0;

opt.I = zeros(3,3);

opt.m = 0;

opt.r = [0 0 0];

opt.offset = 0;

opt.qlim = [];

opt.type = {[], 'revolute', 'prismatic', 'fixed'};

opt.convention = {'standard', 'modified'};

opt.sym = false;

opt.flip = false;

[opt,args] = tb_optparse(opt, varargin);

% return a parameter as a number of symbol depending on

% the 'sym' option

if isempty(args)

% This is the new call format, where all parameters are

% given by key/value pairs


% eg. L3 = Link('d', 0.15005, 'a', 0.0203, 'alpha', -pi/2);

assert(isempty(opt.d) || isempty(opt.theta), 'RTB:Link:badarg', 'cannot specify ''d'' and ''theta''');

if opt.type

switch (opt.type)

case 'revolute'

l.jointtype = 'R';

assert(isempty(opt.theta), 'RTB:Link:badarg', 'cannot specify ''theta'' for revolute link');

if isempty(opt.d)

opt.d = 0;


case 'prismatic'

l.jointtype = 'P';

assert(isempty(opt.d), 'RTB:Link:badarg', 'cannot specify ''d'' for prismatic link');

if isempty(opt.theta)

opt.theta = 0;




if ~isempty(opt.theta)

% constant value of theta means it must be prismatic

l.theta = value( opt.theta, opt);

l.jointtype = 'P';


if ~isempty(opt.d)

% constant value of d means it must be revolute

l.d = value( opt.d, opt);

l.jointtype = 'R';


l.a = value( opt.a, opt);

l.alpha = value( opt.alpha, opt);

l.offset = value( opt.offset, opt);

l.flip = value( opt.flip, opt);

l.qlim = value( opt.qlim, opt);

l.m = value( opt.m, opt);

l.r = value( opt.r, opt);

l.I = value( opt.I, opt);

l.Jm = value( opt.Jm, opt);

l.G = value( opt.G, opt);

l.B = value( opt.B, opt);

l.Tc = value( opt.Tc, opt);


% This is the old call format, where all parameters are

% given by a vector containing kinematic-only, or

% kinematic plus dynamic parameters


% eg. L3 = Link([ 0, 0.15005, 0.0203, -pi/2, 0], 'standard');

dh = args{1};

assert(length(dh) >= 4, 'RTB:Link:badarg', 'must provide params (theta d a alpha)');

% set the kinematic parameters

l.theta = dh(1);

l.d = dh(2);

l.a = dh(3);

l.alpha = dh(4);

l.jointtype = 'R'; % default to revolute

l.offset = 0;

l.flip = false;

l.mdh = 0; % default to standard D&H

% optionally set sigma and offset

if length(dh) >= 5

if dh(5) == 1

l.jointtype = 'P';



if length(dh) == 6

l.offset = dh(6);


if length(dh) > 6

% legacy DYN matrix

if dh(5) > 0

l.jointtype = 'P';


l.jointtype = 'R';


l.mdh = 0; % default to standard D&H

l.offset = 0;

% it's a legacy DYN matrix

l.m = dh(6);

l.r = dh(7:9).'; % a column vector

v = dh(10:15);

l.I = [ v(1) v(4) v(6)

v(4) v(2) v(5)

v(6) v(5) v(3)];

if length(dh) > 15

l.Jm = dh(16);


if length(dh) > 16

l.G = dh(17);


l.G = 1;


if length(dh) > 17

l.B = dh(18);


l.B = 0.0;


if length(dh) > 18

l.Tc = dh(19:20);


l.Tc = [0 0];


l.qlim = [];


% we know nothing about the dynamics

l.m = [];

l.r = [];

l.I = [];

l.Jm = [];

l.G = 0;

l.B = 0;

l.Tc = [0 0];

l.qlim = [];



% set the kinematic convention to be used

if strcmp(opt.convention, 'modified')

l.mdh = 1;


l.mdh = 0;



function out = value(v, opt)

if opt.sym

out = sym(v);


out = v;



end % link()

function tau = friction(l, qd)

%Link.friction Joint friction force


% F = L.friction(QD) is the joint friction force/torque (1xN) for joint

% velocity QD (1xN). The friction model includes:

% - Viscous friction which is a linear function of velocity.

% - Coulomb friction which is proportional to sign(QD).


% Notes::

% - The friction value should be added to the motor output torque, it has a

% negative value when QD>0.

% - The returned friction value is referred to the output of the gearbox.

% - The friction parameters in the Link object are referred to the motor.

% - Motor viscous friction is scaled up by G^2.

% - Motor Coulomb friction is scaled up by G.

% - The appropriate Coulomb friction value to use in the non-symmetric case

% depends on the sign of the joint velocity, not the motor velocity.

