// FAsTMatch.cpp
// FAsT-Match
// Created by Saburo Okita on 23/05/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Saburo Okita. All rights reserved.
#include "FAsTMatch.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <random>
#include <tbb/tbb.h>
#define WITHIN( val, top_left, bottom_right ) (\
val.x > top_left.x && val.y > top_left.y && \
val.x < bottom_right.x && val.y < bottom_right.y )
namespace fast_match {
FAsTMatch::FAsTMatch() {
void FAsTMatch::init( float epsilon, float delta, bool photometric_invariance, float min_scale, float max_scale ) {
this->epsilon = epsilon;
this->delta = delta;
this->photometricInvariance = photometric_invariance;
this->minScale = min_scale;
this->maxScale = max_scale;
* Apply Fast Template Matching algorithm
vector<Point2f> FAsTMatch::apply(Mat& original_image, Mat& original_template ) {
/* Preprocess the image and template first */
image = preprocessImage( original_image );
templ = preprocessImage( original_template );
int r1x = 0.5 * (templ.cols - 1),
r1y = 0.5 * (templ.rows - 1),
r2x = 0.5 * (image.cols - 1),
r2y = 0.5 * (image.rows - 1);
float min_trans_x = -(r2x - r1x * minScale),
max_trans_x = -min_trans_x,
min_trans_y = -(r2y - r1y * minScale),
max_trans_y = -min_trans_y,
min_rotation = -M_PI,
max_rotation = M_PI;
/* Create the matching grid / net */
MatchNet net( templ.cols, templ.rows, delta, min_trans_x, max_trans_x, min_trans_y, max_trans_y,
min_rotation, max_rotation, minScale, maxScale );
/* Smooth our images */
GaussianBlur( templ, templ, Size(0, 0), 2.0, 2.0 );
GaussianBlur( image, image, Size(0, 0), 2.0, 2.0 );
int no_of_points = round( 10 / (epsilon * epsilon) );
/* Randomly sample points */
Mat xs( 1, no_of_points, CV_32SC1 ),
ys( 1, no_of_points, CV_32SC1 );
rng.fill( xs, RNG::UNIFORM, 1, templ.cols );
rng.fill( ys, RNG::UNIFORM, 1, templ.rows );
int level = 0;
float delta_fact = 1.511f;
float new_delta = delta;
MatchConfig best_config;
Mat best_trans;
vector<double> best_distances(20, 0.0);
double best_distance;
vector<double> distances;
vector<bool> insiders;
while( true ) {
/* First create configurations based on our net */
vector<MatchConfig> configs = createListOfConfigs( net, templ.size(), image.size() );
int configs_count = static_cast<int>(configs.size());
/* Convert the configurations into affine matrices */
vector<Mat> affines = configsToAffine( configs, insiders );
/* Filter out configurations that fall outside of the boundaries */
/* the internal logic of configsToAffine has more information */
vector<MatchConfig> temp_configs;
for( int i = 0; i < insiders.size(); i++ )
if( insiders[i] == true )
temp_configs.push_back( configs[i] );
configs = temp_configs;
/* For the configs, calculate the scores / distances */
distances = evaluateConfigs( image, templ, affines, xs, ys, photometricInvariance );
/* Find the minimum distance */
auto min_itr = min_element( distances.begin(), distances.end() );
int min_index = static_cast<int>(min_itr - distances.begin());
best_distance = distances[min_index];
best_distances[level] = best_distance;
best_config = configs[min_index];
best_trans = best_config.getAffineMatrix();
/* Conditions to exit the loop */
if( (best_distance < 0.005) || ((level > 2) && (best_distance < 0.015)) || level >= 20 )
if( level > 3 ) {
float mean_value = std::accumulate( best_distances.begin() + level - 3, best_distances.begin() + level - 1, 0 ) * 1.0 / distances.size();
