呃,标题比较唬人,呵呵,其实这是我刚写的一个长的像Memcached的另外一个缓存服务,叫做 tmcache,基本兼容Memcached的协议(有些可能支持不太好),刚发布,不太稳定,稍后我会写篇详细介绍的文章。
全称:tmcache - TieMa(Tiny&Mini) Memory Cache Server (Daemon)
tmcache is a very small memory cache server, It run from daemon. It is similar to memcachd, and fully compatible with the memcached communication protocol can be easily carried from the memcached to tmcache transplant. tmcache is based on the thread to run, the faster the speed.
tmcache including
* Based memory data storage
* Compatible memcached communication protocol
* Few operation interface, The use of simple
* Support custom port,max_clients,memory use control
Unix/Linux下安装:make; make install (需要libpthread支持)