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the answer of 4clojure 1-100


1.Nothing but the Truth    true

2.Simple Math    4

3.Intro to Strings    “HELLO WORLD"

4.Intro to Lists     :a :b :c

5.Lists conj      '(1 2 3 4)

6.Intro to Vectors    :a :b :c

7.Vectors conj     [1 2 3 4]

8.Intro to Sets   #{:a :b :c :d} 

9.Sets conj    2

10.Intro to Maps   20

11.Maps conj   {:b 2}

12.Intro to Sequences   3

13.Sequences rest     [20 30 40]

14.Intro to Functions   8

15.Double Down    

好几个方法呢   看help里面一次为例子  (partial * 2)

  • (fn double [x] (* 2 x))
  • (fn [x] (* 2 x))
  • #(* 2 %)
  • (partial * 2)

    16.Hello World    (#(str "Hello, " % "!") 

    17.Sequences map   '(6 7 8)

    18.Sequences filter   '(6 7)

    19.Last Element  #(first(reverse %))

    20.Penultimate Element   #(first(rest(reverse %)))

    21.Nth Element     #(first (drop %2 %1))

    22.Count a Sequence    

    one for example:
    #(loop [result 0 c %]
        (if(empty? c) result
        (recur (inc result) (rest c))))
    others' excellent anser
    #(reduce (fn [x y] (inc x)) 0 %)

    23.Reverse a Sequence    #(into () %)
    24.Sum It All Up      #(apply + %)
    25.Find the odd numbers    #(filter odd? %)
    26.Fibonacci Sequence   #(take % (map first(iterate (fn [[x y]] [y (+ x y)]) [ 1 1])))  or   #(take % (map last(iterate (fn [[x y]] [y (+ x y)]) [ 0 1])))
    27.Palindrome Detector   
    #(= (seq %) (reverse %))
    ;;(seq "abc") result in (\a \b \c)
    ;; reverse will not evaluated as string ether.

    28.Flatten a Sequence 
    #(filter (complement sequential?) (tree-seq sequential? identity %))
    ;; complement
    ;; tree-seq

    29.Get the Caps  #(apply str (re-seq #"[A-Z]" %))
    re-seq 寻找序列中包含的#“。。。”    %是序列     任意序列     (re-seq #"[A-Z]" %)得到的是单个的序列    str转换为str类型   apply将单词组合起来
    30.Compress a Sequence   
    one for example
    (fn [input]
      (loop [i input res []]
        (if (empty? i)
          (if (= (last res) (first i))
            (recur (rest i) res)
            (recur (rest i) (conj res (first i))))
      another answer for example
      ;; use partition-by
      #(map first (partition-by identity %))  其中partition-by是将序列相同的为一组,关键字identity,
     (partition-by identity "Leeeeeerrroyyy")

    ((\L) (\e \e \e \e \e \e) (\r \r \r) (\o) (\y \y \y))

    31.Pack a Sequence
     #(partition-by identity %)
    (partition-by identity [1 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 3])
    ((1 1 1) (2 2) (3 3) (1 1) (2) (3))

    32.Duplicate a Sequence    #(interleave % %)
    32.Pack a Sequence   
    【1】#(apply concat (map (fn [input](repeat %2 input)) %1))
    【2】#(mapcat (fn [input](repeat %2 input)) %1)

    34. Implement range     #(take  (- %2 %1) (iterate inc %))  (- %2 %1)是个数   (iterate inc %)是从%这个数值开始递增

    35.Local bindings     7
    36.Let it Be      [x 7,y 3 ,z 1]
    37.Regular Expressions      "ABC"
    38.Maximum value   
    39.Interleave Two Seqs       mapcat vector
    40.Interpose a Seq        #(-> (interleave %2 (repeat %1)) drop-last vec)
    41Drop Every Nth Item 
     (fn [vec n]
      (mapcat #(take (dec n) %) (partition-all n vec))

    42.Factorial Fun     #(reduce * (range 1 (inc %)))  阶乘
    43. Reverse Interleave    
    (fn rev-int [v n]
      (apply map vector (partition n v)))
    44. Rotate Sequence
     (fn rotate [n v]
      (->> (concat v v)
        (drop (mod n (count v)))
        (take (count v))
    n为个数,v为verctor,   concat连接两个集合,drop去掉前(mod n (count v))个元素,take取前(take (count v)个元素
    eg.(= (__ -2 [1 2 3 4 5]) '(4 5 1 2 3))
    (concat v v)[1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ],(count v )为5,(mod -2 5)为3,(drop 3 )为[4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ],(take 5)为[4 5 1 2 3 ]
    45.Intro to Iterate   '(1 4 7 10 13)
    46. Flipping out
    #(fn [a b] (% b a))
    47.Contain Yourself
    48.Intro to some
    49.Split a sequence
           (vec (take %1 %2)) 
           (vec (drop %1 %2)))
    50. Split by Type
    (fn split-by-type [v]
      (for [[key value] (group-by class v)]

    51.Advanced Destructuring
    [1 2 3 4 5]
    54. Partition a Sequence
    (fn my-partition [n v]
      (if (>= (count v) n)
        (cons (take n v) (my-partition n (drop n v)))))