if( best_distance > mean_value * 0.97 )
float thresh;
bool too_high_percentage;
/* Get the good configurations that falls between certain thresholds */
vector<MatchConfig> good_configs = getGoodConfigsByDistance( configs, best_distance, new_delta, distances, thresh, too_high_percentage );
if ((too_high_percentage && (best_distance > 0.05) && ((level==1) && (configs_count < 7.5e6)) ) ||
((best_distance > 0.1) && ((level==1) && (configs_count < 5e6)) ) ) {
static float factor = 0.9;
new_delta = new_delta * factor;
level = 0;
net = net * factor;
configs = createListOfConfigs( net, templ.size(), image.size() );
else {
new_delta = new_delta / delta_fact;
vector<MatchConfig> expanded_configs = randomExpandConfigs( good_configs, net, level, 80, delta_fact );
configs.insert( configs.end(), good_configs.begin(), good_configs.end() );
configs.insert( configs.end(), expanded_configs.begin(), expanded_configs.end() );
/* Randomly sample points again */
rng.fill( xs, RNG::UNIFORM, 1, templ.cols );
rng.fill( ys, RNG::UNIFORM, 1, templ.rows );
/* Return the rectangle corners based on the best affine transformation */
return calcCorners( image.size(), templ.size(), best_trans );
* Given our grid / net, create a list of matching configurations
vector<MatchConfig> FAsTMatch::createListOfConfigs( MatchNet& net, Size templ_size, Size image_size ) {
/* Creating the steps for all the parameters (i.e. translation, rotation, and scaling) */
vector<float> tx_steps = net.getXTranslationSteps(),
ty_steps = net.getYTranslationSteps(),
r_steps = net.getRotationSteps(),
s_steps = net.getScaleSteps();
/* Getting the proper number of steps for each configuration parameters */
int ntx_steps = static_cast<int>( tx_steps.size() ),
nty_steps = static_cast<int>( ty_steps.size() ),
ns_steps = static_cast<int>( s_steps.size() ),
nr_steps = static_cast<int>( r_steps.size() ),
nr2_steps = nr_steps;
/* Refine the number of steps for the 2nd rotation parameter */
if( fabs((net.boundsRotate.second - net.boundsRotate.first) - (2 * M_PI)) < 0.1 ) {
nr2_steps = (int) count_if( r_steps.begin(), r_steps.end(), [&]( float r ){
return r < (-M_PI / 2 + net.stepsRotate / 2);
int grid_size = ntx_steps * nty_steps * ns_steps * ns_steps * nr_steps * nr2_steps;
vector<MatchConfig> configs( grid_size );
/* Iterate thru each possible affine configuration steps */
tbb::parallel_for( 0, ntx_steps, 1, [&](int tx_index) {
float tx = tx_steps[tx_index];
for(int ty_index = 0; ty_index < nty_steps; ty_index++ ) {
float ty = ty_steps[ty_index];
for( int r1_index = 0; r1_index < nr_steps; r1_index++ ) {
float r1 = r_steps[r1_index];
for( int r2_index = 0; r2_index < nr2_steps; r2_index++ ) {
float r2 = r_steps[r2_index];
for( int sx_index = 0; sx_index < ns_steps; sx_index++ ) {
float sx = s_steps[sx_index];
for( int sy_index = 0; sy_index < ns_steps; sy_index++ ) {
float sy = s_steps[sy_index];
/* Maybe there's a better way for indexing when multithreading ... */
int grid_index = (tx_index * nty_steps * nr_steps * nr2_steps * ns_steps * ns_steps)
+ (ty_index * nr_steps * nr2_steps * ns_steps * ns_steps)
+ (r1_index * nr2_steps * ns_steps * ns_steps)
+ (r2_index * ns_steps * ns_steps)
+ (sx_index * ns_steps)
+ sy_index;
configs[grid_index].init( tx, ty, r2, sx, sy, r1 );
return configs;
* Randomly expands the configuration
vector<MatchConfig> FAsTMatch::randomExpandConfigs( vector<MatchConfig>& configs, MatchNet& net, int level,
