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Just an FYI to those who care. Joshua Flanagan has been goodly enough to help us move DasBlog's source from CVS to SVN up on SourceForge. To browse the project on the web, go to: http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.cgi/dasblogce/

仅供关心的人参考。 Joshua Flanagan足够出色地帮助我们在SourceForge上将DasBlog的源代码从CVS迁移到SVN。 要浏览网络上的项目,请访问: http : //svn.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.cgi/dasblogce/

Note: Most DasBlog enthusiasts chase the source code and are running the latest stuff by building it. However, for the rest of us, we do recognize the need for a 1.9 binary release and will get to it soon.

注意:大多数DasBlog爱好者都追求源代码,并通过构建源代码来运行最新的源代码。 但是,对于我们其余的人,我们确实认识到需要1.9二进制版本,并且很快就会发布。

However, if you DO want the code...here's Josh's excellent instructions:


Getting the Code


To retrieve and work with the code, you need a SubVersion client.


  • You can use the command-line client (not recommended) http://subversion.tigris.org/

    您可以使用命令行客户端(不建议使用) http://subversion.tigris.org/

  • Or you can use the TortoiseSVN Windows shell extension (rockin' sweet): http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/

    或者,您可以使用TortoiseSVN Windows Shell扩展(摇滚乐): http : //tortoisesvn.tigris.org/

    • In either case, you must enable the ASP.NET "hack". It simply requires you set an environment variable before working with SubVersion: set SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK=1.

      无论哪种情况,都必须启用ASP.NET“ hack”。 它只需要您在使用SubVersion之前设置一个环境变量:set SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK = 1。

      NOTE: The new TortoiseSVN will ask you this when you install it. Here's more 

      注意:新的TortoiseSVN在安装时会询问您。 还有更多

      information about the switch/hack.

      有关switch / hack的信息

The rest of these instructions assume the command-line client. The equivalent actions with TortoiseSVN should be obvious.

这些说明的其余部分假定使用命令行客户端。 TortoiseSVN的等效操作应该很明显。

The first thing you will notice is that the project root folder (dasblogce), has 3 subfolders: [branches] [tags] [trunk]

您会注意到的第一件事是项目根文件夹(dasblogce)有3个子文件夹: [分支] [标签] [树干]

These 3 folders are a common convention in Subversion repositories. You can read about them in the Subversion book http://svnbook.red-bean.com/. If you are new to Subversion, I highly recommend you read the first 3 chapters. If you are already familiar with Subversion and how to use these folders, you can skip down to the section labeled *DasBlog Specifics.

3个文件夹是Subversion存储库中的常见约定。 您可以在Subversion书http://svnbook.red-bean.com/中阅读有关它们的信息。 如果您不熟悉Subversion,我强烈建议您阅读前3章。 如果您已经熟悉Subversion以及如何使用这些文件夹,则可以跳到标有* DasBlog Specifics的部分。

For example, to checkout a working copy of the entire codebase, you would use the following command:


svn checkout https://svn.sourceforge.net:443/svnroot/dasblogce/trunk dasblogce

svn结帐https://svn.sourceforge.net:443/svnroot/dasblogce/trunk dasblogce

This will create a new folder on your filesystem named dasblogce which contains all of the data under the trunk folder. Nothing from branches or tags will be retrieved.The DasBlog trunk folder has the following layout: [docs] [lib] [source] [tools]

这将在文件系统上创建一个名为dasblogce的新文件夹,其中包含主干文件夹下的所有数据。 分支或标签中的任何内容都不会被检索。DasBlog干线文件夹具有以下布局: [docs] [lib] [source] [tools]

The source folder contains only the source code and automated unit tests created by the DasBlog development team. Under CVS, this folder held all files related to the project. The following sections will describe the new location for files that are not considered part of the DasBlog source code, but are still kept with the project.

源文件夹仅包含由DasBlog开发团队创建的源代码和自动单元测试。 在CVS下,此文件夹包含与项目相关的所有文件。 以下各节将描述文件的新位置,这些文件不被视为DasBlog源代码的一部分,但仍保留在项目中。

The docs folder contains all documentation and reference material (URL links). This includes the readme, license, and release notes.

docs文件夹包含所有文档和参考资料(URL链接)。 这包括自述文件,许可证和发行说明。

The lib folder contains all compiled 3rd party assemblies referenced by the source code projects.These files used to be in the source\Assemblies folder. The projects under the source folder have been updated to reference the files in the lib folder (which is why it is important to checkout the entire trunk, and not just the source subfolder, when working on code).

lib文件夹包含源代码项目引用的所有已编译的第三方程序集。这些文件以前位于source \ Assemblies文件夹中。 源文件夹下的项目已更新,可以引用lib文件夹中的文件(这就是为什么在处理代码时,检出整个主干而不是仅检查源子文件夹很重要)的原因。

The tools folder contains all of the executables needed to support the development and packaging of DasBlog (not including the .NET Framework itself). For example, the tools\nunit folder contains all of the nunit executables required to run the DasBlog unit tests. Note that the nunit.framework.dll referenced by the test projects is copied to the lib folder - source code should not reference files in the tools folder directly. Keeping the tools stored with the project helps ensure that all developers on the project always use the same version. (You will want to remove NUnit from your GAC to avoid overriding the project copies.) For more information about this strategy, check out Mike Robert's excellent article "How to setup a .NET Development Tree":

tools文件夹包含支持DasBlog的开发和打包(不包括.NET Framework本身)所需的所有可执行文件。 例如,tools \ nunit文件夹包含运行DasBlog单元测试所需的所有nunit可执行文件。 请注意,将测试项目引用的nunit.framework.dll复制到lib文件夹-源代码不应直接引用tools文件夹中的文件。 将工具与项目一起存储有助于确保项目上的所有开发人员始终使用相同版本。 (您可能希望从GAC中删除NUnit,以避免覆盖项目副本。)有关此策略的更多信息,请查看Mike Robert的精彩文章“如何设置.NET开发树”:

Kudos and big thanks to Josh for taking the initiative on this!


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/dasblog-moved-from-cvs-to-svn