% - The absolute value of the gear ratio is used. Negative gear ratios are

% tricky: the Puma560 has negative gear ratio for joints 1 and 3.


% See also Link.nofriction.

% viscous friction

tau = l.B * abs(l.G) * qd;

% Coulomb friction

if ~isa(qd, 'sym')

if qd > 0

tau = tau + l.Tc(1);

elseif qd < 0

tau = tau + l.Tc(2);



% scale up by gear ratio

tau = -abs(l.G) * tau; % friction opposes motion

end % friction()

function tau = friction2(l, qd)

% experimental code

qdm = qd / l.G;

taum = -l.B * qdm;

if qdm > 0

taum = taum - l.Tc(1);

elseif qdm < 0

taum = taum - l.Tc(2);


tau = taum * l.G;


function l2 = nofriction(l, only)

%Link.nofriction Remove friction


% LN = L.nofriction() is a link object with the same parameters as L except

% nonlinear (Coulomb) friction parameter is zero.


% LN = L.nofriction('all') as above except that viscous and Coulomb friction

% are set to zero.


% LN = L.nofriction('coulomb') as above except that Coulomb friction is set to zero.


% LN = L.nofriction('viscous') as above except that viscous friction is set to zero.


% Notes::

% - Forward dynamic simulation can be very slow with finite Coulomb friction.


% See also Link.friction, SerialLink.nofriction, SerialLink.fdyn.

l2 = copy(l);

if nargin == 1

only = 'coulomb';


switch only

case 'all'

l2.B = 0;

l2.Tc = [0 0];

case 'viscous'

l2.B = 0;

case 'coulomb'

l2.Tc = [0 0];



function v = RP(l)

warning('RTB:Link:deprecated', 'use the .type() method instead');

v = l.type();


function v = type(l)

%Link.type Joint type


% c = L.type() is a character 'R' or 'P' depending on whether joint is

% revolute or prismatic respectively. If L is a vector of Link objects

% return an array of characters in joint order.


% See also SerialLink.config.

v = '';

for ll=l

switch ll.jointtype

case 'R'

v = strcat(v, 'R');

case 'P'

v = strcat(v, 'P');


error('RTB:Link:badval', 'bad value for link jointtype %d', ll.type);




function set.r(l, v)

%Link.r Set centre of gravity


% L.r = R sets the link centre of gravity (COG) to R (3-vector).


if isempty(v)



assert(length(v) == 3, 'RTB:Link:badarg', 'COG must be a 3-vector');

l.r = v(:).';

end % set.r()

function set.Tc(l, v)

%Link.Tc Set Coulomb friction


% L.Tc = F sets Coulomb friction parameters to [F -F], for a symmetric

% Coulomb friction model.


% L.Tc = [FP FM] sets Coulomb friction to [FP FM], for an asymmetric

% Coulomb friction model. FP>0 and FM<0. FP is applied for a positive

% joint velocity and FM for a negative joint velocity.


% Notes::

% - The friction parameters are defined as being positive for a positive

% joint velocity, the friction force computed by Link.friction uses the

% negative of the friction parameter, that is, the force opposing motion of

% the joint.


% See also Link.friction.

if isempty(v)



if isa(v,'sym') && ~isempty(symvar(v))

l.Tc = sym('Tc');

elseif isa(v,'sym') && isempty(symvar(v))

v = double(v);


if length(v) == 1 ~isa(v,'sym')

l.Tc = [v -v];

elseif length(v) == 2 && ~isa(v,'sym')

assert(v(1) >= v(2), 'RTB:Link:badarg', 'Coulomb friction is [Tc+ Tc-]');

l.Tc = v;


error('RTB:Link:badarg', 'Coulomb friction vector can have 1 (symmetric) or 2 (asymmetric) elements only')


end % set.Tc()

function set.I(l, v)

%Link.I Set link inertia


% L.I = [Ixx Iyy Izz] sets link inertia to a diagonal matrix.


% L.I = [Ixx Iyy Izz Ixy Iyz Ixz] sets link inertia to a symmetric matrix with

% specified inertia and product of intertia elements.


% L.I = M set Link inertia matrix to M (3x3) which must be symmetric.

if isempty(v)



if all(size(v) == [3 3])

assert(isa(v, 'sym') || (norm(v-v') < eps), 'RTB:Link:badarg', 'inertia matrix must be symmetric');

l.I = v;

elseif length(v) == 3

l.I = diag(v);

elseif length(v) == 6

l.I = [ v(1) v(4) v(6)

v(4) v(2) v(5)

v(6) v(5) v(3) ];


error('RTB:Link:badarg', 'must set I to 3-vector, 6-vector or symmetric 3x3');


end % set.I()

function v = islimit(l, q)

%Link.islimit Test joint limits


% L.islimit(Q) is true (1) if Q is outside the soft limits set for this joint.