int no_of_points, float delta_factor ) {
float factor = pow(delta_factor, level);
float half_step_tx = net.stepsTransX / factor,
half_step_ty = net.stepsTransY / factor,
half_step_r = net.stepsRotate / factor,
half_step_s = net.stepsScale / factor;
int no_of_configs = static_cast<int>( configs.size() );
/* Create random vectors that contain values which are either -1, 0, or 1 */
Mat random_vec( no_of_points * no_of_configs, 6, CV_32SC1 );
rng.fill( random_vec, RNG::NORMAL, 0, 0.5 );
random_vec.convertTo( random_vec, CV_32FC1 );
/* Convert our vector of configurations into a large matrix */
vector<Mat> configs_mat(no_of_configs);
for(int i = 0; i < no_of_configs; i++ )
configs_mat[i] = configs[i].asMatrix();
Mat expanded;
vconcat( configs_mat, expanded );
expanded = repeat( expanded, no_of_points, 1 );
vector<float> ranges_vec = {
half_step_tx, half_step_ty, half_step_r, half_step_s, half_step_s, half_step_r
Mat ranges = repeat(Mat(ranges_vec).t() , no_of_points * no_of_configs, 1);
/* The expanded configs is the original configs plus some random changes */
Mat expanded_configs = expanded + random_vec.mul( ranges );
return MatchConfig::fromMatrix( expanded_configs );
* From given list of configurations, convert them into affine matrices.
* But filter out all the rectangles that are out of the given boundaries.
vector<Mat> FAsTMatch::configsToAffine( vector<MatchConfig>& configs, vector<bool>& insiders ) {
int no_of_configs = static_cast<int>(configs.size());
vector<Mat> affines( no_of_configs );
/* The boundary, between -10 to image size + 10 */
Point2d top_left( -10., -10. );
Point2d bottom_right( image.cols + 10, image.rows + 10 );
/* These are for the calculations of affine transformed corners */
int r1x = 0.5 * ( templ.cols - 1),
r1y = 0.5 * ( templ.rows - 1),
r2x = 0.5 * ( image.cols - 1),
r2y = 0.5 * ( image.rows - 1);
Mat corners = (Mat_<float>(3, 4) <<
1-(r1x+1), templ.cols-(r1x+1), templ.cols-(r1x+1), 1-(r1x+1),
1-(r1y+1), 1-(r1y+1) , templ.rows-(r1y+1), templ.rows-(r1y+1),
1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 );
Mat transl = (Mat_<float>(4, 2) <<
r2x + 1, r2y + 1,
r2x + 1, r2y + 1,
r2x + 1, r2y + 1,
r2x + 1, r2y + 1 );
insiders.assign( no_of_configs, false );
/* Convert each configuration to corresponding affine transformation matrix */
tbb::parallel_for( 0, no_of_configs, 1, [&](int i) {
Mat affine = configs[i].getAffineMatrix();
/* Check if our affine transformed rectangle still fits within our boundary */
Mat affine_corners = (affine * corners).t();
affine_corners = affine_corners + transl;
if( WITHIN(<Point2f>(0), top_left, bottom_right) &&
WITHIN(<Point2f>(1), top_left, bottom_right) &&
WITHIN(<Point2f>(2), top_left, bottom_right) &&
WITHIN(<Point2f>(3), top_left, bottom_right) ) {
affines[i] = affine;
insiders[i] = true;
/* Filter out empty affine matrices (which initially don't fit within the preset boundary) */
/* It's done this way, so that I could parallelize the loop */
vector<Mat> result;
for( int i = 0; i < no_of_configs; i++ ) {
if( insiders[i] )
result.push_back( affines[i] );
return result;
* Evaluate the score of the given configurations
vector<double> FAsTMatch::evaluateConfigs( Mat& image, Mat& templ, vector<Mat>& affine_matrices,
Mat& xs, Mat& ys, bool photometric_invariance ) {
int r1x = 0.5 * (templ.cols - 1),
r1y = 0.5 * (templ.rows - 1),
r2x = 0.5 * (image.cols - 1),
r2y = 0.5 * (image.rows - 1);
int no_of_configs = static_cast<int>(affine_matrices.size());
