在 Lua\TeX{} 中正常地使用中文。获得自动的\textbf{字体选择},标点“压缩”,以及正确的断行处理等特性。
\setmainfont{MS PGothic}
%% preamble: static and dynamic part
% static part of the preamble (stuff that does not change every now and then)
% the \endofdump part 'saves' everything above into one precompiled preamble, which gets loaded every time the LaTeX document is processed. This saves a lot of time mostly.
% NOTE: uncomment the following line if you want to create the precompiled preamble format file!
% dynamic part of the preamble (stuff that might change)
% \includeonly{} would be an example of a dynamic part in your preamble
% if you're using the minitoc package, also put it in the dynamic part as this package does not comply with mylatexformat
This is the file without precompiled preamble
% dynamic part of the preamble (stuff that might change)
% \includeonly{} would be an example of a dynamic part in your preamble
% if you're using the minitoc package, also put it in the dynamic part as this package does not comply with mylatexformat
This is the file with precompiled preamble
pdftex -ini -jobname=”mydoc” “&pdflatex” mylatexformat.ltx mydoc-noformat.tex
pdflatex mydoc-format.tex