架构层面拟从2个角度出发积累1)将日常qa碰到可测性及架构建议沉淀下来2)和架构师探讨sei atam架构评审方法
代码层面可测性可单独用testability explorer度量,也可使用hudson上testability explorer插件度量。
Google内部广泛使用的testability explorer静态分析java bytecode并按规则计算类的可测性分数,将类划分为优秀、可容忍、需要调整3个等级,默认分数分别为<=50,<=100; >100(见CommandLineConfig.java)。
Testability explorer逐行递归分析判断是否不可注入、全局变量,如果是则分值加1,直到递归深度达到Depth。本质上,testability explorer驱动研发养成符合依赖注入风格的编码习惯。Google内部也组合testability explorer等多个工具一起提升代码质量。
1) 加入到持续集成hudson/continuum内,成为进度度量指示器
2) 研发根据可测性判断是否需要重构
1) need work的类就直接让研发重构代码
2) 直接找bug
Caused by: D:\project\google_testability_explorer\eclipse-plugin\build.xml:13: Java returned: 1
at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Java.execute(Java.java:108)
at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:288))
取出源代码:svn checkout http://testability-explorer.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ testability-explorer
cd testability-explorer
执行安装部署:mvn install
在 C:\Documents and Settings\jianzhao.liangjz\.m2\repository\com\google\testability-explorer\maven-testability-plugin\1.3.4-SNAPSHOT有maven-testability-plugin-1.3.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
从D:\project\google_testability_explorer\maven-testability-plugin\src\main\java\com\google\maven\TestabilityExplorerMojo.java 找到目标testability。
D:\project\morgan\trunk\member.service.china> mvn clean install
D:\project\morgan\trunk\member.service.china>mvn com.google.testability-explorer:maven-testability-plugin:1.3.4-SNAPSHOT:testability
或者看: http://code.google.com/p/testability-explorer/wiki/HowToMakeARelease
Issues that cause the most untestable classes
Cost: 6,376
Classcom.alibaba.china.biz.dal.EncryptPtpis hard to test because:
It is expensive to construct an instance of the class, and every test will need to call a constructor.
These static initializers will need to be run once, when the class is loaded.Why is it bad?
On line 30, | static void generateCipher(String)is declared | contributing 20% of total class cost |
Instead of initializing this state statically, try initializing a fresh copy in each instance. Creating new objects in Java is cheap, and this static state can't be cleaned up between tests.
Cost: 6,254
Classcom.alibaba.china.biz.common.security.BlowfishEncrypteris hard to test because:
It is expensive to construct an instance of the class, and every test will need to call a constructor.
These static initializers will need to be run once, when the class is loaded.Why is it bad?
On line 29, | static BlowfishEncrypter()is declared | contributing 20% of total class cost |
Instead of initializing this state statically, try initializing a fresh copy in each instance. Creating new objects in Java is cheap, and this static state can't be cleaned up between tests.
Cost: 4,982
Classcom.alibaba.china.member.internal.security.Authenticationis hard to test because:
It is expensive to construct an instance of the class, and every test will need to call a constructor