int no_of_points = xs.cols;
/* Use a padded image, to avoid boundary checking */
Mat padded( image.rows * 3, image.cols, image.type(), Scalar(0.0) );
image.copyTo( Mat(padded, Rect(0, image.rows, image.cols, image.rows)) );
/* Create a lookup array for our template values based on the given random x and y points */
int * xs_ptr = xs.ptr<int>(0),
* ys_ptr = ys.ptr<int>(0);
vector<float> vals_i1( no_of_points );
for( int i = 0; i < no_of_points; i++ )
vals_i1[i] =<float>(ys_ptr[i] - 1, xs_ptr[i] - 1);
/* Recenter our indices */
Mat xs_centered = xs.clone() - (r1x + 1),
ys_centered = ys.clone() - (r1y + 1);
int * xs_ptr_cent = xs_centered.ptr<int>(0),
* ys_ptr_cent = ys_centered.ptr<int>(0);
vector<double> distances(no_of_configs, 0.0 );
/* Calculate the score for each configurations on each of our randomly sampled points */
tbb::parallel_for( 0, no_of_configs, 1, [&](int i) {
float a11 = affine_matrices[i].at<float>(0, 0),
a12 = affine_matrices[i].at<float>(0, 1),
a13 = affine_matrices[i].at<float>(0, 2),
a21 = affine_matrices[i].at<float>(1, 0),
a22 = affine_matrices[i].at<float>(1, 1),
a23 = affine_matrices[i].at<float>(1, 2);
double tmp_1 = (r2x + 1) + a13 + 0.5;
double tmp_2 = (r2y + 1) + a23 + 0.5 + 1 * image.rows;
double score = 0.0;
if(!photometric_invariance) {
for( int j = 0; j < no_of_points; j++ ) {
int target_x = int( a11 * xs_ptr_cent[j] + a12 * ys_ptr_cent[j] + tmp_1 ),
target_y = int( a21 * xs_ptr_cent[j] + a22 * ys_ptr_cent[j] + tmp_2 );
score += abs(vals_i1[j] -<float>(target_y - 1, target_x - 1) );
else {
vector<double> xs_target(no_of_points),
double sum_x = 0.0,
sum_y = 0.0,
sum_x_squared = 0.0,
sum_y_squared = 0.0;
for( int j = 0; j < no_of_points; j++ ) {
int target_x = int( a11 * xs_ptr_cent[j] + a12 * ys_ptr_cent[j] + tmp_1 ),
target_y = int( a21 * xs_ptr_cent[j] + a22 * ys_ptr_cent[j] + tmp_2 );
float xi = vals_i1[j],
yi =<float>(target_y - 1, target_x - 1);
xs_target[j] = xi;
ys_target[j] = yi;
sum_x += xi;
sum_y += yi;
sum_x_squared += (xi * xi);
sum_y_squared += (yi * yi);
double epsilon = 1e-7;
double mean_x = sum_x / no_of_points,
mean_y = sum_y / no_of_points,
sigma_x = sqrt((sum_x_squared - ( sum_x * sum_x ) / no_of_points ) / no_of_points) + epsilon,
sigma_y = sqrt((sum_y_squared - ( sum_y * sum_y ) / no_of_points ) / no_of_points) + epsilon;
double sigma_div = sigma_x / sigma_y;
double temp = -mean_x + sigma_div * mean_y;
for( int j = 0; j < no_of_points; j++ )
score += fabs( xs_target[j] - sigma_div * ys_target[j] + temp );
distances[i] = score / no_of_points;
return distances;
* Get threshold based on the given delta
* the hardcoded values are claimed to be experimentally drawn
float FAsTMatch::getThresholdPerDelta( float delta ) {
static const float p[2] = {0.1341, 0.0278};
static const float safety = 0.02;
return p[0] * delta + p[1] - safety;
* Given the previously calcuated distances for each configurations,
* filter out all distances that fall within a certain threshold
vector<MatchConfig> FAsTMatch::getGoodConfigsByDistance( vector<MatchConfig>& configs, float best_dist, float new_delta,
vector<double>& distances, float& thresh, bool& too_high_percentage )
thresh = best_dist + getThresholdPerDelta( new_delta );
/* Only those configs that have distances below the given threshold are */
/* categorized as good configurations */
vector<MatchConfig> good_configs;
for(int i = 0; i < distances.size(); i++ ) {
