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Apache Geode介绍(译)



Performance is key. Consistency is a must.

Providing low latency, high concurrency data management solutions since 2002.

Build high-speed, data-intensive applications that elastically meet performance requirements at any scale.
构建高速、数据密集型应用程序, 以弹性满足任何规模的性能要求。

Take advantage of Apache Geode’s unique technology that blends advanced techniques for data replication, partitioning and distributed processing.
构建高速、数据密集型应用程序, 以弹性满足任何规模的性能要求。利用 Apache Geode 独特的技术, 融合了数据复制、分区和分布式处理的高级技术。

Apache Geode provides a database-like consistency model, reliable transaction processing and a shared-nothing architecture to maintain very low latency performance with high concurrency processing.
Apache Geode 提供了类似数据库的一致性模型、可靠的事务处理和无共享体系结构, 以保持非常低的延迟性能和高并发处理。


  1. Replication and Partitioning 复制和分区
    Data can easily be partitioned (sharded) or replicated between nodes allowing performance to scale as needed. Durability is ensured through redundant in-memory copies and disk-based persistence.
    可以轻松地对数据进行分区 (共享), 也可以在节点之间复制数据, 从而使性能能够根据需要进行扩展。通过冗余内存中的副本和基于磁盘的持久性来确保耐用性。

  2. Persistence 持久
    Super fast write-ahead-logging (WAL) persistence with a shared-nothing architecture that is optimized for fast parallel recovery of nodes or an entire cluster.
    超快的写头日志记录 (wal) 持久性, 具有无共享体系结构, 针对节点或整个群集的快速并行恢复进行了优化。

  3. Performance 性能
    Linear-scaling low latency for transactions, reads, writes and query processing of indexed or unindexed data.

  4. In-Memory Storage 内存中存储
    Blazing fast in-memory storage optimized for large heaps, with the option of using off-heap storage, compression and features such as disk-overflow, eviction and expiration of data.
    针对大堆优化的快速内存存储, 可选择使用堆外存储、压缩和数据的磁盘溢出、回收和过期等功能。

  5. Functions 方法
    Distributed location-aware user functions can be deployed and executed by the same nodes storing relevant sharded data for fast parallel processing. Failed operations can be retried on replicant nodes.
    分布式位置感知用户方法可以由存储相关共享数据的同一节点进行提交和执行, 以便快速并行处理。可以在复制节点上重试失败的操作。

  6. Transactions 事务
    ACID distributed transactions support efficient and safe coordinated operations on colocated data. Transactions can be initiated or suspended by either a client or a server.
    ACID 分布式事务支持对共置数据进行高效、安全的协调操作。事务可以由客户端或服务器启动或挂起。

  7. OQL(Object Query Language ) and Indexes OQL和索引
    Object Query Language allows distributed query execution on hot and cold data, with SQL-like capabilities, including joins.
    OQL允许对热数据和冷数据执行分布式查询, 具有类似 sql 的功能, 包括联接。
    Multiple kinds of indexes can be defined and consistently maintained across the cluster.

  8. Events 事件
    Clients can be notified about server-side data events, and servers can react synchronously or asynchronously with guaranteed delivery of ordered events.
    服务器端数据事件可以通知客户端, 服务器可以通过保证有序事件的传递来同步或异步响应。

  9. Clustering 集群
    Highly scalable, robust advanced clustering technology with failure detection, dynamic scaling, and network-partition detection algorithms. Highly scalable, robust advanced clustering technology with failure detection, dynamic scaling, and network-partition detection algorithms.
    高度可扩展、强大的高级群集技术, 具有故障检测、动态缩放和网络分区检测算法。高度可扩展、强大的高级群集技术, 具有故障检测、动态缩放和网络分区检测算法。

  10. Multi-Cluster 多集群
    Geode clusters can be replicated over WAN in various topologies: active-active, active-passive, ring, hub-spoke, star, etc.
    Geode Cluster可以通过 WAN复制各种拓扑结构: 主动主动、主动-被动、ring、hub-spoke、star等。

  11. Continuous Query 持续查询
    Clients can stay up to date by registering OQL queries with the Geode servers, making event-driven applications possible.
    客户端可以通过在 Geode 服务器上注册 OQL查询来保持最新状态, 从而使事件驱动的应用程序成为可能。

  12. Clients 客户端
    Clients are available for Java. (C++, C# .NET and Node.js coming soon.) A REST API is available for all other languages.
    客户端可用于 java。(c++、c#. net 和 node. js 即将推出。rest api 适用于所有其他语言。

  13. Adapters 适配器
    Geode can be used as a drop-in replacement for Redis and memcached, allowing users of these caches to use Geode’s server-side features like multi-cluster replication.
    Geode 可用作 redis 和 memcached 的下拉式替换, 从而允许这些缓存的用户使用 geode 的服务器端功能 (如多群集复制)。

关于 Geode

Apache Geode is a data management platform that provides real-time, consistent access to data-intensive applications throughout widely distributed cloud architectures.
Apache Geode 是一个数据管理平台, 可在分布广泛的云架构中提供对数据密集型应用程序的实时、一致的访问。

Geode pools memory, CPU, network resources, and optionally local disk across multiple processes
to manage application objects and behavior. It uses dynamic replication and data partitioning
techniques to implement high availability, improved performance, scalability, and fault
tolerance. In addition to being a distributed data container, Apache Geode is an in-memory data
management system that provides reliable asynchronous event notifications and guaranteed message
Geode 将内存、cpu、网络资源和 (可选) 本地磁盘汇集在多个进程中, 以管理应用程序对象和行为。它使用动态复制和数据分区技术来实现高可用性、改进的性能、可伸缩性和容错能力。apache geode 除了是分布式数据容器外, 还是一个内存中的数据管理系统, 可提供可靠的异步事件通知和有保证的消息传递。

Apache Geode is a mature, robust technology originally developed by GemStone Systems.
Commercially available as GemFire™, it was first deployed in the financial sector as the transactional, low-latency data engine used
in Wall Street trading platforms.
Apache Geode 是一种成熟、稳健的技术, 最初由 gemstone 系统公司开发。它以 gemfire™的商业版本在商业上可用, 最初部署在金融领域, 作为华尔街交易平台中使用的交易性、低延迟数据引擎。

Today Apache Geode technology is used by hundreds of enterprise customers for high-scale business applications that must meet low latency and 24x7 availability requirements.
如今, Apache Geode 技术被数百家企业客户用于必须满足低延迟和全天候可用性要求的大规模业务应用程序。
