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树莓派安装AdGuard Home


AdGuard Home官网:https://adguard.com/zh_cn/adguard-home/overview.html



wget https://static.adguard.com/adguardhome/release/AdGuardHome_linux_armv7.tar.gz
tar xvf AdGuardHome_linux_armv7.tar.gz

It will unpack into a new directory called AdGuardHome.

All you have to do is simply type this command to the Terminal:

cd AdGuardHome
sudo ./AdGuardHome -s install

Here are the other commands you might need to control the service.

  • AdGuardHome -s uninstall - uninstalls the AdGuard Home service.
  • AdGuardHome -s start - starts the service.
  • AdGuardHome -s stop - stops the service.
  • AdGuardHome -s restart - restarts the service.
  • AdGuardHome -s status - shows the current service status.

Visit the web interface

Once it's up and running, you can access your AdGuard Home web interface on port 3000 by typing this in your browser —

Don't forget to substitute with IP of your Pi.

Verify DNS filtering

You can verify that it's working properly by running this on your Pi:

host doubleclick.net

If everything works correctly, you will get this output:

Using domain server:

Host doubleclick.net not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Configure your devices to use your AdGuard Home

Now, once we've established that AdGuard Home works on our Raspberry Pi, you can use it on other computers in your network by changing their system DNS settings to use Pi's IP address (which is in our case).

(Optionally) password-protect web interface

You have an option to password-protect your AdGuard Home's web interface so only you can access it.

To do so, stop it first:

sudo ./AdGuardHome -s stop

Then edit the configuration file:

sudo nano /home/pi/AdGuardHome/AdGuardHome.yaml

Find lines containing auth_name: "" and auth_pass: "" and replace them with username and password:

auth_name: "your-secret-name"
auth_pass: "your-secret-password"

Substitute name and password with your own, of course.

After you're done editing, save the file and start your AdGuard Home again:

sudo ./AdGuardHome -s start

After that, visiting web interface in a browser will ask for username and password.



root@mv100:~# lscpu 
Architecture:          armv7l
Byte Order:            Little Endian
CPU(s):                4
On-line CPU(s) list:   0-3