if( distances[i] <= thresh )
good_configs.push_back( configs[i] );
int no_of_configs = static_cast<int>(good_configs.size());
/* Well if there's still too many configurations */
/* keep shrinking the threshold */
while( no_of_configs > 27000 ) {
thresh *= 0.99;
for(int i = 0; i < distances.size(); i++ ) {
if( distances[i] <= thresh )
good_configs.push_back( configs[i] );
no_of_configs = static_cast<int>(good_configs.size());
assert( no_of_configs > 0 );
float percentage = 1.0 * no_of_configs / configs.size();
/* If it's above 97.8% it's too high percentage */
too_high_percentage = percentage > 0.022;
return good_configs;
* Preprocess image, by first converting it to grayscale
* then normalizing the value within 0.0 - 1.0 range
* and finally make sure that the dimensions are in odd values
Mat FAsTMatch::preprocessImage( Mat& image ) {
Mat temp = image.clone();
if( temp.channels() != 1 )
cvtColor( temp, temp, CV_BGR2GRAY );
if( temp.type() != CV_32FC1 )
temp.convertTo( temp, CV_32FC1, 1.0 / 255.0 );
return makeOdd( temp );
* If the image dimension is of odd value, leave it as is
* if it's even, then minus 1 from the dimension
Mat FAsTMatch::makeOdd(Mat& image) {
int rows = (image.rows % 2 == 0) ? image.rows - 1 : image.rows;
int cols = (image.cols % 2 == 0) ? image.cols - 1 : image.cols;
return Mat( image, Rect(0, 0, cols, rows)).clone();
* From the given affine matrix, calculate the four corners of the affine transformed
* rectangle
vector<Point2f> FAsTMatch::calcCorners( Size image_size, Size templ_size, Mat& affine ) {
float r1x = 0.5 * (templ_size.width - 1),
r1y = 0.5 * (templ_size.height - 1),
r2x = 0.5 * (image_size.width - 1),
r2y = 0.5 * (image_size.height - 1);
float a11 =<float>(0, 0),
a12 =<float>(0, 1),
a13 =<float>(0, 2),
a21 =<float>(1, 0),
a22 =<float>(1, 1),
a23 =<float>(1, 2);
float templ_w = templ_size.width,
templ_h = templ_size.height;
/* The four corners of affine transformed template */
double c1x = a11 * (1-(r1x+1)) + a12*(1-(r1y+1)) + (r2x+1) + a13;
double c1y = a21 * (1-(r1x+1)) + a22*(1-(r1y+1)) + (r2y+1) + a23;
double c2x = a11 * (templ_w-(r1x+1)) + a12*(1-(r1y+1)) + (r2x+1) + a13;
double c2y = a21 * (templ_w-(r1x+1)) + a22*(1-(r1y+1)) + (r2y+1) + a23;
double c3x = a11 * (templ_w-(r1x+1)) + a12*(templ_h-(r1y+1)) + (r2x+1) + a13;
double c3y = a21 * (templ_w-(r1x+1)) + a22*(templ_h-(r1y+1)) + (r2y+1) + a23;
double c4x = a11 * (1-(r1x+1)) + a12*(templ_h-(r1y+1)) + (r2x+1) + a13;
double c4y = a21 * (1-(r1x+1)) + a22*(templ_h-(r1y+1)) + (r2y+1) + a23;
return vector<Point2f> {
Point2f(c1x, c1y),
Point2f(c2x, c2y),
Point2f(c3x, c3y),
Point2f(c4x, c4y),
// FAsTMatch.h
// FAsT-Match
// Created by Saburo Okita on 23/05/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Saburo Okita. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __FAsT_Match__FAsTMatch__
#define __FAsT_Match__FAsTMatch__
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "MatchNet.h"
#include "MatchConfig.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
namespace fast_match {
class FAsTMatch{
void init( float epsilon = 0.15f, float delta = 0.25f, bool photometric_invariance = false,
float min_scale = 0.5f, float max_scale = 2.0f );
vector<Point2f> apply(Mat& image, Mat& templ);
Mat image, templ;
RNG rng;
float epsilon;
float delta;
bool photometricInvariance;
float minScale;
float maxScale;
Size halfTempl;
Size halfImage;
vector<MatchConfig> createListOfConfigs( MatchNet& net, Size templ_size, Size image_size );
