ee.List.sequence(start, end, step, count)
Generate a sequence of numbers from start to end (inclusive) in increments of step, or in count equally-spaced increments. If end is not specified it is computed from start + step * count, so at least one of end or count must be specified.
以 step 为增量或以 count 等距增量生成从开始到结束(包括)的数字序列。如果未指定结束,则从开始 + 步长 * 计数开始计算,因此必须至少指定结束或计数之一。
start (Number)
end (Number, default: null)
step (Number, default: 1)
count (Integer, default: null)
Concatenates pixels from each band into a single array per pixel. The result will be masked if any input bands are masked.