    55. Count Occurrences
    #(into {}
      (map (fn [[k v]] [k (count v)]) (group-by identity %)))

    56. Find Distinct Items
    reduce (fn [s e]
      (if (some #(= % e) s)
        (conj s e)))
    58. Function Composition
    (fn comb [& funcs]
      (fn [& args]
          (reduce #(vector (apply %2 %1)) args (reverse funcs )))))
    59. Juxtaposition
    (fn my-juxt [& funcs]
      (fn [& args]
        (map #(apply % args) funcs )))
    60. Sequence Reductions
    (fn my-reduce
      ([op input] (my-reduce op (first input) (rest input)))
      ([op result input]
        (if (empty? input) (list result)
          (cons result
                (my-reduce op
                     (op result (first input))
                     (rest input)))))))

    61.Map Construction
    #(into {} (map vector %1 %2))
    62.Re-implement Iterate
    (fn it [f x]
      (lazy-seq (cons x (it f (f x)))))
    63.Group a Sequence
    (fn grp-seq [func vals]
      (into {}
            (map #(vector (func (first % )) (vec %))
                 (partition-by func (sort vals)))))
    64.Intro to Reduce
    65. Black Box Testing
    #({{} :map #{} :set} (empty %) (if (reversible? %) :vector :list)) 
    66.Greatest Common Divisor
    (fn [a b]
      (let [get-divisor (fn [n] (into #{}
                                  (filter #(zero? (rem n %))
                                          (range 1 (inc n)))
            a-divisor (get-divisor a)
            b-divisor (get-divisor b)
            commom-divisor (clojure.set/intersection a-divisor b-divisor)]
        (apply max commom-divisor)))
    67. Prime Numbers
    (fn [n]
      (take n(filter 
    (fn is-prime [n]
        #(zero? (mod n %))
        (range 2 n))))
    (range 2 1000))))
    68.Recurring Theme
    '(7 6 5 4 3)
    69. Merge with a Function
    (fn [f & args]
      (reduce (fn[map1 map2]
                (reduce (fn [m [k v]]
                          (if-let [vv (m k)]
                            (assoc m k (f vv v))
                            (assoc m k v)))
                        map1 map2))

    70. Word Sorting
    #(sort-by (fn [v](.toLowerCase v))  (re-seq #"\w+" %))
    71.Rearranging Code
    72.Rearranging Code-->>
    reduce +
    74. Filter Perfect Squares
    (fn perf-square [s]
      (let [nums (map #(Integer/valueOf %)  (clojure.string/split s #","))
            all-perf-sq  (set (map #(* % %) (range 100)))
            sq-nums (filter all-perf-sq nums)]
    (apply str (interpose "," sq-nums))))
    76. Intro to Trampoline
    [1 3 5 7 9 11]
    77.Anagram Finder
    (fn [v]
      (into #{}
        (map set
          (filter #(> (count %) 1)
            (map val (group-by sort v))))))
    78. Reimplement Trampoline
      [f & args]
      (loop [res (apply f args)]
        (if (fn? res)
          (recur (res))
    80. Perfect Numbers
    (fn is-perf-num [n]
      (= n
         (apply + (filter #(zero? (mod n %)) (range 1 n)))))
    81.Set Intersection
    (fn doset [sa sb]
      (set (filter #(sa %) sb))
    83.A Half-Truth
        (some true? %&)
        (some false? %&)))
    86. Happy Numbers
    (letfn [(num->digits [num]
              (loop [n num res []]
                (if (zero? n)
                  (recur (long (/ n 10)) (cons (mod n 10) res)))))
            (change [n]
              (apply + (map #(* % %) (num->digits n))))]
      (fn [init]
        (loop [curr init results #{}]
          (println curr " - " results)
           (= 1 curr) true
           (results curr) false
           :else (let [new-n (change curr)]
                   (println curr new-n)
                   (recur new-n (into results [curr])))
    88.Symmetric Difference
    (fn set-diff [sa sb]
          (filter (complement sb) sa)
          (filter (complement sa) sb))))
    90.Cartesian Product
    (fn [a b]
      (set (for [x a y b]
             [x y])))
     95.To Tree, or not to Tree
    (fn istree? [root]
      (or (nil? root)
          (and (sequential? root)
               (= 3 (count root))
               (every? istree? (rest root)))))
    96. Beauty is Symmetry
    (fn symmetry [[root left right]]
      (let [mirror? (fn mirror? [a b]
                        (not= (sequential? a) (sequential? b)) false
                        (sequential? a) (let [[ra La Ra] a
                                              [rb Lb Rb] b]
                                          (and (= ra rb) (mirror? La Rb) (mirror? Lb Ra)))
                        :else (= a b)))]
      (mirror? left right)))
    97.Pascal's Triangle
    (fn pascal-tri [n]
      (condp = n
        1 [1]
        (let [last (pascal-tri (dec n))
              last-a (concat [0] last)
              last-b (concat last [0])
          (vec(map + last-a last-b)))))
    99.Product Digits
    ;; the math way
    (fn [a b]
      (drop-while zero? 
          (map #(mod (int(/ (* a b) %)) 10)
               (take 10 (iterate #(* 10 %) 1))))))
    ;; the trick way
    (fn [a b]
      (map #(Integer/parseInt (str %))  (str (* a b))))

    100. Least Common Multiple.clj
    (fn [& args]
      (letfn [(gcd [x y]
                (let [a (max x y)
                      b (min x y)
                      m (mod a b)]
                  (if (zero? m)
                    (recur b m))))
              (lcm [a b]
                (/ (* a b) (gcd a b)))]
        (reduce lcm args)