vector<Mat> configsToAffine( vector<MatchConfig>& configs, vector<bool>& insiders );
vector<MatchConfig> getGoodConfigsByDistance( vector<MatchConfig>& configs, float best_dist, float new_delta,
vector<double>& distances, float& thresh, bool& too_high_percentage );
vector<MatchConfig> randomExpandConfigs( vector<MatchConfig>& configs, MatchNet& net,
int level, int no_of_points, float delta_factor );
float getThresholdPerDelta( float delta );
vector<double> evaluateConfigs( Mat& image, Mat& templ, vector<Mat>& affine_matrices,
Mat& xs, Mat& ys, bool photometric_invariance );
Mat preprocessImage(Mat& image);
Mat makeOdd(Mat& image);
vector<Point2f> calcCorners( Size image_size, Size templ_size, Mat& affine );
template<typename type>
ostream &operator <<( ostream& os, const std::pair<type, type> & vec ) {
os << "[";
os << vec.first << " " << vec.second;
os << "]";
return os;
template<typename type>
ostream &operator <<( ostream& os, const vector<type> & vec ) {
os << "[";
std::copy( vec.begin(), vec.end(), ostream_iterator<type>(os, ", ") );
os << "]";
return os;
#endif /* defined(__FAsT_Match__FAsTMatch__) */
// MatchConfig.cpp
// FAsT-Match
// Created by Saburo Okita on 02/06/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Saburo Okita. All rights reserved.
#include "MatchConfig.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <tbb/tbb.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
namespace fast_match {
* Default constructor
* Constructor
MatchConfig::MatchConfig( float trans_x, float trans_y, float rotate_2, float scale_x, float scale_y, float rotate_1 ) {
init( trans_x, trans_y, rotate_2, scale_x, scale_y, rotate_1 );
* Copy constructor
MatchConfig::MatchConfig( const MatchConfig& object ) {
init( object.translateX, object.translateY, object.rotate2, object.scaleX, object.scaleY, object.rotate1 );
* Initialize our configuration parameters
void MatchConfig::init( float trans_x, float trans_y, float rotate_2, float scale_x, float scale_y, float rotate_1 ) {
this->translateX = trans_x;
this->translateY = trans_y;
this->rotate2 = rotate_2;
this->scaleX = scale_x;
this->scaleY = scale_y;
this->rotate1 = rotate_1;
this->affine = asAffineMatrix();
vector<MatchConfig> MatchConfig::fromMatrix(Mat& configs) {
vector<MatchConfig> result( configs.rows );
tbb::parallel_for(0, configs.rows, 1, [&]( int i ){
float * ptr = configs.ptr<float>(i);
result[i].init( ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3], ptr[4], ptr[5] );
return result;
* Create an affine transformation matrix from the configurations
Mat MatchConfig::asMatrix() {
return (Mat_<float>(1, 6) << translateX, translateY, rotate2, scaleX, scaleY, rotate1 );
* Returns the affine matrix representation of the configuration
Mat MatchConfig::getAffineMatrix() {
return this->affine;
* Create an affine transformation matrix from the configurations
Mat MatchConfig::asAffineMatrix() {
/* [TODO] Should use lookup table or something in the future */
float cos_r1 = cosf( rotate1 ),
sin_r1 = sinf( rotate1 ),
cos_r2 = cosf( rotate2 ),
sin_r2 = sinf( rotate2 );
/* Create affine matrix based on the configuration */
float a11 = scaleX * cos_r1 * cos_r2 - scaleY * sin_r1 * sin_r2,
a12 = -scaleX * cos_r1 * sin_r2 - scaleY * cos_r2 * sin_r1,
a21 = scaleX * cos_r2 * sin_r1 + scaleY * cos_r1 * sin_r2,
a22 = scaleY * cos_r1 * cos_r2 - scaleX * sin_r1 * sin_r2;