% Note::

% - The limits are not currently used by any Toolbox functions.

assert(~isempty(l.qlim), 'RTB:Link:badarg', 'no limits assigned to link')

v = (q > l.qlim(2)) - (q < l.qlim(1));

end % islimit()

function v = isrevolute(L)

%Link.isrevolute Test if joint is revolute


% L.isrevolute() is true (1) if joint is revolute.


% See also Link.isprismatic.

v = [L.jointtype] == 'R';


function v = isprismatic(L)

%Link.isprismatic Test if joint is prismatic


% L.isprismatic() is true (1) if joint is prismatic.


% See also Link.isrevolute.

v = ~L.isrevolute();


function T = A(L, q)

%Link.A Link transform matrix


% T = L.A(Q) is an SE3 object representing the transformation between link

% frames when the link variable Q which is either the Denavit-Hartenberg

% parameter THETA (revolute) or D (prismatic). For:

% - standard DH parameters, this is from the previous frame to the current.

% - modified DH parameters, this is from the current frame to the next.


% Notes::

% - For a revolute joint the THETA parameter of the link is ignored, and Q used instead.

% - For a prismatic joint the D parameter of the link is ignored, and Q used instead.

% - The link offset parameter is added to Q before computation of the transformation matrix.


% See also SerialLink.fkine.

if iscell(q)

q = q{1}; % get value of cell, happens for the symfun case


sa = sin(L.alpha); ca = cos(L.alpha);

if L.flip

q = -q + L.offset;


q = q + L.offset;


if L.isrevolute

% revolute

st = sin(q); ct = cos(q);

d = L.d;


% prismatic

st = sin(L.theta); ct = cos(L.theta);

d = q;


if L.mdh == 0

% standard DH

T = [ ct -st*ca st*sa L.a*ct

st ct*ca -ct*sa L.a*st

0 sa ca d

0 0 0 1];


% modified DH

T = [ ct -st 0 L.a

st*ca ct*ca -sa -sa*d

st*sa ct*sa ca ca*d

0 0 0 1];


T = SE3(T);

end % A()

function display(l)

%Link.display Display parameters


% L.display() displays the link parameters in compact single line format. If L is a

% vector of Link objects displays one line per element.


% Notes::

% - This method is invoked implicitly at the command line when the result

% of an expression is a Link object and the command has no trailing

% semicolon.


% See also Link.char, Link.dyn, SerialLink.showlink.

loose = strcmp( get(0, 'FormatSpacing'), 'loose');

if loose

disp(' ');


disp([inputname(1), ' = '])

disp( char(l) );

end % display()

function s = char(links, from_robot)

%Link.char Convert to string


% s = L.char() is a string showing link parameters in a compact single line format.

% If L is a vector of Link objects return a string with one line per Link.


% See also Link.display.

% display in the order theta d a alpha

if nargin < 2

from_robot = false;


s = '';

for j=1:length(links)

l = links(j);

if l.mdh == 0

conv = 'std';


conv = 'mod';


if length(links) == 1

qname = 'q';


qname = sprintf('q%d', j);


if from_robot

fmt = '%11g';

% invoked from SerialLink.char method, format for table

if l.isprismatic

% prismatic joint

js = sprintf('|%3d|%11s|%11s|%11s|%11s|%11s|', ...

j, ...

render(l.theta, fmt), ...

qname, ...

render(l.a, fmt), ...

render(l.alpha, fmt), ...

render(l.offset, fmt));


% revolute joint

js = sprintf('|%3d|%11s|%11s|%11s|%11s|%11s|', ...

j, ...

qname, ...

render(l.d, fmt), ...

render(l.a, fmt), ...

render(l.alpha, fmt), ...

render(l.offset, fmt));



if length(links) == 1

if l.isprismatic

% prismatic joint

js = sprintf('Prismatic(%s): theta=%s, d=%s, a=%s, alpha=%s, offset=%s', ...

conv, ...

render(l.theta,'%g'), ...

qname, ...

render(l.a,'%g'), ...

render(l.alpha,'%g'), ...

render(l.offset,'%g') );


% revolute

js = sprintf('Revolute(%s): theta=%s, d=%s, a=%s, alpha=%s, offset=%s', ...

conv, ...

qname, ...

render(l.d,'%g'), ...

render(l.a,'%g'), ...

render(l.alpha,'%g'), ...

render(l.offset,'%g') );



if l.isprismatic

% prismatic joint

js = sprintf('Prismatic(%s): theta=%s d=%s a=%s alpha=%s offset=%s', ...

conv, ...

render(l.theta), ...

qname, ...

render(l.a), ...

render(l.alpha), ...

render(l.offset) );


% revolute

js = sprintf('Revolute(%s): theta=%s d=%s a=%s alpha=%s offset=%s', ...

conv, ...

qname, ...

render(l.d), ...

render(l.a), ...

render(l.alpha), ...

render(l.offset) );




if isempty(s)

s = js;


s = char(s, js);



end % char()

function dyn(links)

%Link.dyn Show inertial properties of link


% L.dyn() displays the inertial properties of the link object in a multi-line

% format. The properties shown are mass, centre of mass, inertia, friction,

% gear ratio and motor properties.