return (Mat_<float>(2, 3) <<
a11, a12, translateX,
a21, a22, translateY );
* Stream operator overloading
ostream& operator<<( ostream& os, const MatchConfig& config ) {
os << "[" << config.translateX << ", " << config.translateY << ", "
<< config.rotate2 << ", " << config.scaleX << ", "
<< config.scaleY << ", " << config.rotate1 << "]";
return os;
// MatchConfig.h
// FAsT-Match
// Created by Saburo Okita on 02/06/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Saburo Okita. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __FAsT_Match__MatchConfig__
#define __FAsT_Match__MatchConfig__
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
namespace fast_match {
* Config class that describes the parameters used in creating affine transformations
class MatchConfig {
MatchConfig( const MatchConfig& object );
MatchConfig( float trans_x, float trans_y, float rotate_2, float scale_x, float scale_y, float rotate_1 );
void init( float trans_x, float trans_y, float rotate_2, float scale_x, float scale_y, float rotate_1 );
static std::vector<MatchConfig> fromMatrix( cv::Mat& configs);
cv::Mat asMatrix();
cv::Mat asAffineMatrix();
cv::Mat getAffineMatrix();
friend std::ostream &operator <<( std::ostream& os, const MatchConfig & conf );
float translateX;
float translateY;
float rotate2;
float rotate1;
float scaleX;
float scaleY;
cv::Mat affine;
#endif /* defined(__FAsT_Match__MatchConfig__) */
// MatchNet.cpp
// FAsT-Match
// Created by Saburo Okita on 02/06/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Saburo Okita. All rights reserved.
#include "MatchNet.h"
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
namespace fast_match {
MatchNet::MatchNet( const MatchNet& other ) {
this->boundsTransX = other.boundsTransX;
this->boundsTransY = other.boundsTransY;
this->boundsRotate = other.boundsRotate;
this->boundsScale = other.boundsScale;
this->stepsTransX = other.stepsTransX;
this->stepsTransY = other.stepsTransY;
this->stepsRotate = other.stepsRotate;
this->stepsScale = other.stepsScale;
MatchNet::MatchNet( int width, int height, float delta,
float min_tx, float max_tx, float min_ty, float max_ty,
float min_r, float max_r, float min_s, float max_s )
this->boundsTransX = { min_tx, max_tx };
this->boundsTransY = { min_ty, max_ty };
this->boundsRotate = { min_r, max_r };
this->boundsScale = { min_s, max_s };
this->stepsTransX = delta * width / sqrt(2.0f);
this->stepsTransY = delta * height / sqrt(2.0f);
this->stepsRotate = delta * sqrt( 2.0f );
this->stepsScale = delta / sqrt( 2.0f );
MatchNet MatchNet::operator*(const float& factor) const {
MatchNet result(*this);
result.stepsTransX *= factor;
result.stepsTransY *= factor;
result.stepsRotate *= factor;
result.stepsScale *= factor;
return result;
MatchNet MatchNet::operator/(const float& factor) const {
MatchNet result(*this);
result.stepsTransX /= factor;
result.stepsTransY /= factor;
result.stepsRotate /= factor;
result.stepsScale /= factor;
return result;
vector<float> MatchNet::getXTranslationSteps() {
vector<float> tx_steps;
for( float x = boundsTransX.first; x <= boundsTransX.second; x += stepsTransX )
tx_steps.push_back( x );
if( boundsTransX.second - tx_steps[tx_steps.size() - 1] > 0.5 * stepsTransX )
tx_steps.push_back( tx_steps[tx_steps.size() - 1] + stepsTransX );
return tx_steps;
vector<float> MatchNet::getYTranslationSteps() {
vector<float> ty_steps;
for( float y = boundsTransY.first; y <= boundsTransY.second; y += stepsTransY )
ty_steps.push_back( y );
if( boundsTransY.second - ty_steps[ty_steps.size() - 1] > 0.5 * stepsTransY )
ty_steps.push_back( ty_steps[ty_steps.size() - 1] + stepsTransY );
return ty_steps;
vector<float> MatchNet::getRotationSteps() {
vector<float> r_steps;
for( float r = boundsRotate.first; r <= boundsRotate.second; r += stepsRotate )
r_steps.push_back( r );
if( boundsRotate.second - r_steps[r_steps.size() - 1] > stepsRotate )
r_steps.push_back( r_steps[r_steps.size() - 1] + stepsRotate );
return r_steps;
vector<float> MatchNet::getScaleSteps() {
vector<float> s_steps;
for( float s = boundsScale.first; s <= boundsScale.second; s += stepsScale )
s_steps.push_back( s );
if( stepsScale == 0.0 )
s_steps = { boundsScale.first };
if( boundsScale.second - s_steps[s_steps.size() - 1] > 0.5 * stepsScale )
s_steps.push_back( s_steps[s_steps.size() - 1] + stepsScale );
return s_steps;
// MatchNet.h
// FAsT-Match
// Created by Saburo Okita on 02/06/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Saburo Okita. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __FAsT_Match__MatchNet__
#define __FAsT_Match__MatchNet__
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
namespace fast_match {
* A representation of the
class MatchNet {
MatchNet( int width, int height, float delta,
float min_tx, float max_tx, float min_ty, float max_ty,
float min_r, float max_r, float min_s, float max_s );
MatchNet( const MatchNet& other );
MatchNet operator*(const float& factor)const;
MatchNet operator/(const float& factor) const;
std::vector<float> getXTranslationSteps();
std::vector<float> getYTranslationSteps();
std::vector<float> getRotationSteps();
std::vector<float> getScaleSteps();
std::pair<float, float> boundsTransX;
std::pair<float, float> boundsTransY;
std::pair<float, float> boundsRotate;
std::pair<float, float> boundsScale;
float stepsTransX;
float stepsTransY;
float stepsRotate;
float stepsScale;
#endif /* defined(__FAsT_Match__MatchNet__) */
// main.cpp
// FAsT-Match
// Created by Saburo Okita on 22/05/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Saburo Okita. All rights reserved.
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include "FAsTMatch.h"
#include "MatchConfig.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
Mat image = imread( "/Users/saburookita/Personal Projects/FAsT-Match/image.png" );
Mat templ = imread( "/Users/saburookita/Personal Projects/FAsT-Match/template.png" );
fast_match::FAsTMatch fast_match;
fast_match.init( 0.15f, 0.85f, false, 0.5f, 2.0f );
vector<Point2f> corners = fast_match.apply( image, templ );
moveWindow("", 0, 0);
line( image, corners[0], corners[1], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
line( image, corners[1], corners[2], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
line( image, corners[2], corners[3], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
line( image, corners[3], corners[0], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
Mat appended( image.rows, 2 * image.cols, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 0) );
CvFont font = cvFontQt("Helvetica", 14.0, CV_RGB(0, 255, 0) );
addText( appended, "Template: ", Point( 50, 50 ), font );
templ.copyTo( Mat(appended, Rect((image.cols - templ.cols) / 2, (image.rows - templ.cols) / 2, templ.cols, templ.rows)) );
image.copyTo( Mat(appended, Rect( image.cols, 0, image.cols, image.rows)) );
imshow("", appended );
return 0;