% If L is a vector of Link objects show properties for each link.


% See also SerialLink.dyn.

for j=1:numel(links)

l = links(j);

if numel(links) > 1

fprintf('\nLink %d::', j);


fprintf('%s\n', l.char());

if ~isempty(l.m)

fprintf(' m = %s\n', render(l.m))


if ~isempty(l.r)

s = render(l.r);

fprintf(' r = %s %s %s\n', s{:});


if ~isempty(l.I)

s = render(l.I(1,:));

fprintf(' I = | %s %s %s |\n', s{:});

s = render(l.I(2,:));

fprintf(' | %s %s %s |\n', s{:});

s = render(l.I(3,:));

fprintf(' | %s %s %s |\n', s{:});


if ~isempty(l.Jm)

fprintf(' Jm = %s\n', render(l.Jm));


if ~isempty(l.B)

fprintf(' Bm = %s\n', render(l.B));


if ~isempty(l.Tc)

fprintf(' Tc = %s(+) %s(-)\n', ...

render(l.Tc(1)), render(l.Tc(2)));


if ~isempty(l.G)

fprintf(' G = %s\n', render(l.G));


if ~isempty(l.qlim)

fprintf(' qlim = %f to %f\n', l.qlim(1), l.qlim(2));



end % dyn()

% Make a copy of a handle object.


% function new = copy(this)


% for j=1:length(this)

% % Instantiate new object of the same class.

% %new(j) = feval(class(this(j)));

% new(j) = Link();

% % Copy all non-hidden properties.

% p = properties(this(j));

% for i = 1:length(p)

% new(j).(p{i}) = this(j).(p{i});

% end

% end

% end

function links = horzcat(varargin)

%Link.horzcat Concatenate link objects


% [L1 L2] is a vector that contains deep copies of the Link class objects

% L1 and L2.


% Notes::

% - The elements of the vector are all of type Link.

% - If the elements were of a subclass type they are convered to type Link.

% - Extends to arbitrary number of objects in list.


% See also

% convert all elements to Link type

l = cellfun(@Link, varargin, 'UniformOutput', 0);

% convert to vector, cell2mat won't do this for me

links = cat(2, l{:});


function links = vertcat(this, varargin)

links = this.horzcat(varargin{:});


function R = plus(L1, L2) Concatenate link objects into a robot


% L1+L2 is a SerialLink object formed from deep copies of the Link class objects

% L1 and L2.


% Notes::

% - The elements can belong to any of the Link subclasses.

% - Extends to arbitrary number of objects, eg. L1+L2+L3+L4.


% See also SerialLink,, Link.horzcat.

assert( isa(L1, 'Link') && isa(L2, 'Link'), 'RTB:Link: second operand for + operator must be a Link class');

R = SerialLink([L1 L2]);


function res = issym(l)

%Link.issym Check if link is a symbolic model


% res = L.issym() is true if the Link L has any symbolic parameters.


% See also Link.sym.

res = any( cellfun(@(x) isa(l.(x), 'sym'), properties(l)) );


function l = sym(l)

%Link.sym Convert link parameters to symbolic type


% LS = L.sym is a Link object in which all the parameters are symbolic

% ('sym') type.


% See also Link.issym.

% sl = Link(l); % clone the link

if ~isempty(l.theta)

l.theta = sym(l.theta);


if ~isempty(l.d)

l.d = sym(l.d);


l.alpha = sym(l.alpha);

l.a = sym(l.a);

l.offset = sym(l.offset);

l.I = sym(l.I);

l.r = sym(l.r);

l.m = sym(l.m);

l.Jm = sym(l.Jm);

l.G = sym(l.G);

l.B = sym(l.B);

l.Tc = sym(l.Tc);


end % methods

end % class

function s = render(v, fmt)

if nargin < 2

fmt = '%-11.4g';


if length(v) == 1

if isa(v, 'double')

s = sprintf(fmt, v);

elseif isa(v, 'sym')

s = char(v);


error('RTB:Link:badarg', 'Link parameter must be numeric or symbolic');



for i=1:length(v)

if isa(v, 'double')

s{i} = sprintf(fmt, v(i));

elseif isa(v, 'sym')

s{i} = char(v(i));


error('RTB:Link:badarg', 'Link parameter must be numeric or symbolic');










